Very entertaining race.

First, what the hell! Vettel's car was on another plane. He was lapping at +1 second every lap and built a 20 second lead by lap 25! Whatever Red Bull did to the car, the gauntlet just was thrown at the feet at every other engineer in the series. <p>

Massa might as well start talking to the mid-pack teams about a seat. Alonso drives the wheels off a car that honestly shouldn't even be in podium contention. A little luck, a great team strategy, and a demonstration of uncanny talent yields a legendary result.

Once again McLaren's pit screws Hamilton out of a podium. They have really got to get their act together. The pit knew the jack equipment was unreliable and still used it. Button, what's going on with his poor qualifiers lately and inconsistent race performance?

Schumi back on the podium was a delight. Commentators keep going on about Rossbergs out qualifying Schumi, but Schumi has been bringing home the bacon on race day provided he's not taken out in an accident or the car has a failure.

And for the love of everything holy, someone please buy Kimi some uppers and a personality. The guy gives interviews as if he been taking Zoloft and would rather be sleeping. Alonso is next to him nearly in tears, voice quivering with emotion - Michael is so happy he's nearly at a loss for words and was truly happily taken aback. Kimi seemed like he'd just won a Needlepoint competition.