Methinks you did good.

So glad neither of you were injured. Once bitten... etc. and prevention being the best cure, please make sure you don't put yourselves in this potential situation again.

At my places of business, in late-night entertainment venues, we often see the worst side of the younger generation. We never let them in but my security staff do a heck of a job keeping them out.

Whilst I agree with previous comments regarding lack of discipline in schools and parental control, I feel that the main contributing factor is the diminishing police presence on our streets, particularly in city centres and major trouble spots. There now appears to be very little deterrent for preventing incidents like yours.

That said, the offenders are still in a minority - most of my customers just want a good night out without any trouble. Unfortunately the sort of scum you've had to deal with will always be loose on the street and should be dealt with by the authorities before having a chance to engage in this sort of outrage.