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    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I bet I can take RC and Easy - with one arm tied behind my back, AND if some guy made a pass at my girlfriend and she liked him I would let them go at it for hours - I know that I really have what she wants in the end.  I stand up well to comparison.  Confidence boys - it is a plus.

    Well...this isn't confidence, my trainer calls it cockiness. Smiley This can get you killed at some point, this is the advantage of Krav Maga, you actually learn real life fighting and how to avoid fights at the same time.

    Another thing I learned: Always be careful when you have to deal with an unknown adversary in a fight. My trainer looks like an ordinary guy, he is bald, pretty short and has a beer belly of enormous size but you should see him fight, he frightens even guys who are twice the size of him. Never underestimate your adversary in a fight, this gets you killed or at best, badly hurt.

    Btw: I am a level 1 Master of Krav Maga...just saying. Smiley I do that for almost 15 years now, with 10 years of Kung Fu and Taekwondo before that. The training in Munich is limited to military, government, security companies and police. This is not a sport but real fight training in buses, train wagons, even close quarter combat under real life conditions and we even did a passenger plane training two years ago in an old 737. Smiley




    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Last time I went to a guy to tell him that he  ' stole my parking space ' ended up in a fight ( about 15 years ago ) ... and then at court . So , now I back off.... there is no point of just trying to make a point . Smiley

    .... I know these buddies in real life and  they are both very polite and well tempered gentlemen SmileySmiley

    We have a saying here in Germany "der Kluegere gibt nach" - the wise guy gives in. I do not always agree with this because  if all wise guys always give in then the world will be ruled by idiots in the end Smiley

    Thanks PJ Smiley It's great to hear from you again after so long! Smiley 

    Very kind of you - thanks for the kind words regarding Gnil and I .... I have had the pleasure of meeting Gnil and his wife too (at the Nordschleife during my 1st visit there) and he is a total gentleman .... I will never forget how I followed you around the track and he followed me so the two of you helped me on my first solo lap ... how many people would do such things for other people? You guys are the best! Smiley

    I'm still the same guy you all know me as ... I narrated just 2 small incidents in a life history of well over 40 years when people have upset me ... it's hardly what I'm like 99.999999999% of the time :) Smiley So, don't worry, I'm still much the same as always :) SmileySmiley


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Krav Maga is impressive and so is its hard core sparring.

    But consider this about unarmed combat on the "streets."

    To launch a physical attack over a insult is just plain stupid. Thats no justification in most courtrooms.  Defense against an actual assault is different obviously.

    Fights with strangers have no garunteed ending. You might be getting into one and discover that your opponent has eager friends nearby. Maybe one has a brick, a knife a piece of pipe, chain or something else or even worse to bring to the party. Think more. Think possible skull fracture, serious concussion, punctured internal organs, broken ribs, fractured bones and broken teeth. Yours maybe!

    And its not efficient or effective to get all frggn angry during a fight. You can get a bad case of target fixation and never see the next blow coming from person x, y or z who happens along. You could even get wacked by a good samaritan stepping in to help save.... the wrong guy! You cant shut your peripheral vision down with rage. Rage is self defeating. You have to maintain at least some situational awareness.Forget what you have seen in movies.

    Speed is everything. Cheat. The sooner its over the better.

    And something else to consider. Many street criminals and overly aggressive idiot people can suffer from HIV, Hep and who knows what else. In hand to hand fighting someone or both is likely going to get an abrasion or a cut and spit or saliva or blood can go flying. You dont want their blood or saliva mixing in with yours. That alone should make anyone think twice about playing the enraged amateur Rambo.

    And if/when the police show up? Say you have just pummeled some guy to the ground, witnesses might not know who really started it, but you are standing over a downed opponent. The first reaction of the police will be to get control. So of course they will want to control you because you are not the one who looks like ....a injured victim! At that point shut up, follow all commands slowly and pray that the cop is not looking for any excuse to face print someone on the hood of his car to brag to his buddies about at the end of his shift.

    Just some advice.

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    We have a saying here in Germany "der Kluegere gibt nach" - the wise guy gives in. I do not always agree with this because  if all wise guys always give in then the world will be ruled by idiots in the end Smiley

    Haven't you realized that this is exactly how the world is, already?


    "Form follows function"

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Krav Maga sounds vicious. Going for the most vulnerable part of an opponent in order to bring the fight to an end as quickly as possible. I'm not surprised that using Krav Maga would result in a courtroom appearance (eg for attacking someone's throat, eyes, groin etc).

    I am not into martial arts at all but, if I had to pick one, it would be karate.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    But consider this about unarmed combat on the "streets."

    To launch a physical attack over a insult is just plain stupid. Thats no justification in most courtrooms.  Defense against an actual assault is different obviously.

    Not sure if you've read my previous posts regarding this: I would never get involved in a physical fight in public, I usually try to avoid them, even if it really isn't easy with so many idiots running around freely. Just yesterday, a couple of younger people almost hit me with their car from the front, I had to do an emergency full stop in the middle of a street, just to avoid them hitting me. I wanted to follow and to make a stand but I luckily didn't. I had my son with me and if I wouldn't have stopped, they would have hit us (their car lost control in a long curve and their car was driving on my side of the street and I couldn't go to the right because there were trees and a very high boardwalk. I wanted to call the police but then, I looked at my son, we were OK, so I continued driving home. Maybe they were drunk (I stopped in the street, they almost hit us and their brake lights didn't even go on after they passed by...a couple of centimeters).

    I just can't, for legal reasons (if I hurt somebody, even in self defense, I could go to prison due to the professional fight training) but of course because, like you said it, it isn't worth it risking a life for some stupid quarrel. I would however not hesitate a second when it comes to my family.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Krav Maga sounds vicious. Going for the most vulnerable part of an opponent in order to bring the fight to an end as quickly as possible. I'm not surprised that using Krav Maga would result in a courtroom appearance (eg for attacking someone's throat, eyes, groin etc).

    I am not into martial arts at all but, if I had to pick one, it would be karate.

    I'd carry two Handguns and keep some distance indecision


    "Form follows function"

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    You have to use force justifiable to the actual threat. If is someone is copping a feel of your wifes ass its ridiculous to deliver a killing type blow. People, especially drunks, do stupid things. It doesnt mean you should try to kill them for it unless they are trying to achieve terminal harm themselves.

    Forget Karate. You likely dont have the time to put into it to get the skill and ability you might want out of it.  You would likely get more sooner from Akido. FYI spitting is assault in all 50 US states. Save that for the UK.

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Krav Maga sounds vicious. Going for the most vulnerable part of an opponent in order to bring the fight to an end as quickly as possible. I'm not surprised that using Krav Maga would result in a courtroom appearance (eg for attacking someone's throat, eyes, groin etc).

    I am not into martial arts at all but, if I had to pick one, it would be karate.

    Easy...Krav Maga is not a martial art and not a sport. This makes it different. A Karate pro could give a Krav Maga fighter a pretty hard time but most martial arts are not trained properly, even brown or black belt fighters usually stand no chance, simply because the goal of a Krav Maga fighter is one very simple one: To end the fight as fast as possible with all means possible. We train not to think when we fight and we train to hit with devastating blows and force, there is no holding back in Krav Maga. This makes it very effective in hand to hand combat, even if your adversary carries a weapon (we actually learn to avoid all fights when the adversary is carrying a deadly weapon, especially a firearm but thats a different story) because usually the first hit or the second will be the last one(s). I hit to hurt fast and effectively, not to fight. Krav Maga is not a sport, it is a survival technique. This is also one reason why certain skills are only trained to security guards, police, government employees, army and so on. As a civilian, you can't train certain skills LEGALLY in Germany and other countries. I don't know about the US though, there seem to be groups which don't respect the philosophy and the legal consequences behind Krav Maga.

    Our trainer is a level 2 master, this guy is absolutely insane, you should see how devastating his hits are, he made a GSG9 guy almost cry during a demonstration. Smiley

    I hurt myself badly twice during training, this is why my wife isn't too keen about it. I also make a vital mistake (according to my trainer): I should train muscle groups much better, I need to build up muscle mass and power for better effectivity. I do not do that, this is why I hurt myself. Now I have a home trainer (body building) but I am too lazy. Smiley I am very tired when I come home and even when I join the training on weekends, it is very difficult for me to overcome the laziness but without training, I can forget the whole thing. Smiley I love it but I always have to force myself to go there. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    FYI spitting is assault in all 50 US states. Save that for the UK.

    Smiley I never actually spit on someone... Smiley

    My own strategy to deflate a feel of rage after an "incident" is simple: I imagine what I would (or could) do to that person and the rage goes away pretty fast. It works, people should try it. Smiley



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    RC, sorry that my post seemed directed at you. I meant it to be generic. I agaree with you about karate. Its too much of a sport, its too much into form and not enough into explosive sudden action to achieve threat removal. If you have to crush or... rip out ...someones windpipe its a dire situation, but sometimes dire situations can happen.





    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    FYI spitting is assault in all 50 US states. Save that for the UK.

    Smiley I never actually spit on someone... Smiley

    My own strategy to deflate a feel of rage after an "incident" is simple: I imagine what I would (or could) do to that person and the rage goes away pretty fast. It works, people should try it. Smiley


      I think I was referring to Easy about his crosswalk anger incident. If some cop saw him standing in the street screaming mad and spitting at the driver of a car they would handcuff him and take him away. Really. I know hes too smart to do that again.

    RC, Just press the gas and go! Smiley

    Bavaria isnt exactly known for breeding pussy cats. Smiley


    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    I wouldn't have spat at her in front of a policeman. You have to pick which confrontations to have and how to handle them in such a way that there are no repercussions afterwards.

    If someone very nearly runs me over while I am crossing at a pedestrian crossing just because she wants to try to make it through a traffic light, being sworn at and spat at is getting off mildly IMO. Other people might have kicked her car door or pulled off a wiper blade. She got off lightly IMO.


    997.1 C2S GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    I use the Vulcan nerve pinch, works every time

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I use the Vulcan nerve pinch, works every time

    If you can get behind your adversary...a good move. Smiley



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I bet I can take RC and Easy - with one arm tied behind my back, AND if some guy made a pass at my girlfriend and she liked him I would let them go at it for hours - I know that I really have what she wants in the end.  I stand up well to comparison.  Confidence boys - it is a plus.

    Well...this isn't confidence, my trainer calls it cockiness. Smiley This can get you killed at some point, this is the advantage of Krav Maga, you actually learn real life fighting and how to avoid fights at the same time.

    Another thing I learned: Always be careful when you have to deal with an unknown adversary in a fight. My trainer looks like an ordinary guy, he is bald, pretty short and has a beer belly of enormous size but you should see him fight, he frightens even guys who are twice the size of him. Never underestimate your adversary in a fight, this gets you killed or at best, badly hurt.

    Btw: I am a level 1 Master of Krav Maga...just saying. Smiley I do that for almost 15 years now, with 10 years of Kung Fu and Taekwondo before that. The training in Munich is limited to military, government, security companies and police. This is not a sport but real fight training in buses, train wagons, even close quarter combat under real life conditions and we even did a passenger plane training two years ago in an old 737. Smiley


    RC - I think you missed my point - I still had one hand free (keep in mind our hand gun laws).  Given your training we would part friends for certain.  Also - you did not notice that making a pass at my girlfriend would never cause a fight with me only a decision on her part.  Smiley  Life is too short to not let her have some fun and decide, she may be flattered.  I call that confidence - for good reason.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4


    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Thanks PJ Smiley It's great to hear from you again after so long! Smiley 

    Very kind of you - thanks for the kind words regarding Gnil and I .... I have had the pleasure of meeting Gnil and his wife too (at the Nordschleife during my 1st visit there) and he is a total gentleman .... I will never forget how I followed you around the track and he followed me so the two of you helped me on my first solo lap ... how many people would do such things for other people? You guys are the best! Smiley

    I'm still the same guy you all know me as ... I narrated just 2 small incidents in a life history of well over 40 years when people have upset me ... it's hardly what I'm like 99.999999999% of the time :) Smiley So, don't worry, I'm still much the same as always :) SmileySmiley

    Unfortunately 14hrs work days became the norm recently, hence there was not much time left for the hobbies Smiley But right now I have a few days off enjoying some quality time in the Alps and browsing RT now and then Smiley

    Knowing you I am sure  your percentage computation is absolutely correct Smiley Very much hope for a reconvention in the Eifel this summer Smiley


    public roads: Porsche 987 S Seal/Cocoa, toll road Smiley : Porsche 997 GT3 Arctic/Black

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    The problem with martial arts training is it leads one to be more willing to fight. It is like owning  a high performance sport and one needs to find out what it can do.

    Short of your life or family being threaten, the courageous and smart individual walks away. 



    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Mike S:

    Perhaps slightly off topic, but today I was driving the GTO. There was traffic officers pulling vehicles over to do routine checks in both directions. I don't run front plates due to the design of the front bumper (nor does any other owner here that I know of, with the exception of a sticker, which gets you fined in any event). So I ended up getting a fine, which is okay by me as I am guilty.

    In any event, there was a Hyundai Getz on the opposite direction that made the effort of winding down his window, pointing at me and laughed while he drove off whilst I was getting my ticket issued. I wasn't angry, but was rather amused at the whole thought of it indecision

    I got pulled over in my C2S by 3 police cruisers one time, and traffic slowed in both directions while some people were driving by honking in approval of my situation. They had no idea why I was stopped. It just made them look like assholes in my mind. Smiley


    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    The problem with martial arts training is it leads one to be more willing to fight. It is like owning  a high performance sport and one needs to find out what it can do.

    Short of your life or family being threaten, the courageous and smart individual walks away. 

    This is why I do Krav Maga. I did Kung Fu and Taekwando before that and yes, you get very competitive training with others, especially if you realize that you learn fast. Cocky is the right word...I guess. Smiley

    In Krav Mage, the first thing you learn is to...avoid a fight. The best fight is the one you don't have to fight because you don't get hurt or killed. Our trainer is really fantastic, he also trains us mentally, he makes us strong, strong enough to actually avoid a fight, simply by learning about possible dangers and consequences. The most dangerous fight is a fight against someone with a gun, anything can happen, even if you are a professional. This is why he taught us to avoid fights involving guns by any means, unless of course one has to (police, etc.).

    From time to time he also shows us real video footage of real fights (police, army, etc.) and the possible consequences. You get a feeling for real dangers and the cockiness disappears pretty fast.

    Oh...and one last thing I will never forget: He told us, that if we are in a life threatening danger, we need to understand that it is either "him" or you. The best shot to win such a fight is to use the most powerful hits and blows, no holding back. If you hold back, no matter why, you are dead. So yes, I should actually train more (muscles, you need brute force) but since I'm not working in law enforcement/etc., I think I can relax. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Krav Maga, Karate, Taekwando, Kung Fu! When facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?


    "Form follows function"

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Krav Maga, Karate, Taekwando, Kung Fu! When facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?

    There is a lot of difference between those four. Krav Maga teaches handgun take aways, the others usually don't. Weapon takeaways are a desperate measure for desperate situations. But if you have had a lot of practice at it, and i mean more than a introduction and a few hours practicing, I mean some real training time so that it becomes muscle memory autopilot like, and if you were in a situation that needed it and had proximity and opportunity you could do it.

    Close enough and fast enough you can even shoot a bad guy with his own pistol still in his hand...and then take it away.Smiley


    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Even in elite special forces I'd expect that only a limited number of people might be that good to do this consistently with success.


    "Form follows function"

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Even in elite special forces I'd expect that only a limited number of people might be that good to do this consistently with success.

             You are right. It would be the guys getting/repeating/practicing the most training because they might actually need to use it. Most elite forces have a surprising ratio between those who actually do and those who don't do, or who are in support/hq etc.

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Krav Maga, Karate, Taekwando, Kung Fu! When facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?

    Huge difference. Usually, you don't train disarming someone with a gun in your Karate, Taekwando, etc. training. However, most modern training facilities offer street fighting techniques and training, mostly because customers demanded it but also to promote their facility for safety training for women, the elderly and so on.

    Krav Maga is specialized on real combat, this is something you train in the police or the army. The german army started Krav Maga as part of their basic hand to hand combat training recently, most special forces worldwide are already training Krav Maga techniques for years. Again...Krav Maga is not a sport, it is a fighting technique. This is why you can't compare it, especially not to traditional martial arts.

    Facing a loaded gun is the most dangerous situation for a fighter. In the US, they also have that new stand your ground law, which basically means that anyone can shoot you and then ask questions later...if he feels threatened by you.

    Guns are not the perfect weapon of choice for self defense, I'm sorry to say that. Even vs. armed adversaries. I am not talking about government/police/army but about civilians. If you carry a gun, not only do you need to learn how to use it and train it all the time but you also have to be ready to kill someone. It sounds easier than it is, trust me. Another point is: Unless you are carrying a concealed weapon, which in most regions outside the US (and even in some parts of the US) is a serious criminal offense for civilians, even if you have a gun permit, how do you want to reach your gun if someone attacks you let's say on the street, on the beach, in a hallway or in a garage?

    I had a serious situation in a parking garage in Orlando, when a younger guy threatened me to hurt me and my son if I don't give him all the cash I have on me (I was waiting for my wife and daughter to return from shopping). I was dumb enough to wait next to my car and not at the lower floor where many security cameras and other people were around. I asked him if he has a gun and he said no but he could hurt me anyway. I told him that if he has no gun, he better walks away because I will kill him, I will not allow anyone to threaten my kid. He walked away (another thing we learned during Krav Maga is to be convincing and to make it clear that you mean what you say when you threaten). I then called the police, gave a description of him but I don't know how the whole thing continued because they never contacted me again (they had my address in Germany too). "Funny" side story: There was actually a security camera on that floor I was waiting at next to my car but it was broken for over a week and nobody had fixed it yet. Great. Smiley

    With a gun, I would have given this guy everything...why should I lie. I was worried about my kid but I kept him behind me most of the time because he was shocked (he cried afterwards but not during the assault).

    Whenever I am somewhere, I try to avoid deserted parking lots, dark alleys, etc. and I look for places with many people. Avoiding is actually the best self-defense. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Even in elite special forces I'd expect that only a limited number of people might be that good to do this consistently with success.

    Without at least weakly training, any fighting technique is almost worthless, especially in real life hand to hand combat.

    Training is essential, not because you need to learn the moves, hits and blows but because you need to learn to hit with full force and this sounds easier than it is.

    For Krav Maga, it is also important that you have power. I know that many say that too many muscles slow you down and make you slow or even tired faster but the truth is, in Krav Maga muscles and power are a huge advantage. We once witnessed a full contact Krav Maga demonstrations, both guys were almost 1,90 m and huge, real life Schwarzeneggers. Smiley It was so impressive... Now every time I see a "big guy" with muscles, I am very cautious...just thinking back of what I saw. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Well, to be fair even the police have problems with guns. Recently the California Highway Patrol fired 90 rds at a suspect hitting him only 15 times. He wasnt even armed, he just postured his body like he was armed. heart

    RC, There are some really good techniques and solutions for concealed carry, but as in all things nothing good is cheap and people better also be ready to cough up the money for professional level training and the ammo it consumes to learn drawing and firing from concealed carry and to also practice to stay in the muscle memory groove. Budget matters as much as desire.indecision


    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    The problem is: If someone catches you with a concealed weapon in Germany, you're done for good. I have to have a clean criminal record to run my business and even one offense would be enough to close me down. 

    We studied concealed weapons during our training, it is amazing what kind of possibilities there are to conceal a deadly weapon. I sometimes wonder if regular police is actually aware of it because according to our trainer and the reaction of some of the participants, I think not.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Do any of the states in Germany allow it for civilians under any circumstances? 

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    I heartily agree on avoiding spots with a high potential for trouble and avoiding physical conflict in general. What impresses me most about the human condition is really just how fragile we all are. That and the degree of permanent damage that can be unintentionally inflicted in a brief moment.

    However, a friend of mine just loves visiting such places. Even when he shops at Wal-Mart, he parks far away from the building and walks across the parking lot (usually at night) with a bit of a limp and has his wallet half way hanging out of his pocket. He likes to think that he looks like any easy target. He actually needs to get rid of the military style haircut, and can't really do anything about being 6'4" tall. If you don't suspect him of being a law enforcement officer, then you just aren't paying attention.



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    93 éléments trouvés, affichés de 1 à 30.