
Forum - Fil de discussion

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    Regarding the ISIS comparison: Never heard of Tesla owners throwing gays from buildings, Kreso. Do you have a link? 


    997.2 4S / BMW X5 40e / Donkervoort GT 

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Tesla are nice car with a nice novelty idea.

    Are they the best? Absolutely not, unless one only talk about EVs currently on the market. They are head and shoulder the Volt and Leaf that's for sure. As for fit and finish, they are still a bit off industry standard, I believe the e-Golf has better fit and finishing.

    Once Mission E is launched, there will be a proper luxury EV to compare Tesla against, and if Tesla doesn't improve drastically it will get left behind. Porsche's fit and finish will blow the Tesla out of the water, and the charging advantage of the 800V system cannot be ignored. 

    As of right now, and in the near future, pure EV is just a niche product, it serves one or two specific group of people perfectly, but it's not for everyone. Just like a sports car only serve a niche group of customers also, same for big sedans, and SUVs, and wagons. 

    Can EV go mainstream? Absolutely, when the charging speed and infrastructure matches the connivence of gas stations.

    Not counting the niche people, the general public is better served by hybrids right now, the green aspect of EV with the connivence of gas cars. No range anxiety. 

    Basically this Smiley

    Lately you are saving me a lot of typing Nick Smiley



    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    Kreso, this is a Tesla thread , normal one discusses Tesla here ...... or as it is the tradition on RT , we should discuss all but the topic of the thread Smiley  .   You do not have to read this . It was like with politics . Just stay with what is ok for you .

    I am no Tesla fanboy, but I can see what the hype is about and that the car suits very well certain group of people . I would not buy one yet . Interior quality is not equal to it's price range . Dynamics are not at  par with same segment Germans cars , but it has also things that are very interesting .  I drove X 100D for two days . Accelaration many time from 50 to 120 km . It did not change the range . Maybe the car you drove had a problem ? Or the smaller battery power  gets more drained ? Or maybe it si only when you do accelerations to speed ranges ( 200 km ) that in normal life no one does expect on some German highways ? 



     964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS 


    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    Carlos from Spain:

    Tesla are nice car with a nice novelty idea.

    Are they the best? Absolutely not, unless one only talk about EVs currently on the market. They are head and shoulder the Volt and Leaf that's for sure. As for fit and finish, they are still a bit off industry standard, I believe the e-Golf has better fit and finishing.

    Once Mission E is launched, there will be a proper luxury EV to compare Tesla against, and if Tesla doesn't improve drastically it will get left behind. Porsche's fit and finish will blow the Tesla out of the water, and the charging advantage of the 800V system cannot be ignored. 

    As of right now, and in the near future, pure EV is just a niche product, it serves one or two specific group of people perfectly, but it's not for everyone. Just like a sports car only serve a niche group of customers also, same for big sedans, and SUVs, and wagons. 

    Can EV go mainstream? Absolutely, when the charging speed and infrastructure matches the connivence of gas stations.

    Not counting the niche people, the general public is better served by hybrids right now, the green aspect of EV with the connivence of gas cars. No range anxiety. 

    Basically this Smiley

    Lately you are saving me a lot of typing Nick Smiley



    After over a decade here, I think I can read your mind Smiley




    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Kreso, this is a Tesla thread , normal one discusses Tesla here ...... or as it is the tradition on RT , we should discuss all but the topic of the thread Smiley  .   You do not have to read this . It was like with politics . Just stay with what is ok for you .

    I am no Tesla fanboy, but I can see what the hype is about and that the car suits very well certain group of people . I would not buy one yet . Interior quality is not equal to it's price range . Dynamics are not at  par with same segment Germans cars , but it has also things that are very interesting .  I drove X 100D for two days . Accelaration many time from 50 to 120 km . It did not change the range . Maybe the car you drove had a problem ? Or the smaller battery power  gets more drained ? Or maybe it si only when you do accelerations to speed ranges ( 200 km ) that in normal life no one does expect on some German highways ? 



     964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS 



    I understand what you are saying.

    But... I never ever saw your post about how 991.1 GT3 RS is the best sportscar in the world. How many claims about Tesla being the best in this thread? And we have now members that are posting only about Tesla. Here on rennteam?

    I was out of the line with ISIS comment. I admit that. But, this Tesla bragging is getting out of the hand, even in this thread. My good friend and Tesla S P85 owner is not very friendly any more with 3 of us(his former tennis partners, playing in pairs) because we did not share his Tesla worship. That is unfortunately a true story. 

    Tesla brand following is way more devoted then even Ferrari brand following. 

    I think that ELVs will certainly be very(or most) important part of car manufacturers future. We in family have e-Golf which is excellent city commuter. But since I am not impressed with Tesla I am narrow minded, against ELVs, against progress etc. ? 

    Or I am much less tolerant to brand worship? Be it Porsche, Rolex, Apple or Tesla.

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    Personally I'm not against EV's, in the future I may buy one, not as my main car as I need a certain sportiness and experience that an EV is not going to provide, but for the wife its a good possibility, but in the future, right now they need to solve the charging issue, range, and other limitations of EV's, and the most important thing there needs to be more options, not just Tesla.

    If you take away the EV part, Tesla cars are mediocre in my book, not something I would consider, if they were ICE for example who here would buy a Tesla over a german car for example?, its driving dynamics, interiors, looks, etc is bellow par, just like if I'm in the market for as SUV, I'm not going to but a french one or even Japanese, currently only the Germans make SUV that are appealing to me.

    Same with an EV, one of the problems of EV today is that there is no variety yet, only Tesla which lets face it, its built more for the amercian market, with american car type DNA in the end. The only thing it has going it is because its the only real EV in the market. In fact I bet that as soon as Porsche and other german makers start to really make EV cars for mainstream, all the Tesla owners in this forum will drop Tesla and switch over 



    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS


    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    Christ, Kreso you inadvertently hit on Rennteams;s main issue. There is no middle ground allowed, tolerated or wanted. Anything that seems to be middle ground will be pushed to the far side by whomever is responding from which ever end of the spectrum they are responding from. Moderation is the cardinal sin.

    I don't think many of us here are saying that Tesla's are the best car ever, best car out there, does everything better than anything else!!! (I certainly am NOT!). But if you aren't saying that they are TOTAL pieces of crap then you are a Tesla apologist who is painted as saying Tesla's are the best car ever, best car out there, does everything better than anything else!!! 

    Not all Europeans look for a car that handles corners and can cruise at 100mph all day long as the first two things they want in a car. Not all North Americans only care about drag racing from a stop sign or green light. The vast majority of people out there want a car that will take care of their day to day needs in a cheap and nice way. Even all of us that have multiple cars and are "car" people almost certainly have a car that is for day-to-day needs and isn't a pig on gas.

    Most of us are not looking at a Tesla as a canyon carver, an Autobahn stormer. It's something to take to the office every day and you never have to visit the gas station, you have a full fill-up each night. It's quiet, it has loads of storage room, it has great electronic toys. It also is too expensive and the interior, while nice-ish, is not up to the standards it should be. The range is all right but not enough for some users and it takes too long to charge. All valid concerns, but it remains a viable option for the vast majority of peoples needs.  



    Past-President, Porsche Club of America - Upper Canada Region


    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    Agreed. Middle ground should be what we all aimed at.

    But, it is not the case.

    And again, I am very, very far from being against ELVs. I am more then proud that Rimac Concept One is made in Croatia. And even Concept One is not flawless ELV, far from it.

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Christ, Kreso you inadvertently hit on Rennteams;s main issue. There is no middle ground allowed, tolerated or wanted. Anything that seems to be middle ground will be pushed to the far side by whomever is responding from which ever end of the spectrum they are responding from. Moderation is the cardinal sin.


    There is plenty of middle ground, it's just a people here get all wound up with hurt feelings and can't see it or take a joke.

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    After three full acceleration runs range was 90km.

    You're lying by the way.

    First of all I would smack you in the face because what I told you is the truth. Car had 200km range and after 3 runs from say it 20-200km/h it was showing 90km range. We did it on A1 high way toward Zadar in Croatia BTW. 

    Am I very rude here? Yes, for a reason. Tesla fans are becoming a loud minority here and they are infecting rennteam like a plague. There are a tones of web sites for Tesla fans but, no they need to spread their "wisdom" here. 

    Tesla fans are like ISIS members. There is only Tesla for them. No ELV is good or will be good. Only Tesla counts.

    Maybe a little absence of any kind of comments from me is good choice right now?

    Herbaliser left after most judge his way of driving after excellent report that her wrote. 

    After 12 years of been member here I am thinking the same. Rennteam was always great but, recently it become "Teslateam" and I am not interested in that.

    Also, many of members here are joking constantly about RC and his claims. Yes, sometimes it sounds like RC is a better then most of us. But, he and CR are owners of the rennteam. Our sportscar temple. Rather to appreciate it many are spitting on it. Yes, maybe I am exaggerating again but, this is my feel.

    Cry my river.

    You know just as well as anyone that the range is based on nothing more than a snapshot of what your driving style had recently been like. Had you have then just drove normally again, the range would have either shot back up quickly or you'd have realized that the range wasn't going down anymore (maybe even going up) even though you were driving. Every car on Earth does this.

    Was that the first time you've ever looked at a gas gauge before?


    And nothing wrong of him reporting what he saw right after the launch at the range estimate.

    If anything, it's the car that's lying, not him.


    I guess I should apologize for calling him a liar. How about ignorant? Is that better?

    This is like the millionth time someone has said doing launches or full throttle runs drains the battery massively, and like the millionth time an owner has said no it doesn't. There are a million videos of owners launching and racing, and not a single person has ever said anything of the sort.

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    After three full acceleration runs range was 90km.

    You're lying by the way.

    First of all I would smack you in the face because what I told you is the truth. Car had 200km range and after 3 runs from say it 20-200km/h it was showing 90km range. We did it on A1 high way toward Zadar in Croatia BTW. 

    Am I very rude here? Yes, for a reason. Tesla fans are becoming a loud minority here and they are infecting rennteam like a plague. There are a tones of web sites for Tesla fans but, no they need to spread their "wisdom" here. 

    Tesla fans are like ISIS members. There is only Tesla for them. No ELV is good or will be good. Only Tesla counts.

    Maybe a little absence of any kind of comments from me is good choice right now?

    Herbaliser left after most judge his way of driving after excellent report that her wrote. 

    After 12 years of been member here I am thinking the same. Rennteam was always great but, recently it become "Teslateam" and I am not interested in that.

    Also, many of members here are joking constantly about RC and his claims. Yes, sometimes it sounds like RC is a better then most of us. But, he and CR are owners of the rennteam. Our sportscar temple. Rather to appreciate it many are spitting on it. Yes, maybe I am exaggerating again but, this is my feel.

    Cry my river.

    You know just as well as anyone that the range is based on nothing more than a snapshot of what your driving style had recently been like. Had you have then just drove normally again, the range would have either shot back up quickly or you'd have realized that the range wasn't going down anymore (maybe even going up) even though you were driving. Every car on Earth does this.

    Was that the first time you've ever looked at a gas gauge before?


    And nothing wrong of him reporting what he saw right after the launch at the range estimate.

    If anything, it's the car that's lying, not him.


    I guess I should apologize for calling him a liar. How about ignorant? Is that better?

    Or how about you learn some manners and forgo the name calling all together? we don't allow that here in Rennteam noone1. I could really put you down right now with some snarky remarks about you but we are all grown ups here with a certain level, we are all pals here relaxing in front of the computer, so relax or go do something else.


    ⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Christ, Kreso you inadvertently hit on Rennteams;s main issue. There is no middle ground allowed, tolerated or wanted. Anything that seems to be middle ground will be pushed to the far side by whomever is responding from which ever end of the spectrum they are responding from. Moderation is the cardinal sin.


    There is plenty of middle ground, it's just a people here get all wound up with hurt feelings and can't see it or take a joke.

    Kreso is right with that we have a special group of car enthusiasts here. And it is difficult to imagine that a car with bad handling, steering, brakes is positively reviewed here. We are not IT nerds but car enthusiasts. All cars (Tesla or others) will be reviewed based on the benchmarks set by the best - not by Tesla Smiley

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Christ, Kreso you inadvertently hit on Rennteams;s main issue. There is no middle ground allowed, tolerated or wanted. Anything that seems to be middle ground will be pushed to the far side by whomever is responding from which ever end of the spectrum they are responding from. Moderation is the cardinal sin.


    There is plenty of middle ground, it's just a people here get all wound up with hurt feelings and can't see it or take a joke.

    Kreso is right with that we have a special group of car enthusiasts here. And it is difficult to imagine that a car with bad handling, steering, brakes is positively reviewed here. We are not IT nerds but car enthusiasts. All cars (Tesla or others) will be reviewed based on the benchmarks set by the best - not by Tesla Smiley

    Don't half the people here drive a G Class? 

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Christ, Kreso you inadvertently hit on Rennteams;s main issue. There is no middle ground allowed, tolerated or wanted. Anything that seems to be middle ground will be pushed to the far side by whomever is responding from which ever end of the spectrum they are responding from. Moderation is the cardinal sin.


    There is plenty of middle ground, it's just a people here get all wound up with hurt feelings and can't see it or take a joke.

    Kreso is right with that we have a special group of car enthusiasts here. And it is difficult to imagine that a car with bad handling, steering, brakes is positively reviewed here. We are not IT nerds but car enthusiasts. All cars (Tesla or others) will be reviewed based on the benchmarks set by the best - not by Tesla Smiley

    Don't half the people here drive a G Class? 

    Don't think so...

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    Not as their only car but there are a couple of guys here that have or had one. And a number that would like one. Heck my daily driver is not a "car" person's car. I have an ML diesel. angry. Mostly because the last two MB daily drivers I had had huge V8s and sucked gas so much around town I got tired of them... I would never want a Tesla as my only car but for the daily commute and the 260km drive to our country house which sometimes takes 4 hours with traffic a silent EV doesn't sound so bad...


    Past-President, Porsche Club of America - Upper Canada Region

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Christ, Kreso you inadvertently hit on Rennteams;s main issue. There is no middle ground allowed, tolerated or wanted. Anything that seems to be middle ground will be pushed to the far side by whomever is responding from which ever end of the spectrum they are responding from. Moderation is the cardinal sin.


    There is plenty of middle ground, it's just a people here get all wound up with hurt feelings and can't see it or take a joke.

    Kreso is right with that we have a special group of car enthusiasts here. And it is difficult to imagine that a car with bad handling, steering, brakes is positively reviewed here. We are not IT nerds but car enthusiasts. All cars (Tesla or others) will be reviewed based on the benchmarks set by the best - not by Tesla Smiley

    Don't half the people here drive a G Class? 


    Hmm the G class also is a benchmark setter.

    Name one SUV that's better off road, none. Tesla called their minivan Model X a 'SUV', so it's a fair comparison.

    G class also has unmatched heritage. Iconic car that everyone recognizes, also war proven tough.

    Lastly, how much gas can a Tesla drink even considering the power plant that makes the electricity? The G class, got it beat also, they drink gasoline like there is no tomorrow!!! Smiley




    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Christ, Kreso you inadvertently hit on Rennteams;s main issue. There is no middle ground allowed, tolerated or wanted. Anything that seems to be middle ground will be pushed to the far side by whomever is responding from which ever end of the spectrum they are responding from. Moderation is the cardinal sin.

    I don't think many of us here are saying that Tesla's are the best car ever, best car out there, does everything better than anything else!!! (I certainly am NOT!). But if you aren't saying that they are TOTAL pieces of crap then you are a Tesla apologist who is painted as saying Tesla's are the best car ever, best car out there, does everything better than anything else!!! 

    Not all Europeans look for a car that handles corners and can cruise at 100mph all day long as the first two things they want in a car. Not all North Americans only care about drag racing from a stop sign or green light. The vast majority of people out there want a car that will take care of their day to day needs in a cheap and nice way. Even all of us that have multiple cars and are "car" people almost certainly have a car that is for day-to-day needs and isn't a pig on gas.

    Most of us are not looking at a Tesla as a canyon carver, an Autobahn stormer. It's something to take to the office every day and you never have to visit the gas station, you have a full fill-up each night. It's quiet, it has loads of storage room, it has great electronic toys. It also is too expensive and the interior, while nice-ish, is not up to the standards it should be. The range is all right but not enough for some users and it takes too long to charge. All valid concerns, but it remains a viable option for the vast majority of peoples needs.  



    Past-President, Porsche Club of America - Upper Canada Region


    Exactly my thought . 

    Kreso, At the moment there is no alternative to TESLA in the EV market , so that's why only they get mentioned . Also the way TESLA  works as a whole is a different approach in the car segment .  I am sure once Porsche or Audi come with real EV it will be different, but for the moment one can not compare TESLA to anything else , that's why they are mentioned so many times . It does not make us ' fanboys ' or saying TESLA is the best car on the planet . Never said that .

    You are a Golf E owner , you could say more about it  . I personally have never ever seen a Golf E on the road and I see TESLA maybe 10 times a day at least . 


     964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS 

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    After three full acceleration runs range was 90km.

    You're lying by the way.

    I do not think he is lying. Tesla S P100D...full throttle extravaganza and range 170 km as far as I remember. I did the ludicrous mode only once (there was some warning in the display I do not quite recall anymore, overheating or heat buildup or something like that). I can imagine that with the P90D and a couple of ludicrous starts, the range drops to 90 km, not very unlikely.



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet (2015), Porsche Cayenne S Diesel (2017), Audi R8 V10 Plus (2016), Mini JCW (2015)


    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    @Gnil: +1 on all your comments. Very sensible and spot on!


    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    @Gnil: +1 on all your comments. Very sensible and spot on!


    For Switzerland... Smiley Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet (2015), Porsche Cayenne S Diesel (2017), Audi R8 V10 Plus (2016), Mini JCW (2015)

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    After three full acceleration runs range was 90km.

    You're lying by the way.

    I do not think he is lying. Tesla S P100D...full throttle extravaganza and range 170 km as far as I remember. I did the ludicrous mode only once (there was some warning in the display I do not quite recall anymore, overheating or heat buildup or something like that). I can imagine that with the P90D and a couple of ludicrous starts, the range drops to 90 km, not very unlikely.

    It's like saying that a Panamera Turbo have a consumption of 3.5l/10km. Yes, it does have that consumption if you drive it on the track very hard. And for the instant moment when you do several 0-200km/h accelerations it will consume even more during that short period of time. If you pace at 250km/h it will for sure consume over 2l/10km.

    The difference is that Tesla have several graphs that show consumptions from different perspective and calculate range based on the value you input. You can set it from instant, 10km, 25km, 50km and several other settings. So if you set it to instant consumption and would like to predict range based on that, yes the graph might show 90km range pretty quick because it calculate that based on instant driving pattern. But that figure is not very relevant anyway. It's comparable to the 3,5l/10km for a Panamera driven hard.

    And  no, Tesla is not a track car and supposed to be driven full throttle longer times. But no one have ever said that either and there are no owners who expect their cars to perform on the track. There are other tools for that. Just because I like to wear smoking at a party doesn't mean that the dress needs to be suitable for hiking. I don't need to buy a Silicon Graphics computer for web browsing, etc... There is no one size fits all. The Tesla happen to fit a lot of peoples needs for a daily driver and I there is no wrong with that. For those who doesn't like it there are other cars to buy :)

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    Let me make it simple for you:

    Tesla S usual way of driving (full throttle whenever possible and legal, one ludicrous start)...170 km range.

    Audi R8 V10 usual way of driving (full throttle whenever possible and legal, one or two full accelerations from standstill)...320 km range.

    Any more questions?! wink


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet (2015), Porsche Cayenne S Diesel (2017), Audi R8 V10 Plus (2016), Mini JCW (2015)

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    @Gnil: +1 on all your comments. Very sensible and spot on!


    Thanks Smiley


     964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS 

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    @Gnil: +1 on all your comments. Very sensible and spot on!


    For Switzerland... Smiley Smiley

    for Germany too Smiley But to get that you have to read all my posts and think about all my words . Not just skim and make assumptions SmileySmiley


     964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS 

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Let me make it simple for you:

    Tesla S usual way of driving (full throttle whenever possible and legal, one ludicrous start)...170 km range.

    Audi R8 V10 usual way of driving (full throttle whenever possible and legal, one or two full accelerations from standstill)...320 km range.

    Any more questions?! wink

    RC : your driving represents 0.0001 % of the world population , and maybe 1% of the German one . Meaning it has zero - zilthch-nothing-nada impact on general rules . You have to think about the other 99 % of the population regarding this car . 


     964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS 

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Let me make it simple for you:

    Tesla S usual way of driving (full throttle whenever possible and legal, one ludicrous start)...170 km range.

    Audi R8 V10 usual way of driving (full throttle whenever possible and legal, one or two full accelerations from standstill)...320 km range.

    Any more questions?! wink

    RC : your driving represents 0.0001 % of the world population , and maybe 1% of the German one . Meaning it has zero - zilthch-nothing-nada impact on general rules . You have to think about the other 99 % of the population regarding this car . 

    Why? I'm an egoistic bastard. Smiley Smiley



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet (2015), Porsche Cayenne S Diesel (2017), Audi R8 V10 Plus (2016), Mini JCW (2015)

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    @Gnil: +1 on all your comments. Very sensible and spot on!


    For Switzerland... Smiley Smiley

    for Germany too Smiley But to get that you have to read all my posts and think about all my words . Not just skim and make assumptions SmileySmiley

    Well, living and working in Germany for over 40 years now, I guess I don't have a clue about what people think here. Smiley Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet (2015), Porsche Cayenne S Diesel (2017), Audi R8 V10 Plus (2016), Mini JCW (2015)

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    Let me make it simple for you:

    Tesla S usual way of driving (full throttle whenever possible and legal, one ludicrous start)...170 km range.

    Audi R8 V10 usual way of driving (full throttle whenever possible and legal, one or two full accelerations from standstill)...320 km range.

    Any more questions?! wink

    No more questions, just concerns Smiley

    let's just agree that you represent a minority. I don't think many Germans would like to see an average consumption of 2,5l/10km for their daily driver? Because we're discussing daily driver, commuter to work, etc. Not weekend toy. Like I wrote in my previous posts, those cars fulfill different purposes and needs. If you compare R8 with a P100D it will quite fast fall short in other departments. How many people can ride in the R8 and how much luggage capacity do you have? Smiley

    If you look into consumption.... this quite well known site: does show that not all germans drive full throttle with their Porsches....

    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé

    You don't seem to understand: I do not care about fuel consumption on my car(s) because I enjoy them. Saving fuel is not a priority for me. If you would offer me a GLC 63 S AMG or a Tesla X P100D for free, I would always take the Mercedes. Why? Because the Tesla sounds and drives like crap. Only thing which I love about Tesla is the interior with that large display and the tech "inside" it. As a gadget lover, this car is a dream come true. As a car lover, this car is a nightmare. That simple. wink

    As to Germans saving fuel: Of course they care, this is why so many Germans are driving Diesel cars (you can drive around in a 300 hp Diesel at around 7 l / 100 km Diesel consumption, no problem) but I doubt that the inconvenience with the charging is worth for many people to switch to an ELV. Not now.

    Also, Germans are not stupid and often well informed: They care about the total ecological balance sheet and this is where ELVs don't really shine right now, especially when the energy comes from coal and when considering battery production/future recycling and whatnot. Then, there is of course the media: As long as people don't get brainwashed with "ELVs are a must" messages, people won't change their buying behavior. Probably a reason why ELVs haven't been too successful so far, despite that 3000-5000 EUR incentive for buying a hybrid or ELV.



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet (2015), Porsche Cayenne S Diesel (2017), Audi R8 V10 Plus (2016), Mini JCW (2015)


    Re: Tesla Model X Fil de discussion fermé


    How long are people on this forum going to deny that Teslas are great cars? The numbers don't lie.

    I can't get a load of lumber home in my 911.

    A Tesla can't do 300 kmph all day long.

    My diesel can go 1,000 km on a tank.  (I personally don't understand this attraction, as my bladder and back definitely can't.)

    We're going back and forth, which is fun (and largely civil).  I think the unspoken issue is that eventually we'll all be riding in autonomous pods, and the drivers on this forum don't like it.  Porsche will be dead.  Audi, Mercedes and the rest as well, since nobody will care the brand name on the little pod that you summon on your iWhatever.  We don't have to like it, but the numbers are against us.

    I believe it was the CEO of BMW who said eventually there will only be 3 automakers, and one will be Morgan.



    Catégorie Sujet Dernier message Evaluation Vus Réponses
    Porsche Sticky SUN'S LAST RUN TO WILSON, WY - 991 C2S CAB LIFE, END OF AN ERA (Part II) 15/05/24 08:44
    809725 1808
    Porsche Sticky Welcome to Rennteam: Cars and Coffee... (photos) 07/04/24 11:48
    Boxster Coupe GTS
    450754 565
    Porsche Sticky OFFICIAL: Porsche 911 (992) GT3 RS - 2022 12/03/24 08:28
    268124 323
    Porsche Sticky The new Macan: the first all-electric SUV from Porsche 30/01/24 09:18
    91217 45
    Porsche Sticky OFFICIAL: Taycan 2024 Facelift 15/03/24 13:23
    CGX car nut
    8034 50
    Porsche The moment I've been waiting for... 01/02/24 19:01
    889231 1364
    Porsche 992 GT3 23/07/23 19:01
    841632 3868
    Porsche GT4RS 21/04/24 11:50
    403022 1454
    Porsche Welcome to the new Taycan Forum! 10/02/24 16:43
    399310 1526
    Autres Tesla 2 the new thread 13/12/23 14:48
    CGX car nut
    386571 2401
    Porsche Donor vehicle for Singer Vehicle Design 03/07/23 12:30
    372233 797
    Porsche Red Nipples 991.2 GT3 Touring on tour 12/05/24 18:23
    294655 669
    Porsche Collected my 997 GTS today 19/10/23 19:06
    CGX car nut
    268587 812
    Lambo Huracán EVO STO 30/07/23 18:59
    244884 346
    Lotus Lotus Emira 25/06/23 14:53
    239286 101
    Autres Corvette C8 16/10/23 15:24
    223319 488
    Autres Gordon Murray - T.50 22/11/23 10:27
    173864 387
    Porsche Back to basics - 996 GT3 RS 11/06/23 17:13
    CGX car nut
    145600 144
    BMW M 2024 BMW M3 CS Official Now 29/12/23 09:04
    122036 303
    Sport 2023 Formula One 19/12/23 05:38
    113912 685
    Porsche 2022 992 Safari Model 07/03/24 16:22
    86470 239
    AMG Mercedes-Benz W124 500E aka Porsche typ 2758 23/02/24 22:03
    76703 297
    Porsche 992 GT3 RS 03/03/24 19:22
    55735 314
    Sport Porsche 963 18/05/24 21:44
    27623 249
    Ferrari Ferrari 296 GTB (830PS, Hybrid V6) 21/01/24 16:29
    22328 103
    BMW M 2022 BMW M5 CS 08/04/24 13:43
    20969 140
    AMG G63 sold out 15/09/23 19:38
    17600 120
    AMG [2022] Mercedes-AMG SL 23/04/24 13:24
    15517 225
    Porsche Porsche Mission X Hypercar 03/12/23 08:52
    11523 63
    Porsche 911 S/T 10/10/23 08:53
    10981 55
    118 éléments trouvés, affichés de 1 à 30.