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    Bahrain Grand Prix

    What an amazing performance from both Massa and Hamilton! They outqualified their senior team mates.

    I'm looking forward to the race tomorrow. Maybe Hamilton will overtake Massa again off the start grid.

    Roll on Sunday!!

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Hamilton was no real surprise given how quick he has been all weekend. Massa was a slight surprise given he hasn't been as quick as Kimi all weekend. I would really like to see Massa win this one to get his confidence back after last week.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    The first corner will be interesting

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    H-man will win. (Gratuitous Prediction)

    So far he has a 3rd and a 2nd in his first two races. The pressure is on for a 1st. I think he will deliver that and gain himself a place in F1 history.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    I just watched qualifying on speed and it looks like we have some competition. That is great.

    I just wish some of these new tracks had some green and some trees around them and near the course for contrast.It looks like they are racing in a large walmart parking lot.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    911fan said:
    The first corner will be interesting

    You took the words right out of my mouth! thats going to be the best part of the race, and IMO it will decide the race.

    And basically most of it depends on were Hamilton will stand after the first corner. If he ends up first, that will favour Alonso (and McLaren in general) greatly. Hamilton will be a hold up for the Ferraris like in Sepang and not let them break away on the first stint.

    On the other hand the opposite scenario would be if the Ferraris get 1-2 and at the same time Hamilton comes out in front of Alonso. Then its Australia all over again, and it will favour Ferrari.

    I get the feeling the McLarens qualified with more fuel than the Ferraris overall, and there is a posibility that Alonso even more and is playing a late first pit stop strategy. That could be one explaination his 4th place, a full .5 off Massa's.

    After the qualifying when questioned at the boxes if he was heavy on fuel or was it that did not have a good qualifying, all he said was that he was hoping for a place on the two front grid lines, so he is happy. When questioned again about the fuel load he avoided the question again by talking about that we will see everybodies strategy tomorrow. His body language and face showed that he wasn't happy, leading to believe that he was not heavy on fuel but rather was not fast enough in Bahrain, but that could be well planned as well to lead the other teams to believe that... so we will see.

    So the first corner will be interesting, hopefully the rest of the race won't be as boring as the two previous ones.

    Maybe Hamilton will give a surprise here, I can see JimFlat6's prediction happening. He shouldn't be understimated on the count he is a rookie, because here he really isn't. He has had more hours on the McLaren F1 than Alonso, and more than Kimi/Massa on the Ferraris, and this time he knows this track as well as the other drivers from his GP2 experience (unlike the two previous tracks). So apart from his youth he is not at such a disadvantage anymore and it can show tomorrow. In the previous GP's his racepaces were not among the fastest of the Ferrari-McLaren bunch, but tomorrow it may.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    i am in bahrein now , and seated tomorrow on the first corner.. i hope the race will be nice..

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Carlos..shhh, don't give the game away.

    McLaren has had Hamilton signed since he was 13! Alonso, Kimi, Massa et al certainly don't think of him as a rookie.
    Hamilton is a a phenom with the track time and F1 car time to allow him to do some amazing things.

    This season Hamilton could be Alonso's biggest nightmare.

    McLaren couldnt be happier.

    This year so far disproves all those who claimed Alonso could only win in the Renault and that Kimi would crush all others if in a Ferrari.

    The two best pilots this year are Alonso and Hamilton. They are amazing.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Jim is right.
    Hamilton seems to be like a Kimi without the bad luck and "coulda-shoulda-woulda" potential that has been Kimi's trademark for quite some time.
    And personality-wise he is F1's answer to Tiger Woods. Polite, professional, ambitious and 100% focussed on winning.
    And he also makes Alonso look like yesterday's news.
    He's sharper, more aggressive than his teammate, and has shown more raw talent than probably anyone in F1 for decades.
    Unless he lucks out or team orders come into play, he will make Alonso - and the rest - look like a dinosaur.
    Granted, had he driven a Red Bull racer, his talent wouldn't have taken him this far this soon.
    But Hamilton IS sitting in a McLaren - and with McLaren's newfound strength and reliability that combination looks like nitro meeting glycerin.

    About that last remark, Jim: Have u been snortin some Spanish dope? U joining the Official Girlieman Fanclub?
    The season isn't exactly over, so besides Hamilton delivering impressive results for a rookie, I think it will take a few races before we see both Kimi and Alonso finding their form, or lack thereof.
    I believe Ferrari has the edge when it comes to speed - and the old McLaren reliability ghost may yet rear its ugly head.
    Alonso won last race almost exclusively because Hamilton held up a frustrated Massa and later Kimi, and Kimi's car - allegedly- didnt perform near the way it did in Australia.
    Anything can happen - and as long as "anything" is nothing like the mega-boring race from last week, I'm glued to the TV set all year

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Of course I am right.

    Dr. Phil, even you do not need another bong hit from your stash of narco-danish Alonso in your dreams butter to know that Alonso is the better of the two drivers.

    This is the catch between Hamilton and Alonso. You have already seen H-man at his best. Thats it. Thats the show. He has no more card tricks. He is brave, he is a phenom, he is ALL THAT as they say on the Opray-Dr.Phil Kimi Cry hour, but thats it! Yeah he will win, place and show but there is actually a better more cunning driver on his team.

    With Alonso, you simply haven't noticed his best. His talent is to win and not look like he is trying. So he is playing the other guys like fish. By the end of this season, even you will get it - maybe!

    Now in years past, you and Carlos had a lawnmower duel plannned to decide your Kimi-Alonso rivalry. Since you have finally conceded that Kimi isn't ALL THAT, when will you start driving to Spain to mow lawns on weekends?

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    JimFlat6 said:
    Of course I am right.

    Dr. Phil, even you do not need another bong hit from your stash of narco-danish Alonso in your dreams butter to know that Alonso is the better of the two drivers.

    This is the catch between Hamilton and Alonso. You have already seen H-man at his best. Thats it. Thats the show. He has no more card tricks. He is brave, he is a phenom, he is ALL THAT as they say on the Opray-Dr.Phil Kimi Cry hour, but thats it! Yeah he will win, place and show but there is actually a better more cunning driver on his team.

    With Alonso you simply haven't seen his best yet. He is playing the other guys out like fish. By the end of this season, you will get the picture.

    Now in years past, you and Carlos had a lawnmower duel plannned to decide your Kimi-Alonso rivalry. Since you have finally conceded that Kimi isn't ALL THAT, when will you start driving to Spain to mow lawns on weekends?

    Ok, what time will the men in white pick u up?
    Have u gone gay, or starting a comedian career?
    I take it you're bored, and since Carlos wont battle it out for his girl..erm, guy - u step in his place.
    But even saying stuff like "U havent seen the his best yet" about Girlieman "Boohoo -I hate to overtake others and be agressive" Homonso - even as a thick joke may scar your mind for life. Braincells die everytime u even THINK of Gayonso as a winner.
    The brain of a real man simply isnt made for thoughts of gay support and girlieman sympathy. It's a scientific fact.

    Now, as a last attempt to save what little sanity you may still have left, you MUST repeat this sentence 433 times every night untill this season is over:
    "I shall never again say silly words of Girlieman support. Gay be gone! Gay be gone!". This MAY save you, but I cant guarantee it.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Does anyone know why the starting line-up has the 1st position placed on the outside of the first corner?

    That means anyone starting second has the inside (best) line entering the first corner. Given a 1 car advantage, it is difficult to cut in front before entering the 1st corner.

    Just seems a bit strange.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    racerx said:
    I just wish some of these new tracks had some green and some trees around them and near the course for contrast.It looks like they are racing in a large walmart parking lot.

    That may be a bit difficult considering they are literally in the dessert!

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    NICK HEIDFELD UEBER ALLES.. now would a champion let a BMW sauber pass on the OUTSIDE, muhahaha.. alsonso is/was overrated!! im happy for massa to win and nick to become 4th for the 3rd time. this race was much more interesting and fun with more fights. too bad about coulthard though he went from 21st to 7th!! thats impressive.

    Dr.Phil what do you think about nick?

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Dr. Phil said:
    ...And personality-wise he is F1's answer to Tiger Woods. Polite, professional, ambitious and 100% focussed on winning.
    And he also makes Alonso look like yesterday's news.
    He's sharper, more aggressive than his teammate, and has shown more raw talent than probably anyone in F1 for decades.

    Could'nt have put it better myself... the final result of Massa 1 and Hamilton 2 proves the point. Congratulations to them both. It's just a matter of a few races before Hamilton knotches up a win.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Hamilton is no longer rookie since last GP, He is going to be a great competitor for ferrari and specially for Alonso.....

    Bad GP for alonso, his car was not in its best shape, but I guarantee he will return for Barcelona GP, very bad race for him today, but well he is adding points He will take revenge not only vs ferrari but also for his team mate, hamilton(SPECIALLY FOR STOPPING HIM IN THE FIRST CURVE, AND CLOSING THE DOORS), but anyway, today it wasn't Alonso's race...that's for sure

    Anyway it was a nice race, full of fights....and THANKGOD Bmw is waking up!!!!, lets see if the engine of Heidfield survives for Barcelona GP

    Its going to be a GREATTTTTTT SEASON !

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    My confidence in Massa is back. As I said earlier, he really needs this one. Now we have a situation where the top 4 guys are still able to win the championship. That is a great position for us fans. Btw, this also underlines how quick M. Schumacher was last year even in his last year. He was consistently faster than Massa and we can now see how quick Massa is against Raikkonen.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Massa indeed deserved the win, and couln't have come in a better time with the pressure he was under after the last race. But eventhough he is fast, he many too make mistakes to be consistent enough to fight for the championship

    What is up with Kimi? its like he doesn't want to be there! and looks like he just came back from the Pub before coming to the track. When he speaks you get the urge to slap him in the face and yell "what up man!" ... and how can a driver with such experience DOZE OFF when the safety car comes in and Massa-Hamilton-Alonso floor it?

    This is the first race in 24 races (back in 2005) with the exception of two non-finishes, were Alonso finishes off the podium, thats 24 races. He was heavy on fuel on the start but that made no difference, his pace was slow today. He reports he could do nothing more today with the car which was twitchy and unstable the whole weekend. So strange that his fastest personal laps came on the third stint when he had the hard tires on, which tecnically were 0.5sec slower than the softs according to De La Rosa. Whatever the reason, this opens up the championship completely! so we have more to look for on the next race.

    Hamilton did a great race, no mistakes except maybe for his weird maneuvers on up to the first curve on the start of the race (moving side to side and then breaking heavily). His strategy of starting light on fuel and try to keep up with Massa paid off, but Massa and the Ferrari were just too fast today. He may not have been the fastest in each of the races and hence have not won a race yet, but more importantly IMO he has been dead regular, and that makes him a championship contenter more than Massa IMO. And the win will come eventually, there is a lot of races left, if he is up there runing in the top places in each of the races, the win is bound to happen.

    Congratulations to "Quick Nick", his BMW is very competitive now. Not only did he make third today, but on the previous two, he made 4th no less, so it was not a fluke today. For us fans this is great news to have more teams than just the boring Ferrari-McLaren parade

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Atz: Great job by Nick Heidfeld. He's sort of an anonymous character in the F1 circus, but he has started to slowly grow and become more and more visible.
    He totally owned Alonso in the race - and even tho it's likely that Alonso's car wasn't up to par, but that's also part of the game.
    Alonso was trying to hold him back and had enough speed to do so. Heidfeld just outsmarted him. Plain and simple. Great job. Hope we see a lot more maneuvers like that.

    Carlos is right on the money regarding Kimi (did I just say that sentence..? ) : He seems like he's mentally somewhere else. One thing is being angry or annoyed because the race didnt turn out the way he would have liked - but his attitude this season more seems like "wtf am I doing here?".
    Good work in the pits gave him Alonso's place - but his pace on the last stint was strangely slow. As if the McLarens were much better matched with the hard tires. Strange considering the advantage Ferrari must have with their experience with these tires.

    Kimi seems mentally off, and Alonso looks more and more like old news. He has the same equipment as his younger rookie teammate - yet shares points with the rookie after 3 races. Good for McLaren, but not so good for Alonso.
    But naturally it would be a mistake to write him off at this point. He is experienced, still co-leading, and today's race may have been a fluke - but he needs to shape up big time if he doesnt wanna get humiliated by Hamilton.

    Massa: He is fast when he is focussed - but I also wonder if he can keep up the form. He doesnt strike me as very stabil.
    Anything can happen - and I'm looking at Hamilton for the action.

    I think he will become the first rookie champion.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    With regards to the accusation that Kimi doozed off when the safety car came in, that is not true. If you watch it again, you will see that Alonso almost brake tested him and that caused him to also have to brake and be so far behind.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Heidfeld had new tires when he passed Alonso ,is car was on used tires

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    I thought Heidfeld's move on Alonso was especially exciting. Also, was impressed with Massa's poise with all the pressure on him. It is surprising to see Kimi not blowing everyone away- I thought he would at least have fast lap.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Alonso and Kimi look like certified place holders. Maybe with their wallets are so fat now they are uncomfortable in the cars? Why do they even bother to show up? Race or go home please.

    Both seemed impressive during Schumachers waning years but now it seems that the "fighters" are Hamilton, Massa and Nick.

    Re: Bahrain Grand Prix

    Alonso and Kimi look like certified place holders. Maybe with their wallets so fat now they are uncomfortable in the cars? Why do they even bother to show up? Race or go home please.

    Both seemed impressive during Schumachers waning years but now it seems that the "fighters" are Hamilton, Massa and Nick.



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