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    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    I know it's different but it just shows how bad this track is for modern cars.

    Alonso decided to go 3 seconds slower per lap than top 6 and that created that long train behind him. No space to overtake him.  It's legal but it's a dirty tactic IMO.

    Williams drivers should have been penalized. 21 blue flags to give way, unreal Smiley


    There is nothing dirty about it, he is fighting for that 7th place and he was told by the team that the estimate is that his tires will not last the 33 laps so he needed to slow the pace to conserve them to reach the end of the race to conserve his position. Kudos to him that he was able to pull it off. Just because Hamilton's car was faster doesn't mean he is entitled to a free pass and take away his 7th position, that is not how racing works, and specially not in Monaco.

    I understand you are not happy about it since you are a Hamilton fan, totally understandable and respectable, but nothing dirty about controlling the pace to match your tire degradation and nothing dirty about preventing other drivers to pass you and take your points even if they are faster in that stint.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    image 001.jpeg

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Gracias Ferrari!!!!



    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Carlos from Spain:

    I understand you are not happy about it since you are a Hamilton fan, totally understandable and respectable, but nothing dirty about controlling the pace to match your tire degradation and nothing dirty about preventing other drivers to pass you and take your points even if they are faster in that stint.

    It's my turn to tell you: you are using excuses! Smiley

    Alonso went slower than he should. RB had medium tires and were 3-4s faster per lap(for 20 laps). That ALOT on a 1:20min track.

    Alonso is not the most likable driver on the grid and I'm sure after blocking 10+ cars in this race, just for fun, other drivers are not that happy about it.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Carlos from Spain:

    I understand you are not happy about it since you are a Hamilton fan, totally understandable and respectable, but nothing dirty about controlling the pace to match your tire degradation and nothing dirty about preventing other drivers to pass you and take your points even if they are faster in that stint.

    It's my turn to tell you: you are using excuses! Smiley

    Alonso went slower than he should. RB had medium tires and were 3-4s faster per lap(for 20 laps). That ALOT on a 1:20min track.

    Alonso is not the most likable driver on the grid and I'm sure after blocking 10+ cars in this race, just for fun, other drivers are not that happy about it.

    Unfortunately Alonso didn't have the benefit of hindsight you have of how long the mediums ended up lasting under those varying conditions, the team gave him an estimate of how much the tires could last and he acted accordingly and pulled it off.

    Why risk going faster if he had no need? for Hamilton's benefit? nope, apparently holding off Hamilton was, and I quote Alonso, "extremely easy"... maybe if he had someone like Russell behind he would of had to ke a faster pace Smiley

    Sorry, but claiming he did it "just for fun" is incredibly salty on your part, c'mon you know better thatn that?Smiley

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Carlos from Spain:

    I understand you are not happy about it since you are a Hamilton fan, totally understandable and respectable, but nothing dirty about controlling the pace to match your tire degradation and nothing dirty about preventing other drivers to pass you and take your points even if they are faster in that stint.

    It's my turn to tell you: you are using excuses! Smiley

    Alonso went slower than he should. RB had medium tires and were 3-4s faster per lap(for 20 laps). That ALOT on a 1:20min track.

    Alonso is not the most likable driver on the grid and I'm sure after blocking 10+ cars in this race, just for fun, other drivers are not that happy about it.


    I am with Carlos on this issue. And I am not remotely close to being a Alonso fan boy. He had gained my respect the last few years however. 

    Everyone has their own race strategy, Hamilton has his, and Alonso has his. It's not the first time Alonso the willy old fox managed to hold up Hamilton, see Hungary last year, that track is a lot wider. His experience has taught him how and where to position his car to prevent someone from passing, there is nothing wrong with that, it's racing after all.

    Red Bulls are a much faster race car compared to the Alpines, and how they uses tires are also different. There is no comparison with lap times between the Red Bulls and Alpine. Could Alonso go faster? Absolutely, 3-4 seconds faster? Nah. Maybe a couple seconds a lap. But had he done that, his tire could have been gone before the end of the race and he might have lost 7th place. 

    Hamilton also never tried to risk his car to do a Verstappen banzai pass either. Just not in him. Could he have forced a pass driving like the young guns? Perhaps. But there is a more than zero chance a collision will happen and the risk of him falling out of the points also. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1


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    Ferrari just can't get out of it's own way. They keep tripping over themselves for sure.




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Carlos from Spain:

    I understand you are not happy about it since you are a Hamilton fan, totally understandable and respectable, but nothing dirty about controlling the pace to match your tire degradation and nothing dirty about preventing other drivers to pass you and take your points even if they are faster in that stint.

    It's my turn to tell you: you are using excuses! Smiley

    Alonso went slower than he should. RB had medium tires and were 3-4s faster per lap(for 20 laps). That ALOT on a 1:20min track.

    Alonso is not the most likable driver on the grid and I'm sure after blocking 10+ cars in this race, just for fun, other drivers are not that happy about it.


    I am with Carlos on this issue. And I am not remotely close to being a Alonso fan boy. He had gained my respect the last few years however. 

    Everyone has their own race strategy, Hamilton has his, and Alonso has his. It's not the first time Alonso the willy old fox managed to hold up Hamilton, see Hungary last year, that track is a lot wider. His experience has taught him how and where to position his car to prevent someone from passing, there is nothing wrong with that, it's racing after all.

    Red Bulls are a much faster race car compared to the Alpines, and how they uses tires are also different. There is no comparison with lap times between the Red Bulls and Alpine. Could Alonso go faster? Absolutely, 3-4 seconds faster? Nah. Maybe a couple seconds a lap. But had he done that, his tire could have been gone before the end of the race and he might have lost 7th place. 

    Hamilton also never tried to risk his car to do a Verstappen banzai pass either. Just not in him. Could he have forced a pass driving like the young guns? Perhaps. But there is a more than zero chance a collision will happen and the risk of him falling out of the points also. 

    ExactlySmiley and Hamilton after reaching Alonso and sticking his car right up to Alonso for a couple of laps to see if there was a way through quickly realized what you mentioned and being a seasoned driver decided to back off and save his tires as well and kept an >1sec gap behind for the rest of the race securing his 8th, someone with less race IQ than Hamilton might of tried to pass but that wouldn't of been the right choice.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Red Bull extends Perez for 2 more years. Great move to lock up a quality driver in his prime.

    Here is an interesting scenario, what if Max DNF next race and Perez finish 1st and Leclerc 2nd? That would put Perez ahead in the championship, could Horner tell Max, hey dude you are the #2 now, you his wingman.





    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    So now the whiner's dad is whining also. What's new.

    Jos is blaming Red Bull for not giving Max the win. Unbelievable. 

    Mentioned before, Max prefers a oversteering car and rely on his reflexes to catch and point the car in the right direction, others more conventional drivers prefer a more neutral car and controlling that with weight transfers and such. It's one reason why Gasly and Albon had trouble performing in the Red Bull and Perez also had a tough time. Perez seems to have adapted this year and performing better, and for some reason their setup at Monaco had move even father away from Max's preference. 

    Maybe Jos should just buy up Red Bull and make it HIS team so he can dictate whatever. Oh wait, he can't, he isn't rich enough. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    I would love to see F1 stand firm on the cost cap, make Red Bull, Ferrari and Mercedes suffers this year.

    Those 3 can always have the option to divert money allocated for further development to other stuff. They don't NEED to spend whatever they are spending on car development. They wanted to, but that's isn't a NEED.

    Transportation costs are a NEED, they should have prioritized those first. A lesson learned for them this year.

    It will be so nice if the big 3 had to cut development this year and the other teams start catching up. Say Alfa, or McLaren, heck even Williams and Alpine. 

    Gonna be a fun 2nd half for 2022 when the likes of Red Bull Ferrari and Mercedes are deep in the mid pack while McLaren and Haas and Alfa and others are leading the pack into turn 1 every race. 





    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Had a laugh last evening while watching the 1966 movie Grand Prix starring James Garner when the camera panned shots of stainless steel I.D. bracelets with the driver’s name and blood type worn by the drivers during the races.  Times have definitely changed.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Haha, Lewee has his blood type engraved on his nose ring.

    BTW- Las Vegas F1 next year!!!  Should be hilarious.

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    indecisionStraight down the strip just for the spectacle.  

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Lots of d.ckheads will be present,  but still fun.

    Even Madame is going,  but you get the in when you're on Wynn's Board of Directors.



    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    I am so patiently waiting for the Vegas race. It is gonna be so much better than the pathetic and stupid Miami parking lot one. There is going to be so many iconic angle for images for the Vegas race. 

    Even before F1 announced the event, my casino host had already asked me where and how I wanted to watch the race. 

    They should have done this instead of Miami, and add a 3rd event at Laguna Seca. I can't wait to see Max short cut the Corkscrew trying to stay ahead!




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    First actual and factual truth from Horner's mouth in years.

    It's Red Bull Racing. Not Max Verstappen Racing.




    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    They should have done this instead of Miami, and add a 3rd event at Laguna Seca. I can't wait to see Max short cut the Corkscrew trying to stay ahead!

    But everyone else are fanboys fixated on a woes of another driver…

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:

    They should have done this instead of Miami, and add a 3rd event at Laguna Seca. I can't wait to see Max short cut the Corkscrew trying to stay ahead!

    But everyone else are fanboys fixated on a woes of another driver…


    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:

    They should have done this instead of Miami, and add a 3rd event at Laguna Seca. I can't wait to see Max short cut the Corkscrew trying to stay ahead!

    But everyone else are fanboys fixated on a woes of another driver…


    This year's championship is between Ferrari and Red Bull, Leclerc, Sainz, Verstappen and Perez, of course they should be the headlines. 

    You wanted the headlines to be about back markers instead? Say Latifi and Stroll? Smiley What kind of logic is that?






    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Here is some Williams news. They got fined.

    Is anyone else interested in Latifi's team getting fined?






    Re: [2022] Formula 1


    Lots of d.ckheads will be present,  but still fun.

    Even Madame is going,  but you get the in when you're on Wynn's Board of Directors.



    We should have a Rennteam suite party in Vegas!  

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    For those armchair managers that think they can do a better job than Horner or Wolff, here is a game for you all.

    Decades ago I played pretty much the original version of a F1 racing manager game, think it was called GP Manager or F1 Manager or something, I actually made Jos Verstappen WDC, on back to back seasons. 

    This time around it's officially licensed from Formula 1. 




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    2022: Perez might win the GP! Smiley

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    CGX car nut:

    They should have done this instead of Miami, and add a 3rd event at Laguna Seca. I can't wait to see Max short cut the Corkscrew trying to stay ahead!

    But everyone else are fanboys fixated on a woes of another driver…


    This year's championship is between Ferrari and Red Bull, Leclerc, Sainz, Verstappen and Perez, of course they should be the headlines. 

    You wanted the headlines to be about back markers instead? Say Latifi and Stroll? Smiley What kind of logic is that?

    You did not get the point, at all. Smiley

    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Get what?

    There isn't any point to get is there? 

    Or is someone else too fixated on Hamilton who lives in their mind rent free?




    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Screen Shot 2022-06-09 at 11.44.02 AM.jpg

    Here is what's wrong with F1. the car dwarfs the Le Mans entry from Alpine. 

    They seriously need to downsize them for the next regulation change.





    Re: [2022] Formula 1

    Wow - they are racing huge cars!!  Great picture to show the comparison.  



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