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    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    At least you have the OTA function in the US.

    In Korea, we don't have that enabled.  Porsche Korea is so lazy, we still don't even have the Porsche app enabled to access the charging information.  I am blind as to how much juice is left in the car after a few days of driving other cars.  

    It's been five months since delivery.

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    At least you have the OTA function in the US.

    In Korea, we don't have that enabled.  Porsche Korea is so lazy, we still don't even have the Porsche app enabled to access the charging information.  I am blind as to how much juice is left in the car after a few days of driving other cars.  

    It's been five months since delivery.

    I'll speculate that the problem has to do with the selection of and cooperation with a mobile data (LTE) carrier in your country.



    918 Spyder + Taycan Turbo + Tesla Roadster 1.5 & Model S P100D AP2 + BMWs (Z8 + 3.0 CSi) + Bentley Arnage T

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    At least you have the OTA function in the US.

    In Korea, we don't have that enabled.  Porsche Korea is so lazy, we still don't even have the Porsche app enabled to access the charging information.  I am blind as to how much juice is left in the car after a few days of driving other cars.  

    It's been five months since delivery.

    I'll speculate that the problem has to do with the selection of and cooperation with a mobile data (LTE) carrier in your country.

    I doubt that.  There are only three to choose from.

    Tesla, on the other hand, had this worked through before the launch and worked seamlessly from day 1.  

    The pitfall of legacy automobile maker trying to copy Silicon Valley?

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    Tesla does not support Apple car play or android auto. In addition just about every option is included in every car. Other than color, wheels or number of motors there are some interior trim colors. No tech difference other then amps and speakers.  All the hardware is there for any future functionality and software is used to simply enable the functions you paid for or to enhance existing hardware - like Track mode.  For example - even the base model 3 has rear seat heaters installed and to everyone’s surprise they offered base model owners an option to turn them on for a small charge. 
    The objective is to build everything around OTA and security and make that the foundation rather than adding OTA to a bunch of legacy hardware and software that was not designed for it from the start. 
    The unique part is that they offer constant free upgrades and features to existing cars some of which are now 10+ years old. Other makers tend to use the up rates to encourage you to buy the new model while leaving you disappointed in your current model. Not good for resale to say the least but good for the dealers (how much of a cut would a dealer want to turn on the rear seat heaters?  I wonder why OTA and dealers conflict?)

    This change is good and in the long term I think we can all agree if the tech in our car can be upgraded and enhanced seamlessly - for free - we all win. 

    Of course until all makers who are Union can do this we will see silly complaints like the one from the NTHA against Tesla for modifying their autopilot to deal with certain traffic and emergency situations. Seems they think any improvement deems the previous version a safety defect and this means the upgrade is a safety recall etc - rinse and repeat. We have a government who beats up Tesla all day long because they are not Union. Media of course plays along. When consumers  blindly eat it up and go along it makes me sad for progress.  End of rant - I thought they wanted to fight climate change not the money in our banks. 

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    At least you have the OTA function in the US.

    In Korea, we don't have that enabled.  Porsche Korea is so lazy, we still don't even have the Porsche app enabled to access the charging information.  I am blind as to how much juice is left in the car after a few days of driving other cars.  

    It's been five months since delivery.

    I'll speculate that the problem has to do with the selection of and cooperation with a mobile data (LTE) carrier in your country.

    I doubt that.  There are only three to choose from.

    Tesla, on the other hand, had this worked through before the launch and worked seamlessly from day 1.  

    The pitfall of legacy automobile maker trying to copy Silicon Valley?


    It's true. You local cellular providers haven't reach an agreement with Porsche yet. They have yet to agree on a fee and terms.

    When the 918 was first announced, they haven't reach an agreement with any of our providers, so their remote monitoring stuff only available for the USA and RoW market. When I ordered the car I don't see the onboard communication module listed as standard for Canadian car. I had communicated with Porsche about building my car WITH the module even when the service isn't available. They told me the module will be standard across all the cars and will be listed on the spec sheet once they have an agreement with the service providers. Fast forward to when my car arrives, the Porsche app appears on the App Store and the dealership tech can activate the modem for communication. 

    Not pitfall, more like Tesla NEEDS the mobile communication so will pay whatever and agree to whatever demanded by cellular providers, Porsche and other car makers are wiser with their money and negotiations. There is a reason why, backing out government subsidies, a certain car makers have yet to make a profit after almost 19 years. 




    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    My car has its own lte connection. If I would prefer to not pay the $10 per month I can use my cell connection as a hotspot.  There is local cell provider to worry about for consumers. 
    The Tesla system is built to eventually use Star Link , of course. 
    ‘Car makers are wiser with their negotiating- priceless’. Which is why they going bankrupt vs how is Tesla doing?  Reality needs to be taken into account now and then. 

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    My car has its own lte connection. If I would prefer to not pay the $10 per month I can use my cell connection as a hotspot.  There is local cell provider to worry about for consumers. 
    The Tesla system is built to eventually use Star Link , of course. 
    ‘Car makers are wiser with their negotiating- priceless’. Which is why they going bankrupt vs how is Tesla doing?  Reality needs to be taken into account now and then. 


    That's the point dude.

    All connected cars have their own modem built in. They have their own separate connection outside of your bluetooth. It doesn't tether to your phone. One reason why we can remote monitor our cars, be it Ford, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Teslas. 

    Also another reason why car makers are providing hotspots with their cars, but needed you to purchase data plans with them. Monetize their components. 

    Somehow I do not think your Model 3 has the Starlink receiver built in, not even an OTA update can change that, will need a physical component update. 

    Back out all the government subsidies and carbon credits, Tesla's car business still doesn't make a single dime yet, their company reports don't lie. You ever read through the whole thing even once?





    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    The stock makes my head spin. I don’t ever look at the financials. Do you look at the other car makers financial data and their stock performance?  
    My comments have only been related to my very positive ownership experience and some complaints to boot.  It is a spectacular car to drive and cheap to use. And since it is cheap and just a fridge with wheels it flies under the radar nicely.
     Some of the FUD reminds me of the attacks on the Orange man.  Car politics. Maybe look for fault everywhere and blow it out of proportion. Who does it serve when we do this?  Car companies who sell us non competitive options?  Unions?  
    Personal attacks on inanimate objects to make up for shortcomings have now entered all forms of business. Not surprising. Why jump on to the bandwagon rather than sit back and make the competitors actually compete?
    The profit from cars part will be fine as they have plenty of demand and lots of capacity being built. That seems to be in order and they are still innovating. 
    Last I checked companies are run to return value to stockholders - who are not complaining.  Not much. Back to reality. Do building all those factories impact profits in the short run?  Maybe. 

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    There are no personal attacks, at least not from me. 

    Point out the obvious and stating facts for a company, a publicly traded company no less, isn't personal attack, unless of course you think every negative comment about Tesla is an attack on you personally. Which just means you taking stuff too personally. Don't even think Elon feels that way and Tesla is his baby. That is very different than people fabricating stuff to frame the orange man. No one is fabricating stuff on Tesla, it's just reporting on what's actually happening.

    No one is doubting your report of your happy and trouble free ownership, but it's just one owner's perspective, one of millions. There are plenty other Tesla customers that are as happy as you are, but that does not equal to 100%. There are also plenty of Tesla customers who aren't happy with their car's fit and finish or service or whatever, so your one person's point of view does not represent the whole view. 

    I don't blindly trash Tesla, when I trash them it's warranted, just like I don't blindly praise Porsche or anyone else. Remember not long ago I posted facts about Tesla haven't not enough service support and their production quality? And you just blindly argue for argument sake simply because your own car is perfect? See the other Tesla thread, I didn't posted the video, Topspeed did, a major Tesla fan just took delivery of a Plaid and it has dented bumper, poor assembly quality and long wait for service appointment, pretty much everything I posted about which you tried your hardest to argue against for no reason other than just to argue. 






    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    Sorry Nick - you miss understood or I was unclear. You did not engage in any personal attack at all. I am just seeing this tendency in others (Narrative) toward Tesla. 
    Not arguing at all in all cases just letting you know, as you point out, that I am not watching the financial stuff closely and that it is just my personal ownership experience. So total agreement and far from being argumentative. 
    Sorry to hear about the poor experience your friend had with his plaid delivery.  I don’t sweat the cosmetic stuff since it is just an appliance to me. 
    In the end we are just observing and the market and all that good stuff - fair or not - will decide for us. It is great entertainment and we should be enjoying the spectacular tech coming our way. 

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    All good buddy. wink

    Not my friend, but some dude Tesla fan on Youtube.




    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    It's true. You local cellular providers haven't reach an agreement with Porsche yet. They have yet to agree on a fee and terms.

    Not pitfall, more like Tesla NEEDS the mobile communication so will pay whatever and agree to whatever demanded by cellular providers, Porsche and other car makers are wiser with their money and negotiations. 

    If this is true, this is even more annoying.  

    It is a frustrating EV experience to not have the app access to a BEV, just for Porsche to save some bucks on the cellular negotiations for a $250k car.  

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    It's true. You local cellular providers haven't reach an agreement with Porsche yet. They have yet to agree on a fee and terms.

    Not pitfall, more like Tesla NEEDS the mobile communication so will pay whatever and agree to whatever demanded by cellular providers, Porsche and other car makers are wiser with their money and negotiations. 

    If this is true, this is even more annoying.  

    It is a frustrating EV experience to not have the app access to a BEV, just for Porsche to save some bucks on the cellular negotiations for a $250k car.  

    It may not be Porsche but cellular provider that is being recalcitrant in the negotiations. 

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review



    The purpose of life is to enjoy the moment.

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    Hmm squared. I could hardly disagree more given my experience. 
    For zero dollars I plugged my car into my 240 volt 30 amp dryer outlet off my garage.  
    I eventually bought a home charger for $500 to charge at 50 amps but not necessary to be honest.  Once installed it adds value to your home much like any improvement would. 
    when I charge at home it cost me 1.25 cents per mile. Period. 99% of the time this is how I charge. No dead head miles. Zero time at a gas pump. No time waiting for charging. 300 miles of range available every morning. 
    so let’s pretend gas is $3 per gallon, lol, and you car gets 60 miles to the gallon.  That is 5 cents per mile. 3-4 times as expensive and the ride will be slow. No 3 seconds to 60, sorry, and you are not saving any money on gas. 
    Anyway, it is a fabulous example of half truth and outright BS.  It is interesting that car politics can cause even the most left leaning global warming freaks to turn against EVs.  That should tell you much about the true nature of green politics and the truth behind it along with how easy it is to trick people.  They don’t want to clean the world, they just want control and more taxes  

    I totally agree supercharging costs more than home charging. Going to find one and then waiting to find one totally sucks but for me this is very rare.  The article makes it sound like this is what you do 100% of the time not 1% of the time.  Another reason though why you should simply not buy an EV if you don’t have a good place to charge it while it is just sitting around. 
    Missing from the article are maintenance costs and other factors which also add to ice costs as well. 
    Rarely do I see so much FUD in one article.  Seriously  - they took the worst case scenario and tried to pretend this is how people with EVs use their cars.  

    You are all welcome!  No need to thank me  


    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review




    Yes, finally someone speak the truth about  EVs vs normal cars. Now if only someone speak out about the myth of 'emission free'. 

    I have been saying for a long time that infrastructure is the key to EV adoption, the article agrees and so does your President. 

    EV car sales only in 2030? 2035? The world won't be ready for that. Infrastructure are at least 20 years behind right now. If governments around the world start getting serious on upgrading infrastructures, the world could be ready for 100% EV by the year 2050.




    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    Guess I’d like to hear what percentage of EV buyers cannot charge easily at “home”. What about apartment/condo/tight city street dwellers?  People with no personal garages? People that commute in daily heavy traffic situations? Or vacation trips?  Seems like all of these categories may be more than 1%?

    I’m really seeking information here, not being argumentative.  




    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    Guess I’d like to hear what percentage of EV buyers cannot charge easily at “home”. What about apartment/condo/tight city street dwellers?  People with no personal garages? People that commute in daily heavy traffic situations? Or vacation trips?  Seems like all of these categories may be more than 1%?

    I’m really seeking information here, not being argumentative.  





    Right now these people aren't in a hurry to get a EV. An EV is not a necessity just yet. They can afford to wait till the infrastructure to catch up first. Some of them can and do already made the switch as they have easy access to public chargers. 

    Here I live the infrastructure is ok. I have a friend who lives in a single dwelling house, he didn't even bother to install his own home charger, yet he owns both a Model 3 and a e-Golf. he gets his e-Golf charge up at work every day. 

    But honestly the question is really down to where one lives. Some cities are really good with infrastructure investment and are well equipped to handle EVs, others aren't and will be more heavily replying on people charging at home. 

    Vacation trips are doable even in EVs. they have a EV trip planner that if you tell the website what car you have, they will find and plan the route for you, telling you which road to take, stop where to charge up and for how long. You can't just run out the door for road trips but it can be done without spending too much time beforehand. 

    The heavy traffic commute people are well suited to switching to EVs. They stuck in traffic all day so with a EV they aren't idling wasting gas. 

    Leawood probably will chip in later saying what problem? He charges at home 100% of the time and have no need for public charging, infrastructure isn't an issue for him. But that's just his own usage case. 

    I can charge at home, and I don't do long road trips in my EVs, both of mine can cover a round trip to my other place so infrastructure aren't a concern to me either. The only time I plug in at a public charger is to take advantage of great parking locations. EV charger parking are even more convenient than Handicap parking here.





    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    Well, when I drive the Taycan Turbo S, cost is around 1,20 EUR per liter at my "consumption" if I would charge the car at home. Currently, I pay 1,95 EUR for a liter Aral Ultimate (102 octane). I still prefer my Lambo or my Trackhawk since both have (at the same drving style/speeds) a range of around 380 kph, while the Taycan Turbo S has a range of 200 best. Charging is an hour, over 9 hours at home. Ridiculous. No EV for me, sorry.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Lamborghini Huracan Performante (2019), Mercedes GLC63 S AMG (2020), Mercedes C63 S AMG Cab (2019), Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk (2019 EU)

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    Don’t buy an EV if you can’t charge at home. If you can then you will do that 99% of the time and the cost will be a fraction of gas and you will never wait for any charging. It is that simple. The article is total FUD and obviously an EV hit piece. Saying our President agrees when it is pretty clear Joe’s head nods when someone pull a little string is a riot.  Sorry Whoopsy.  Our government has proven it doe not care about a green planet only unions and high gas prices along with free stuff for future vote at our children’s expense. 
    I chimed in. My work here is done for now. Hope you enjoyed it. 

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    A telling sign, Hertz just ordered a 100,000 Tesla’s. 


    The purpose of life is to enjoy the moment.

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    Don’t buy an EV if you can’t charge at home. If you can then you will do that 99% of the time and the cost will be a fraction of gas and you will never wait for any charging. It is that simple. The article is total FUD and obviously an EV hit piece. Saying our President agrees when it is pretty clear Joe’s head nods when someone pull a little string is a riot.  Sorry Whoopsy.  Our government has proven it doe not care about a green planet only unions and high gas prices along with free stuff for future vote at our children’s expense. 
    I chimed in. My work here is done for now. Hope you enjoyed it. 

    The range is my main issue here. 200 km or less are ridiculous.

    I could live with 350 km or so but this would require me to adapt my driving style and I won't. 

    I mean, c'mon: One weekend drive to the mountains is 150 km and this means I have to charge the car for an hour (at least, depending on available chargers along my route) to be able to get back home. A joke.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Lamborghini Huracan Performante (2019), Mercedes GLC63 S AMG (2020), Mercedes C63 S AMG Cab (2019), Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk (2019 EU)

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    A telling sign, Hertz just ordered a 100,000 Tesla’s. 

    Well, maybe they enjoyed bankruptcy?! Smiley Smiley

    Just kidding... Hertz ordered 100000 model 3 Standard Range Plus.

    This is not a car you would give tourists or families to rent.

    I think Hertz is trying a different business model with these cars, we'll see.



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Lamborghini Huracan Performante (2019), Mercedes GLC63 S AMG (2020), Mercedes C63 S AMG Cab (2019), Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk (2019 EU)


    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    A telling sign, Hertz just ordered a 100,000 Tesla’s. 

    That decision was made by Hertz’s interim CEO, Mark Field, the twice failed president/CEO of Ford.  I have little idea why Billy Clay Ford thought Field was CEO grade material.  With that in mind, this reeks more of publicity stunt than anything substantial at Hertz.  

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    CGX car nut:

    A telling sign, Hertz just ordered a 100,000 Tesla’s. 

    That decision was made by Hertz’s interim CEO, Mark Field, the twice failed president/CEO of Ford.  I have little idea why Billy Clay Ford thought Field was CEO grade material.  With that in mind, this reeks more of publicity stunt than anything substantial at Hertz.  

    People are buying the.m to use for Touro and other private car rental places. They earn tons to money for the owners. People just want to rent them and will pay premium dollars. 

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review


    Don’t buy an EV if you can’t charge at home. If you can then you will do that 99% of the time and the cost will be a fraction of gas and you will never wait for any charging. It is that simple. The article is total FUD and obviously an EV hit piece. Saying our President agrees when it is pretty clear Joe’s head nods when someone pull a little string is a riot.  Sorry Whoopsy.  Our government has proven it doe not care about a green planet only unions and high gas prices along with free stuff for future vote at our children’s expense. 
    I chimed in. My work here is done for now. Hope you enjoyed it. 

    The range is my main issue here. 200 km or less are ridiculous.

    I could live with 350 km or so but this would require me to adapt my driving style and I won't. 

    I mean, c'mon: One weekend drive to the mountains is 150 km and this means I have to charge the car for an hour (at least, depending on available chargers along my route) to be able to get back home. A joke.

    Each morning I have 300 miles at my disposal. I guess you are thinking autobahn flat out all the way.  928EA7EF-AD88-46ED-96DB-68FD0F36FDBC.jpegHere is my consumption at 80 mph back from Austin. A little less than 4 miles per kWh with AC blasting and navigate on autopilot running in mad max mode.  
    This awesome Performate passed a few minutes ago - I would trade you place for road trips but for an around town car nothing can touch it. Sadly I can’t speak for European electricity cost.  

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    CGX car nut:

    A telling sign, Hertz just ordered a 100,000 Tesla’s. 

    That decision was made by Hertz’s interim CEO, Mark Field, the twice failed president/CEO of Ford.  I have little idea why Billy Clay Ford thought Field was CEO grade material.  With that in mind, this reeks more of publicity stunt than anything substantial at Hertz.  

    People are buying the.m to use for Touro and other private car rental places. They earn tons to money for the owners. People just want to rent them and will pay premium dollars. 

    This is not responsive towards a large car rental organization contracting to purchase 100,000 Teslas over the next few months   One off rentals are something different from a demand and economics standpoint   


    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    It was not meant to be a direct response but rather a related point in terms of people at hertz realizing that people go out of their way to sign up for these little rentals sites because it’s the only way to rent a Tesla. Maybe they saw Joe Smith make 1000’s per week renting out his private Tesla and saw the big picture. Hello.  Did I put the pieces together for you to see better?  

    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    I am with whoopsy and rc. Ev is sh-t. Dot. 


    Re: Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Short Review

    I am (maybe) driving around 20-40% Autobahn, everything else is city/downtown and country roads. 


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Lamborghini Huracan Performante (2019), Mercedes GLC63 S AMG (2020), Mercedes C63 S AMG Cab (2019), Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk (2019 EU)



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