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    OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    This happened some months ago but until today I have not wanted to talk about it, I didn't feel like re-living it but today I actually feel like talking about it and getting it off my chest.

    My wife and I were walking back home from the cinema one evening. We didn't go the usual way through Canary Wharf which is a longer route but more pedestrianised and safer. We instead walked along a major A road (A13 Aspen Way) where hundreds of cars hurtle past but very few people on foot. It was broad daylight but I should have known better.

    As we walked along the pavement, 3 youths on bicycles rode past us on the pavement. As they went past, one of them threw some food wrappers back at my wife and I. I was shocked and angry that complete strangers would do this to us. We hadn't done anything to provoke anyone.

    Nonetheless I said and did nothing thinking it simply wasn't worth it but then they stopped and turned around. One black kid (around 14 years old) with 2 white kids (around 12-13 years old) each. They gave me a nasty look and they could see I wasn't happy that they had thrown their rubbish in the direction of my wife and I. Without me saying or doing anything, the black ringleader said to me "What?". By this time, my wife and I had reached where they had stopped in the pavement in front of us. Against my better judgment I stated "You shouldn't throw your rubbish at people". With hindsight, I realise that that was all they needed to start. The ringleader said "Why? What are you gonna do about it?....Nothing, that's what you're gonna do. Nothing. 'Cos you're scared."

    I said nothing and did nothing. The pavement however was narrow so my wife and I couldn't walk past them. Anyway, I thought it was less safe to have them behind us. So we waited for them to move on so we could at least keep them in sight. But they didn't move.

    The ringleader repeated what he had said. They stood side by side and moved towards us. They each took the seats off their bicycles and immediately they were brandishing them like hammers. Sensing a physical threat, I told him to leave us alone or I would defend ourselves by beating the crap out of them. I told him they had picked the wrong person if they thought I was not going to do anything about it. They moved forward so I punched one kid on the chin. He fell to the ground against a fence. The black kid took a swing at me with his bike seat. I avoided it and punched him in the face. They got up, looked at each other and cycled off ahead.

    My wife and I were shaken. She had been freaking out and screaming.

    We waited a while before walking on. The kids were lying in wait up ahead behind a wall near the drive-through McDonalds. One of them saw us and tried to surprise us by hurling a brick at us. He missed from only 5 metres away but the brick went into the road and hit the front spoiler of a car which drove over it.

    The youths saw what happened and cycled off scared at getting caught.

    The driver of the car stopped and got out angry at them. Fortunately, there was no damage to his car.

    My wife and I walked into the McDonalds and told the manager what had happened. He kindly got us some water and sat us down asking if we wanted to call the police. I thought that there was no point so I let it pass.

    In the days and weeks that followed, I found myself feeling rage at what had happened. I noticed I would sometimes go through the conversation again in my mind trying to make sense of it and whether I would or should have done anything differently.

    It was a small event but I still felt shaken by it. Things like this make me feel there's no hope for the future if it's in the hands of thugs like that.

    Sorry - I just haven't been able to talk about this before but now I just needed to talk about it.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    There was nothing more you could do easy_rider ... you tried to avoid direct contact and when all else failed you had to stand up and so you did.
    It's sad though ... we are living in a society where violence seems to be getting more and more 'normalized'.

    I'm sure you will slowly get passed it and stop thinking about it. Good luck to you and your wife easy_rider!

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    First of all my greetings to all the members of this forum. I've been reading it for a couple of days and it has been very helpful specially when dealing with my silly PCM Module and its supposed MP3 playing capacities on my 997 C4S.

    Easy Rider, I think you did just right !!

    No other chance when being attacked by teens armed with bike seats. If I were you my reaction would have been similar and also my feelings afterwards.

    Spanish cities are not as safe as they used to be and, unfortunately sometimes it is just not possible to deal with this sort of people. No matter who wins the fight, the feelings afterwards are (at least in my case) nothing but sadness and unbelief.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Sorry to hear this. I can tell it obviously has affected you. These people are scum. It's so sad that so many kids these days are growing up with an attitude. They think they are untouchable because the law can't very often do anything because of their age. It's wrong and it's getting worse.

    I think you need to forget it and move on now though. These incidents thankfully are still relatively rare.

    Just wish I was some sort of martial arts expert and if anyone started on me for no reason like that you could just beat the crap out of them. Trouble is it's then you who ends up in court.

    So many kids these days have zero respect for other people or their property and because nothing is done to punish them when they are young they progress to much more seriuos crimes.

    I am thankful you and your wife are OK, if that brick had hit you or your wife on the head, or caused the car to crash then it may have been a totally different and tragic ending. That's what the kids don't realise - the potential conseqeunces of their stupid actions.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Rami said:
    There was nothing more you could do easy_rider ... you tried to avoid direct contact and when all else failed you had to stand up and so you did.
    It's sad though ... we are living in a society where violence seems to be getting more and more 'normalized'.

    I'm sure you will slowly get passed it and stop thinking about it. Good luck to you and your wife easy_rider!

    Couldn't have said it better Rami.

    I'm very glad that you and your wife didn't get injured Easy, you were right to stand up for yourself, it's a crazy world
    I wish you and your family ALL THE BEST !!

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    I am sorry to hear of this episode easy_rider.

    But to be honest its bound to happen (especally if you live in the UK).

    I dont think that there is a "right" or "wrong" way to handle that situation - it all depends on the actual situation itself. These boys were clearly looking for a response from you - I dont think they would have thrown rubbish at you if you were surrounded by your friends who were over 6ft tall!

    At the end of the day this unfortunate incident happened, ;let it go as thinking about it makes you feel worse and consider yourself very lucky - it could have been much much worse.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Easy Rider,
    I can imagine you 're still shaky about it!
    Even though the consequences were very minor, I think I would "relive" it too, had it happened to me. From what you tell, I think your reaction was good: ignore untill you're forced to defend. And then defend rightly... stupid kids.
    Hope you'll soon forget about this whole incident. Take care!

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    What's crazy about your story is their age. It was just a bunch of kids. I mean 14y old???

    Such violence form such young people is unbelieveble. What makes them think there gonna beat the crap out of an adult? They act like gangs, only there just kids.

    WHat's more, you could actually get stabbed by some 14y old that should be home doing his homework. As fas as I'm concerned, I blame it on the parents. They should be held responsible for letting their kids out on the street without any control on them. Basic education has gone down the toilet these days. Firsts the schools gave up, now it's the parents too. (if they ever gave a damn about their kids) So instead of kids who can't read properly, now you have kids acting like criminals because parents don't do their jobs of parenting.

    I can't even start to understand why, as a parents, you would let your kids do what they want. I mean, if you love them, if you care and if you want them to do well in life, why would you just give up?

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    You did the right thing. Often times we are told by bleeding hearts to just let it go, but you shouldn't. You not only have the right to defend yourself, you have a DUTY to defend your wife. Believe it or not, that kid might think twice before commiting another act of aggression. This is not unlike what we see in the news today with Iran. The country is rich with energy resources yet they are building a nuclear reactor. Why, to intimidate its' neighbohrs into many concessions because "You're scared and there's nothing you're going to do about it!"

    Sleep well at night knowing you did the right thing by your family.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Easy, I share your sentiments about this ugly incident.
    Once you're exposed to such a personal threat it keeps your brain and heart busy for a while and sometimes it's difficult to express your feelings - even to friends or to your family.

    I experienced a very similar situation with my wife joining me for a walk in Rio de Janeiro (I was familiar with the place - not a typical danger zone). The kids (also some 12-15 years old) fortunately started to run away (even letting drop the money they took away from us) when I started to shout at them, so we have been lucky to walk away without any loss or injury.
    In Berlin we had to relocate (!) after being advised to so by the intelligence service unit of the Police ("Staatsschutz") - What happened ?: some left radical terrorists send us letters claiming they would kill us if we won't leave our flat. These idiots had the idea of "cleaning Berlin" from people they saw as "capitalists" from West Germany spoiling the city after the Berlin Wall came down. The threat was serious as some neighbours receiving the same kind of letter already experienced losses (blown up cars/vandalized flats) and injuries through attacks (happily nobody was killed). Even the tax authority allowed me to deduct all relocation expenses from my taxable income (if that's happening in Germany, it tells you something...).

    Couple of years later some professional car thefts got access to our hotel room in Southern France at night via the balcony (while we had been sleeping) used some anaesthetic drug to make us sleep "even better" and stole our Merc. Weirdest thing was that the Police officer recording the crime next morning told us: it happened to me in my own flat also already!

    Bottom line: it can happen to you everywhere in the world (sad, but true) even if you're a cautious person.
    The worst thing is that you afterwards have the feeling to have become a victim of crime and that you could have done absolutely nothing to avoid the situation.

    I'm sure you have reacted in the right manner in the situation, but there is no such thing as a general recipe how to react, because it depends so much on the specific circumstances (do the criminals have a weapon ? do they understand your language ? are they drunken or stoned ? etc.).

    I wish you a peaceful weekend

    @JFG: welcome aboard Watch out for the more funny threads!

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Bad luck Easy, unfortunately this sort of thing does happen all over the UK, even leafy Surrey.

    Sounds like you handled it well, though I'd of let the police know, you never know it might help in some way.

    As they say on Crime Watch don't have nightmares about it though!

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    You did what you had to do, and those kids (sore jaws and all) are better-off stood-up to, rather than being emboldened by your walking away. Obviously, these types of thugs aren't terribly brave or tough-minded. But when you walk the other way, they continue their game of intimidation, but they'll "ramp-up" the level with each new victim, until somebody gets hurt badly.

    What you did protected your wife (you were very cool and collected, I can't imagine how badly I'd lose my composure if my wife were threatened), didn't really injure the boys, but gave them enough sting to think twice before they try to gang up on their next victim. That doesn't mean they'll change tomorrow, it just means you planted at least one seed in each of them that regardless of their numbers, they still run the risk of getting their little butts handed to them. Hopefully they don't get their hands on more deadly weapons...

    Our business branch in N. Carolina was recently victimized by a couple "gang members", part of this MS-13 scourge that's spreading across the U.S.. Two of their members, in broad daylight, entered the employee parking area, broke windows in every vehicle, and stole the contents. One employee had an expensive pistol in his glove box, stolen...

    Well, two of our employees up there drove around the area, spotted the culprits, ran them down on foot, and after a spirited little scuffle (the pair of gangsters were heavily outmatched), they hauled their little fannies back to our facility, where the police were called, the boys arrested, and ALL of the stolen goods were recovered.

    They were only 14-years-old...

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Thanks very much guys for all your kind words. It's taken me a good 4-5 months to get over it. I don't walk that way any more. I just don't feel safe there.

    Two of the three youths were wearing hoods. We call them 'hoodies' in the UK. Nowadays, shopping centres even ban hooded youths from entering because of the mindless trouble they cause.

    You know, what troubles me too is that in the time this happened, a few hundred cars went past and no one, not one single car stopped to help us.

    Thank goodness my wife and I were completely unhurt. You're right - it could have ended a whole lot worse.

    Yes - what were they thinking - I'm 6'3" tall and well built. They were tall youths but not as powerful as me. Of course I was going to defend myself and my wife. She's slim and not very strong. She needed me to protect her. Nobody else was going to. Afterwards, she questioned whether I was right to stand up to them by saying "What if they had a knife?". I told her that the risk that they might have a knife didn't mean that I would just let them do what they wanted to us. I felt a duty to protect her and me.

    Actually the problem of so-called 'petty' crime (which in my case has taken months to get over) is especially acute where I live. I live and work in Canary Wharf which is a very affluent private development of offices, luxury apartments and glitzy shops in the middle of an area of extreme poverty and deprivation in the East End of London. Most of the major investment banks (Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, HSBC, Barcap, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Barclays) and some law firms (Clifford Chance, Skadden, Allen & Overy) have moved to Canary Wharf. There are also lots of professional people living in modern and expensive apartment buildings there. However, in the council estates that surround Canary Wharf there are violent gangs there. There is widespread drug dealing (not the mild stuff, we're talking crack, heroin and cocaine here) and prostitution on those estates where the white gangs (especially Millwall in the Isle of Dogs) fight the Bengali gangs made up of the descendants of immigrants from Bangladesh.

    These two worlds of immense affluence (the E14 postcode has the highest net disposable income in the whole of Europe) and crime-ridden poverty sit side by side and collide from time to time. There are regular incidents of hooded youths mugging professional people entering their apartment buildings. Car crime is rife. My car stays in a secure underground car park with CCTV and a team of 24 hour security guards. Even pedestrian access is only by key fob.

    My wife and I are now just much more careful. She doesn't walk anywhere near the A13 alone. It is so sad that we have to limit our lifestyle (somewhat) to avoid these thugs.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Easy- as others have stated, you did what you had to do; any reasonable person would have been forced to take similar action.

    Consider getting for your wife a small cannister of pepper spray or mace to carry in her purse...sad that we have to worry about such contingencies, but just in case. All the best.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    That sucks! Glad to hear you and your wife were not physically harmed. You handled yourself with great dignity and poise. Under the same circumstances, I don't know that I would have been as rational.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Easy, way to go! If I were you, I'd probably break their legs (and consequently my bank account), but you exercised excellent self-control!
    The pepper spray idea is good, although IMO a Tazer would be the ideal defense, if they're allowed.
    What's most frightening is, you'd probably face a bigger penalty if you hurt them in self-defense than if they injured you and your wife and got caught.
    I'm glad you are feeling better now and I hope you never find yourself in such a situation again. Best of luck to you !

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    I was also attacked by 4 thugs in the streets on Edinburgh, Scotland in July 2004. I would have never expected this in Scotland. Fortunately, I got away with only a bruised noggin and was able to deflect or avoid the heavier punches. I was hit from behind by one of the men, while the main instigator charged towards me. I ran across to the other side of the street and a police van drove by. I flagged them down and 2 of the 4 were apprehended. I chose not to press charges, as I would be leaving the country in 2 days. Still makes me mad. I did nothing to provoke the fight.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Whirlinturbin said:
    I was also attacked by 4 thugs in the streets on Edinburgh, Scotland in July 2004. I would have never expected this in Scotland. Fortunately, I got away with only a bruised noggin and was able to deflect or avoid the heavier punches. I was hit from behind by one of the men, while the main instigator charged towards me. I ran across to the other side of the street and a police van drove by. I flagged them down and 2 of the 4 were apprehended. I chose not to press charges, as I would be leaving the country in 2 days. Still makes me mad. I did nothing to provoke the fight.

    You should've. You'd be doing the Police a favor.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Unfortunate random incidents can happen anywhere/anytime to anyone....

    However, I suspect risk of those incidents is higher in gentrifying areas like CanaryWharf, rather than more est'd affluent corridors like WestEnd....

    No surprise why hedge funds/private equity shops tend to congregate in more est'd affluent corridors, rather than gentrifying areas that offer cut-rate, bulk deals for the large inv banks (and note that 99% of the senior guys at inv banks prob live on WestEnd and are driven to office, so their exposure to "gentrification" issues is limited )....CanaryWharf is similar to NYC's WallSt/WorldFinCtr....60% of NYC's hedge funds and pvt equity shops sit in Midtown and have zero interest in being "way down" in Manhattan's nasty underbelly...and rather are starting to creep further up ParkAve into the be within 10-20 blks of where most of the seriously affluent live/enjoy dining...and the other 39% of NYC's hedge funds are 40 mis north of Manhattan, in leafy Greenwich, near the homes of the hedge fund titans who choose to live in affluent 'burbs rather than Manhattan's Fifth/Park Aves....

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Sorry that happened to you. But you did what you had to. No choice in the matter it's your duty as a husband to protect your family period. Not trying to sound macho or anything but I started Martial Arts training in 2001. Within a year I was fighting competitively. By next summer I'll test for my Black Belt in mixed martial arts (MMA). It's way too complicated a theory to explain here but with the right training/school can help you get out of situations like this without having to hurt somebody. I'm sure everyone has heard stories of someone punching someone else in the face in defense and the person winds up falling and hitting their head critically injuring the person and worse. You have to be so careful nowadays. Even if something like this where never to happen to you again it's the single most healthy thing you can do for your body & mind. But unfortunately that's the world we live in and it's so important imo to be prepared for anything especially now that I have a wife and 2 children to protect. Good luck, very happy no one got seriously hurt.
    You should be proud of yourself.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Wow, you handled it like a champ. The only thing is that if they had guns it could have all gone terribly wrong. Learn from the incident and avoid walking in unsafe spots again.

    As far as the kids there concerned phsychologically there is peer pressure going on that would not come into play if they were alone. Kids will act and do very strange things when they think that they need to impress their friends. In extreme cases they will even kill for the ultimate in one up manship. These kids probably come from broken homes or similar.

    If you feel the need to do something maybe volunteer to assist youth. That way you are taking this bad energy and hopefully turning it into good. It's better than just running the whole thing through your mind a million times and not getting anywhere.

    Good luck with it.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Thanks for your welcome Porsche-Jeck.

    Easy_rider911, just be careful and try to forget it. Your reaction was perfect and the same applyes to your feelings. The real shame is on those stupid teenagers with no future at all.

    6 3", just like me and still feel comfortable inside of the 997 :-)

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    A couple of questions.

    What would you do differently (if anything) if you faced a similar situation?

    Four months post incident, what do you REALLY want to do about this? Clearly it is affecting you and you need closure.

    I would wager that the people in McDonalds know these thugs and they can be identified. But the risk you run is continuing the nightmare and possible retalitory action from the parents.

    Let us hope you taught these punks a lesson and will deter them from doing the same thing to others. To me that would be enough for my closure.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    nberry said:
    A couple of questions.

    What would you do differently (if anything) if you faced a similar situation?

    Four months post incident, what do you REALLY want to do about this? Clearly it is affecting you and you need closure.

    I would wager that the people in McDonalds know these thugs and they can be identified. But the risk you run is continuing the nightmare and possible retalitory action from the parents.

    Let us hope you taught these punks a lesson and will deter them from doing the same thing to others. To me that would be enough for my closure.

    Retaliatory action from parents? Would they rather see their kids lying broken on the ground, because a 6'3" leviathan, whom they idiotically attacked, broke all their limbs in self defense? They should be held accountable, as they are the ones responsible.
    I also second STRADALE's suggestion about taking MMA. A good Muay Thai/Kickboxing base will give you an edge over most street thugs you'll encounter, as will ground fighting, should you find yourself in a tight spot.
    Like they say: "Hope for the best, train for the worst".

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    I'm very sorry to hear about this Easy, I hope you and your wife can put it behind you in time.

    My company handles waste disposal and cleaning contracts in the very areas you describe, much of the I.O.D and all of Poplar. We clear out crack houses, scenes of crimes, underground car parks, all the estates, just about everywhere these scumbags hang out. Incidents like yours are a constant threat.
    I applaud your stand, it's difficult to see what other action you could have taken, and as bizarre as it sounds you may heve been lucky. Many of these little thugs now regularly use blades and don't seem to care who they hurt.

    We always try to be at least 4 handed when working in these areas but even that doesn't stop some of them, especially if they are high on gear. There have been way too many incidents to go into but the in the most recent a kid who couldn't have been more than 16 attacked us weilding a knife, 5 fully grown men, he had absolutely no fear and there is no option in this situation but to fight fire with fire.

    The deprivation in some of these areas is terrible and some of the crime seems almost inevitable but the lack of fear and respect shown by the very young in todays society is truly frightening.

    Good luck mate.

    br d

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Sorry to hear dude...

    We all have to do what we have to do in situations... especially the ones that require action... I'm glad you came out without a scratch.

    Growing up in rough hoods we all learned to carry something that we can use fom protection like belt buckles to a roll of coins but to me the best self defense tactic is to evade and escape... and when backed into a corner... prepare to take licks but ensure that the hits you dish out counts!

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Crash said:
    nberry said:
    A couple of questions.

    What would you do differently (if anything) if you faced a similar situation?

    Four months post incident, what do you REALLY want to do about this? Clearly it is affecting you and you need closure.

    I would wager that the people in McDonalds know these thugs and they can be identified. But the risk you run is continuing the nightmare and possible retalitory action from the parents.

    Let us hope you taught these punks a lesson and will deter them from doing the same thing to others. To me that would be enough for my closure.

    Retaliatory action from parents? Would they rather see their kids lying broken on the ground, because a 6'3" leviathan, whom they idiotically attacked, broke all their limbs in self defense? They should be held accountable, as they are the ones responsible.
    I also second STRADALE's suggestion about taking MMA. A good Muay Thai/Kickboxing base will give you an edge over most street thugs you'll encounter, as will ground fighting, should you find yourself in a tight spot.
    Like they say: "Hope for the best, train for the worst".

    Crash, think this through and not react emotionally. If your son told you this big man hit him because his friend accidentally allowed a food wrapper to strike the big man's wife what would you do?

    Parents tend to beleive their children when they are injured by an "outsider".

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    Methinks you did good.

    So glad neither of you were injured. Once bitten... etc. and prevention being the best cure, please make sure you don't put yourselves in this potential situation again.

    At my places of business, in late-night entertainment venues, we often see the worst side of the younger generation. We never let them in but my security staff do a heck of a job keeping them out.

    Whilst I agree with previous comments regarding lack of discipline in schools and parental control, I feel that the main contributing factor is the diminishing police presence on our streets, particularly in city centres and major trouble spots. There now appears to be very little deterrent for preventing incidents like yours.

    That said, the offenders are still in a minority - most of my customers just want a good night out without any trouble. Unfortunately the sort of scum you've had to deal with will always be loose on the street and should be dealt with by the authorities before having a chance to engage in this sort of outrage.

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight


    It sounds as if you did the very best you could under the circumstances. I'm glad it all worked out- I know that doesn't necessarily take away from the very negative feelings you have. Hopefully that'll pass over time.

    I used to work at a juvenile lockup for several years( now with adults) so I definitely know how aggressive and very unpredictable juveniles can be( of course adults can be too).

    At times, I seem to be a magnet for punks to start something with me- likely because of my size: a little over 6'6", 255 lbs.I'm definitely not a bully or do I push my weight around, unless to defend myself or others.One example:years ago, two college wrestlers tried to jump me, simply because their female friend, who was driving, honked the horn at me as I was walking innocently by. After I kicked the dog crap out of them, they went and got reinforcements.When the cops finally arrived, they wanted to arrest me because it looked like the perps were the victims- even though I had witnesses.

    The main thing is to avoid possible trouble spots if possible ( and pack- kidding! ), and expect the worst- sad but true!

    Re: OT: I was attacked in the street in broad daylight

    I'm sad to hear what happened, but I'm glad to hear you managed to avoid more serious consequences. You handled the situation very well.

    To our American friends, the British police and justice are infamous for punishing victims acting in self-defense. This might sound outrageous, but Easy Rider 911 might well have been arrested if the hoodies had run to the police.



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    123 items found, displaying 1 to 30.