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    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    Carlos we just just described everything in ONE word: EPIC !!!!




    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Karun Chandok just confirmed what I said on Skysports F1 Smiley

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    I mentioned it in a previous post some time ago, that as along as there is no car superiority and races are under changing circumstances, the favorite for the title is Fernando Alonso. 

    It was nice to see Andrea Stella on the podium with 2 Ferrari ex-champions and the future one.

    I am very happy for the Iceman. He hasn't come back for tourism. He is racing  very seriously and his instincts are intact.


    "Form follows function"

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    I mentioned it in a previous post some time ago, that as along as there is no car superiority and races are under changing circumstances, the favorite for the title is Fernando Alonso. 

    It was nice to see Andrea Stella on the podium with 2 Ferrari ex-champions and the future one.

    I am very happy for the Iceman. He hasn't come back for tourism. He is racing  very seriously and his instincts are intact.


    "Form follows function"

    totally agree, the uy is a class act, far superior than the other drivers ! the truth about Vettel is coming out, all to do with Adrian Newey

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    Karun Chandok just confirmed what I said on Skysports F1 Smiley

    Is that the guy who crashed into Vettel recently? Smiley

    Just joking, after all it is not us who decide who was at fault. I just noticed Hamilton´s driving style prior to the incident and there were some very delicate moves before. I even think that he pushed Maldonado off the track at the same spot one lap. If I were driving against Hamilton I´d give him a hint that I don´t back off for him as well. It´s mind games after all and I do believe that Maldonado did the only right thing to withstand his maneuvers.

    Hamilton follows the same strategy that Senna or Schumacher have gone for in the past. There are only two options resulting in a battle with them... ending in a crash or backing off. Unfortunately for Hamilton looking at the championship rankings this leads to an even bigger loss for him than for Maldonado.

    I keep wondering how Hamilton would´ve reacted in reversed positions. Guess he would´ve cut the shicane stating that his opponent didn´t leave him any room.

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    Karun Chandok just confirmed what I said on Skysports F1 Smiley

    I personally agree that Maldonado made a mistake (he was too nervous to pass and wasn't thinkning calmly as an experience driver would of and didn't wait for a clean pass) but Hamilton did as well, with an overexited rookie behind him who see's that Ham had no tires left, and that he can make the podium, who already made several risky attempts at overtaking previously, you don't close the door off like that. You accept the sitaution and you let him pass and take your 4th place points home, unless you are sure you can block without risk of collision. And this has happaned time and time again to Hamilton, his agressiveness can be a positive thing sometimes but it has also cost him dearly many times, much more than what he has gained. You can't make these mistakes if he wants to challange the title.


    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Carlos from Spain:

    You accept the sitaution and you let him pass and take your 4th place points home, unless you are sure you can block without risk of collision. And this has happaned time and time again to Hamilton, his agressiveness can be a positive thing sometimes but it has also cost him dearly many times.

    The bottom line indeed... Smiley

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Best race at what is traditionally a boring circuit...kiss



    "Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out."

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    I have a completely neutral view on this F1 Race.Smiley

    Alonso is the superior driver and really gave the other drivers some free lessons.kiss

    Alonso, being a true sportsman, gave the other drivers a head start. But during the race it became painfully obvious that the other drivers were not competent enough to produce a win, so Alonso stepped in and gave the fans a winner. The other drivers should really thank Alonso for stopping themselves from looking like drunks on a go cart track.angry

    Fortunately Alonso took time out of his very busy personal schedule to win this race.He actually does have other things to do in Spain then to go to Valencia and give racing lessons to the hopelessly inept..  Unless Alonso had shown up and sorted things out the race would have ended in shambles.indecision

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Very entertaining race.

    First, what the hell! Vettel's car was on another plane. He was lapping at +1 second every lap and built a 20 second lead by lap 25! Whatever Red Bull did to the car, the gauntlet just was thrown at the feet at every other engineer in the series. <p>

    Massa might as well start talking to the mid-pack teams about a seat. Alonso drives the wheels off a car that honestly shouldn't even be in podium contention. A little luck, a great team strategy, and a demonstration of uncanny talent yields a legendary result.

    Once again McLaren's pit screws Hamilton out of a podium. They have really got to get their act together. The pit knew the jack equipment was unreliable and still used it. Button, what's going on with his poor qualifiers lately and inconsistent race performance?

    Schumi back on the podium was a delight. Commentators keep going on about Rossbergs out qualifying Schumi, but Schumi has been bringing home the bacon on race day provided he's not taken out in an accident or the car has a failure.

    And for the love of everything holy, someone please buy Kimi some uppers and a personality. The guy gives interviews as if he been taking Zoloft and would rather be sleeping. Alonso is next to him nearly in tears, voice quivering with emotion - Michael is so happy he's nearly at a loss for words and was truly happily taken aback. Kimi seemed like he'd just won a Needlepoint competition.



    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Pastor Maldonado has been handed out a twenty-second penalty, demoting the South American from a points-paying position for the European Grand Prix, after ramming Lewis Hamilton out of Sunday's race in Valencia.


    - "I see dead pixels..."
    - “When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Good old F1 stewards... if the situation were reversed, Hamilton would of walked out of that one without even so much as a slap on the wrist 1325269639981rolleyes.gif


    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    ^^^I disagree, Carlos. Last season Lewis was investigated, reprimanded, relegated, and fined several times if memory serves.

    In this instance, he was working hard to hold his line even though his tires were shot. There's no rule that says you have to let the car behind you pass and no one expect any driver to yield a thing with 3 laps to go.

    Maldanado should have been wiser and simply passed him in the DRS Zone. Once Hamilton shut the door on the line, Maldanado could have avoided the accident by either cutting the chicane, which in that instance he surely would not have been fined or penalized for, or backed off.

    What he absolutely should not have done was barge into Hamilton's car while no part of his car was still in bounds on the circuit. I believe this is why he drew the penalty.

    It's no different than a footballer shoulder blocking a player from out of bounds.

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Watching Schumacher on the podium, Italian anthem playing, I thought how amusing it'd be if he habitually began "conducting"..  :)


    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Well, what an interesting race ... given that it was Valencia so we were expecting something dull ...

    Superb drive from Alonso ... Ferrari's race pace was much better than qualification ... but it takes some real heroic driving to recover so many places.

    Good to see Schumi on the podium again .... it's been a long time. Good drive from Rosberg too.

    I agree with David Coulthard ... Raikkonen lacks a little aggression on overtaking ... but otherwise a good drive from him ... such a pity that Grosjean suffered mechanical problems ... he deserved a good result.

    Vettel was unlucky ... without the mechanical problem, he would have won that race very comfortably indeed. He was untouchable.

    A great recovery drive from Webber ... no DRS in qualification but good race pace ...

    Another strong performance from Force India ... Hulkenberg was quick and Di Resta made his 1 stop strategy work.

    Felt sad for Kovalainen getting hit by Vergne who lacked the decency to apologise for his carelessness. Vergne claimed it was a racing incident. No it wasn't. He turned into Kovalainen on a straight piece of road for no reason while trying to pass him.

    As for Maldonado, yes, he was catching Hamilton but Hamilton doesn't have to just let him past. It is up to Maldonado to get past (hopefully) without taking them both off. Maldonado tried to pass and when he failed, he didn't back off, ran out of road, drove fully off the track, tried to rejoin the track when Hamilton's car was on the left edge of the track. Hamilton was on the racing line and turning left to enter the corner. Maldonado just drove into him while rejoining the track. IMO this was clear cut. Maldonado caused an avoidable collision.

    These 2 guys have a history. I remember seeing Maldonado cut up Hamilton on the start-finish straight after a recent race had finished. I think Maldonado uses his car as a weapon to take out Hamilton.

    Usually, I am very critical of Hamilton. I am not a fan of his. But this time, I think he really was the innocent party. I think Maldonado drives like a thug.


    997.1 C2S GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    BBC report:

    Andrew Benson's view on Alonso:


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    I have a completely neutral view on this F1 Race.Smiley

    Alonso is the superior driver and really gave the other drivers some free lessons.kiss

    Alonso, being a true sportsman, gave the other drivers a head start. But during the race it became painfully obvious that the other drivers were not competent enough to produce a win, so Alonso stepped in and gave the fans a winner. The other drivers should really thank Alonso for stopping themselves from looking like drunks on a go cart track.angry

    Fortunately Alonso took time out of his very busy personal schedule to win this race.He actually does have other things to do in Spain then to go to Valencia and give racing lessons to the hopelessly inept..  Unless Alonso had shown up and sorted things out the race would have ended in shambles.indecision

    Did you actually watch the race? :)

    Vettel was leading by a huge margin and would have won if it weren't for the mechanical problem he suddenly suffered. Alonso drove brilliantly to recover from 11th and capitalised fully on every opportunity that came his way.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    Superb drive from Alonso ... Ferrari's race pace was much better than qualification ... but it takes some real heroic driving to recover so many places.

    Alonso is a blend of speed, experience and race craft. The best overall package on the grid today.

    However, yesterday his drive was good for 11th to 3rd. Still outstanding, but if it wasn't for the mechanical unreliabilty  of the two front runners he wouldn't have won. I suspect that the breakdowns were somehow related to the slow running behind the safety car.



    "Form follows function"

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    If RBR can fix their reliability, RBR's pace at Valencia shows that no one can touch the RBR car. In Vettel's hands, it is faster than anything else on the track. There are plenty of races to go. RBR will IMO catch up the points difference to Alonso and I expect Vettel to win this year's title.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Andrew Benson's article sums it up perfectly IMO.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    I have a completely neutral view on this F1 Race.Smiley

    Alonso is the superior driver and really gave the other drivers some free lessons.kiss

    Alonso, being a true sportsman, gave the other drivers a head start. But during the race it became painfully obvious that the other drivers were not competent enough to produce a win, so Alonso stepped in and gave the fans a winner. The other drivers should really thank Alonso for stopping themselves from looking like drunks on a go cart track.angry

    Fortunately Alonso took time out of his very busy personal schedule to win this race.He actually does have other things to do in Spain then to go to Valencia and give racing lessons to the hopelessly inept..  Unless Alonso had shown up and sorted things out the race would have ended in shambles.indecision

    Did you actually watch the race? :)

    Vettel was leading by a huge margin and would have won if it weren't for the mechanical problem he suddenly suffered. Alonso drove brilliantly to recover from 11th and capitalised fully on every opportunity that came his way.

               I was being facetious. ....That concept does still exist in the UK does it not?   Smiley

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Sure it does :) But c'mon, you know you enjoy stirring things up :) So it's sometimes hard to tell if you're making an extra special effort to do so or just being your usual provocative self :) :) cool


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    Sure it does :) But c'mon, you know you enjoy stirring things up :) So it's sometimes hard to tell if you're making an extra special effort to do so or just being your usual provocative self :) :) cool

    No problemo! But these foreign F1 drivers who show up in Spain to race should have to first take a drivers test. And why is some retired German guy racing? He has quite the expensive hobby!  Smiley

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Key extracts from Andrew Benson's article

    "Fighting up from 11th place on the grid, he pulled off some quite brilliant overtaking moves to make his way up into contention, the opportunism and skill never better than when he separated Lotus's Romain Grosjean from second place immediately after a restart following a safety car period.

    That move meant Alonso inherited the lead when Sebastian Vettel's dominant Red Bull retired further around the same lap. Then, as he completed a spectacular victory, his day was made perfect when the man he regards as his main title rival, Lewis Hamilton, retired with two laps to go.

    Both his main rivals out of the race, a momentous win in his home grand prix and less than 24 hours after Spain's football team made it into the semi-finals of Euro 2012. No wonder he was close to tears.

    Of course, luck was involved in Alonso's win. He was not going to beat Vettel before the German's retirement - no one was - and he would not have been in a position to challenge Grosjean at the re-start had it not been for yet another pit-stop problem for McLaren.

    But Alonso put himself in the position to gain from others' misfortune, and all the other positions he gained he worked for and won in a style befitting one of the greatest racing drivers the world has seen."

    "Despite Vettel's retirement, the Red Bull showed frightening pace in Valencia following the introduction of a major upgrade, as BBC F1 technical analyst Gary Anderson detailed on Friday.

    Vettel would have walked the race had his alternator not failed on lap 34 and the pace shown by Red Bull this weekend will have set alarm bells ringing in Maranello and McLaren's factory in Woking."


    997.1 C2S GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    James Allen on the Valencia race and where it leaves the championship fight


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Alonso's first lap at Valencia from the onboard camera no



    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    I have missed the race and forgot to record it. Do anybody know an internet site where I can see it?

    As a big Alonso fan, I don´t want not to see this race laugh



    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    I have missed the race and forgot to record it. Do anybody know an internet site where I can see it?

    As a big Alonso fan, I don´t want not to see this race laugh

    You do not want to miss it!!! 

    I only know of site you can see it online but its in spanish though, its from the spanish TV station that transmits F1 races here in Spain:


    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia

    Alonso is an incredible driver. kiss

    Re: 2012 European F1 Grand Prix at Valencia


    Alonso is an incredible driver. kiss

    Makes Massa look even worse in a funny way. Perez next for that seat...



    "I didn't do it"



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