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    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Tell him if he would have paid attention in school, perhaps he could afford one too and then smile politely smiley

    You might be addressing an unemployed scientist. Hardly a good answer.

    Well, had he paid more attention in school, perhaps he would not have been unemployed Smiley

    Not fact. I think that after 2009 crisis there were lots of well educated people that lost their job and were unable to continue to work, were psycologically broken. 


    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    People get aggressive when they see expensive things, this is something I encounter each and every day in Germany. Just today, I was sitting with my wife at a table at a cafe for some midday coffee, I took out my iPhone to check my calendar for an appointment and a guy sitting next to me said in a loud voice "Ah...ein ProllPhone"...which kind of translates to "a phone for attention seekers" but in a very bad way. I usually don't care about comments from other people but he made this remark with a very loud voice. I asked him what kind of phone he is using, hoping for some common ground for an intelligent discussion and he replied, again in a very loud voice, "a 50 EUR Handy, the best phone in the world and not such an expensive crap". My wife told me to ignore him because she was afraid I would jump him, she knows my temper  and I listened to her but I felt really annoyed and the relaxing moment with my wife was gone. 

    I just don't understand what kind of satisfaction people have to provoke? yes

    You should've responded with:  "Ah... a loser" in a very loud voice back, without looking at him.


    2005 997S Blk/Blk

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    SoCal Alan:

    People get aggressive when they see expensive things, this is something I encounter each and every day in Germany. Just today, I was sitting with my wife at a table at a cafe for some midday coffee, I took out my iPhone to check my calendar for an appointment and a guy sitting next to me said in a loud voice "Ah...ein ProllPhone"...which kind of translates to "a phone for attention seekers" but in a very bad way. I usually don't care about comments from other people but he made this remark with a very loud voice. I asked him what kind of phone he is using, hoping for some common ground for an intelligent discussion and he replied, again in a very loud voice, "a 50 EUR Handy, the best phone in the world and not such an expensive crap". My wife told me to ignore him because she was afraid I would jump him, she knows my temper  and I listened to her but I felt really annoyed and the relaxing moment with my wife was gone. 

    I just don't understand what kind of satisfaction people have to provoke? yes

    You should've responded with:  "Ah... a loser" in a very loud voice back, without looking at him.

    And to go down to the same level? 


    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    SoCal Alan:

    People get aggressive when they see expensive things, this is something I encounter each and every day in Germany. Just today, I was sitting with my wife at a table at a cafe for some midday coffee, I took out my iPhone to check my calendar for an appointment and a guy sitting next to me said in a loud voice "Ah...ein ProllPhone"...which kind of translates to "a phone for attention seekers" but in a very bad way. I usually don't care about comments from other people but he made this remark with a very loud voice. I asked him what kind of phone he is using, hoping for some common ground for an intelligent discussion and he replied, again in a very loud voice, "a 50 EUR Handy, the best phone in the world and not such an expensive crap". My wife told me to ignore him because she was afraid I would jump him, she knows my temper  and I listened to her but I felt really annoyed and the relaxing moment with my wife was gone. 

    I just don't understand what kind of satisfaction people have to provoke? yes

    You should've responded with:  "Ah... a loser" in a very loud voice back, without looking at him.

    And to go down to the same level? 

    A level that he might understand, yes.


    2005 997S Blk/Blk

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    People get aggressive when they see expensive things, this is something I encounter each and every day in Germany. Just today, I was sitting with my wife at a table at a cafe for some midday coffee, I took out my iPhone to check my calendar for an appointment and a guy sitting next to me said in a loud voice "Ah...ein ProllPhone"...which kind of translates to "a phone for attention seekers" but in a very bad way.

    Is it usual for people to start rude conversations with unknowns in Germany? I'm very surprised about this attitude.Could the man have had a few midday beers?


    "Form follows function"

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    SoCal Alan:

    A level that he might understand, yes.

    I am very careful about calling people names and/or insulting them in public. The reason? If I do so, the risk of the whole thing blowing up and getting involved in a physical fight, is very high and I could be in big trouble. I have a professional fight training (my "sport") which is considered by german law a "weapon". So if I hit the guy back, even in self defense, I have to prove to the law enforcement/court that I did that in self defense and that I applied only the necessary force to achieve that task. It is a very tricky situation, so I have to be very very careful what I do because since I don't know my adversary, he could be a sissy or a trained fighter too. Since I can't  know that, I have to be careful and if he is a pro, I am in real danger if I hold back when the fight starts.

    To make it short: This "level" is out of the question for me, I cannot get involved in a physical fight in public, I would do that only to protect my family.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I gave him a very cold, hard stare. I was so angry that this stranger had the nerve to tell me what to do so I then told him to mind his own business and to go f*ck himself.

    I'd never imagine you using the f-word Smiley Smiley


    "Form follows function"

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Which reminds me of two other encounters recently (of course in my C63 AMG...the loud exhaust has some drawbacks): I passed people and they showed me the middle finger or a fist. It was a 50 kph zone, I was going maybe 30 kph in one case and close to 50 kph in the second one. I accelerated, this is true but not strongly. In "C" mode, the C63 has a very nice and loud V8 growl but nothing really to be annoyed with (pedestrians). So when these people showed me their "love", I stopped the car and drove back to them, asking them why they did what they did (of course I knew it but I just wanted to confront them). My wife said I shouldn't do this anymore because one crazy guy could hit my door or whatever but I was really and I really don't want these people to get away with their idiotic behavior.

    Maybe times have changed: When I was young, we were a bunch of crazy car people, driving around with loud exhaust systems, doing all sorts of  crazy stuff, squeaking tires were the least annoying thing at that time. I can't remember that anyone cared about it or said something bad to us. Or maybe I was just too young to care, I don't know but It was really different.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Well what did they say when you confronted them? That's epic btw, I often get annoyed enough to want to do something, but then I think F*ck it and I avoid the confrontation all together. There's a lot of idiotic behavior on the roads and I doubt it's because of me.. I've come to the conclusion that there's too many people living in too small a space (NRW)

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Tell him if he would have paid attention in school, perhaps he could afford one too and then smile politely smiley

    You might be addressing an unemployed scientist. Hardly a good answer.

    Well, had he paid more attention in school, perhaps he would not have been unemployed Smiley

    Not fact. I think that after 2009 crisis there were lots of well educated people that lost their job and were unable to continue to work, were psycologically broken. 

    Oh common don't read into it too much. There are still employed scientists aren't there Smiley

    We're talking about a low-life who insults a perfect stranger who's enjoying tea with his family, wife or kids here.. Smiley

    I wish I had the courage in the moment of the heat to tell him to go F*ck himself, but I always avoid such confrontation in the moment.

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I gave him a very cold, hard stare. I was so angry that this stranger had the nerve to tell me what to do so I then told him to mind his own business and to go f*ck himself.

     I don't think he realised that people like me don't take sh*t from anyone.

    That's your Policy, Dirty Easy!

    Smiley   That gave me a good chuckle, like reginos, I too find that out of character from our sophisticated Cambridge educated Easy and just plain funny.

    (the Dirty Harry part for policy, Drebin is just a bonus)

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    SoCal Alan:

    A level that he might understand, yes.

    I am very careful about calling people names and/or insulting them in public. The reason? If I do so, the risk of the whole thing blowing up and getting involved in a physical fight, is very high and I could be in big trouble. I have a professional fight training (my "sport") which is considered by german law a "weapon". So if I hit the guy back, even in self defense, I have to prove to the law enforcement/court that I did that in self defense and that I applied only the necessary force to achieve that task. It is a very tricky situation, so I have to be very very careful what I do because since I don't know my adversary, he could be a sissy or a trained fighter too. Since I can't  know that, I have to be careful and if he is a pro, I am in real danger if I hold back when the fight starts.

    To make it short: This "level" is out of the question for me, I cannot get involved in a physical fight in public, I would do that only to protect my family.

    I never advocated a physical confrontation. But you do and should stick up for yourself, and it sounds like you tried. This person is a bully, and bullies live for people who don't respond.

    2005 997S Blk/Blk

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Usually, I'm polite and softly spoken and when things aren't right, I handle those conversations with firm politeness ... but there are also rare occasions when even someone like me needs to put politeness aside and put people in their place. I don't do it often but I know very well how to do it :)

    My wife doesn't like it though - she doesn't want any confrontation at all with strangers since one never knows what they might do ... in that respect, she's right ... but I'm 6'2" and well built so I can be quite imposing and even intimidating when I need to be ... and life is not about letting people walk all over you. Sometimes, you just have to put people straight.


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I gave him a very cold, hard stare. I was so angry that this stranger had the nerve to tell me what to do so I then told him to mind his own business and to go f*ck himself.

     I don't think he realised that people like me don't take sh*t from anyone.

    That's your Policy, Dirty Easy!

    Smiley   That gave me a good chuckle, like reginos, I too find that out of character from our sophisticated Cambridge educated Easy and just plain funny.

    +1 ! Smiley   Very bad ass of you indeed.   


    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Haha - you guys need to remember that I grew up on the mean streets of leafy North London ... :) :)


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I remember in August 2007 when my wife and I were touring Europe. We had a weak car battery (which we nursed through an otherwise trouble-free trip) so we did not want to keep starting the engine too often. So, whenever we stopped by the roadside (eg for a quick photo) and did not leave the car unattended, we just kept the engine running.

    On one occasion in Switzerland, a man actually had the nerve to gesture to me (with his hand) that I should switch off my car.

    I gave him a very cold, hard stare. I was so angry that this stranger had the nerve to tell me what to do so I then told him to mind his own business and to go f*ck himself.

    He was a typical environmentalist (he was even wearing corduroy trousers!). You should have seen his face. He was shocked at how I had spoken back at him. Served him right for interfering. I don't think he realised that people like me don't take sh*t from anyone. It's my car and I paid for the fuel I was using so I can do as I wish with it. I wasn't using a communal resource. These do-gooders have no idea about individual freedom and how they should respect other people's right to do what they want without silly comments or gestures about what they should do.

    Easy, is that really you? It seems so out of character.Smiley A wolf in sheep clothing?Smiley

    Guy's, altercations in public should be engaged with one rule of thumb; 99.9% of the time YOU have more to LOSE than the other guy/girl. Why fight the odds? Ignore and move on. You will be much happier that you did.Smiley



    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    My wife doesn't like it though - she doesn't want any confrontation at all with strangers since one never knows what they might do ... in that respect, she's right ... but I'm 6'2" and well built so I can be quite imposing and even intimidating when I need to be ... and life is not about letting people walk all over you. Sometimes, you just have to put people straight.

    Some of us oldtimers of Rennteam with good memories remember the crystal gayle photo and your photo in your lambswool/cashmere sportcoat. Yes you are an imposing figure.

    I would caution all to avoid trouble if possible, unless it is that 1 time where you might be pissed in general and can't stop a knee-jerk reaction, because in the US a large percentage of people are carrying and in Europe I am sure many have knives on their person or would do something else with whatever they have available. Plus you never know what can of worms you may be opening.





    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    If it weren't for the fact that Lambo's sound sh!tty when they are revvedSmiley, we wouldn't have this thread. Hell, I love hearing a nice sounding engine rev or go zooming by, especially japanese sportbikes or true muscle cars. People pay big bucks for the privilege at F1 events, Airshows, etc..........  Who the hell would tell a CGT to go by quietly (in most cases, sleeping babies or unsuspecting elders an exception).

    It is usually jealousy or ignorance that illicits a negative reaction to something nice, whether it be a fancy phone or a nice car.

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Nick, personally, I have not found this to be the best way.

    If you simply avoid all confrontation then all that ends up happening is that for some time after the event, it eats away at you. You think to yourself, I wish I had said this or done that. And some nobody who acts out of line ends up stealing your peace of mind for some hours (or even days) afterwards.

    I find there are levels of escalation. Usually, what I characterise as 'firm politeness' is enough ... it gets my message across sufficiently that I don't then dwell on it afterwards while at the same time not escalating matters to a level where the vocabulary turns foul or the threat of physical violence arises.

    Swearing is rarely the best way ... things go south quickly then. IMO swearing only works well (and safely) with people who are out of line but who are weak. They take fright and back off. That's why it worked with the Swiss tree-hugger I encountered.

    You have to know which battles to pick and how best to wage them. There is an art to this :)


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    The only way to get the best of an argument with strangers is to avoid it.

    People are generally wilder these days than in years past, some are intoxicated and some carry types of weapons. Physical attributes don't count for a lot in the face of an experienced  assailant. No one can stop a speeding bullet or a quick flick of a knife in skillful hands.

    Be careful!


    "Form follows function"

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Nick, personally, I have not found this to be the best way.

    If you simply avoid all confrontation then all that ends up happening is that for some time after the event, it eats away at you. You think to yourself, I wish I had said this or done that. And some nobody who acts out of line ends up stealing your peace of mind for some hours (or even days) afterwards.

    I find there are levels of escalation. Usually, what I characterise as 'firm politeness' is enough ... it gets my message across sufficiently that I don't then dwell on it afterwards while at the same time not escalating matters to a level where the vocabulary turns foul or the threat of physical violence arises.

    Swearing is rarely the best way ... things go south quickly then. IMO swearing only works well (and safely) with people who are out of line but who are weak. They take fright and back off. That's why it worked with the Swiss tree-hugger I encountered.

    You have to know which battles to pick and how best to wage them. There is an art to this :)

    Yes, completely agree with you.  Smiley


    2005 997S Blk/Blk

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    I certainly understand your position.

    However, you cannot predict the reaction from the other person. What you view as firm politeness could be considered an insult or disrespect. In my occupation, I have witnessed what a seemingly minor confrontation turned into a disastrous incident. As many in law enforcement have told me "It is just not worth it". 

    BTW, I have learned that the only people that upset me or I can get angry at are those that mean something to me. The ROW statements or actions are irrelevant so long as they do not physically injury me or my family.Smiley




    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Nick, do you always allow people to walk all over you?

    My father-in-law is the same way as you.  Always allowing other people to walk all over him and take advantage of him.  Each time, it's always an excuse as to why he doesn't stand up for himself.

    Again, I'm not talking about being completely rude or resulting in anything physical.  But, you should always stick up for yourself.


    2005 997S Blk/Blk

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    Alan, I don't know what you mean "walk over me". I state my case without emotion or aggression. If someone cuts me off in traffic or blows his/her horn I react like nothing happened. If I deal with vendors when I believe their product isn't up to snuff I invariably win by either returning the product or additional compensation from the vendor.

    The issue here is interacting with strangers where there is no relationship of any kind. If they want to scream and shout at me, I laugh it off. The mean nothing to me and I could careless what they think. If those things bother you, then be prepared for acts of stupidity.



    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    I get what you guys are saying, nberry and easy.  wink

    Old saying goes.. u throw stones at a pile of shit.. that shit's gonna splatter back.

    So it really is best to avoid confrontations with people of the gutter-born. There is no upside

    its really a split second judgement call of whether its worth it or not.. Sometimes we overreact.. sometimes we underreact.. and have mental conversations with self of regret or shame for days on end after

    I suppose statistics would suggest, its better to err on the side of caution and not react in the first place.. I would advise the same ( even if I am not always that good at following my own advice smiley)



    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I remember in August 2007 when my wife and I were touring Europe. We had a weak car battery (which we nursed through an otherwise trouble-free trip) so we did not want to keep starting the engine too often. So, whenever we stopped by the roadside (eg for a quick photo) and did not leave the car unattended, we just kept the engine running.

    On one occasion in Switzerland, a man actually had the nerve to gesture to me (with his hand) that I should switch off my car.

    I would have done the same.

    I mean... tell you to switch off. Smiley Smiley

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    Nick, personally, I have not found this to be the best way.

    If you simply avoid all confrontation then all that ends up happening is that for some time after the event, it eats away at you. You think to yourself, I wish I had said this or done that. 

    I happens to me all the time but you get used to it. Just think about the possible legal implications if you do not hold back and something really bad happens. One of our Krav Maga trainers in Munich told us about a guy who had extensive training for years with them. At the Oktoberfest, a drunk American tourist grabbed under the traditional skirt of his wife, so he hit that tourist with one single blow to the windpipe. The tourist was in hospital almost a month, the first couple of days were critical, he was in intensive care. Despite the fact that he was able to prove that he defended his wife, many witnesses around the action, including friends of the drunk American, the court tried the whole thing as an attempted manslaughter with horrible consequences for that guy (he lost his job at a security firm and went to prison for 18 months, with 6 months probation ("only" 12 months in prison). Our trainer told this story over and over again to remind us of possible consequences. Unfortunately the fact that Krav Maga isn't considered a real fighting sport but more of an aggressive fighting technique (according to the court and a specialist in martial arts), made things even worse. Just saying...I don't want to risk my future for an idiot and a couple of stupid words. So not worth it.

    I would however have no problem at all to attack somebody without any restraints, who seriously puts my family in danger. 


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini

    I would have done the same.

    I mean... tell you to switch off. Smiley Smiley

    This is why I always enjoyed my school time in Switzerland and this is why I feel so good in Germany. Smiley

    I prefer the American way of and let live. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche Panamera Turbo S (at Porsche right now), BMW X5M, Mercedes C63 AMG Coupe PP/DP, Mini Cooper S Countryman All4

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I remember in August 2007 when my wife and I were touring Europe. We had a weak car battery (which we nursed through an otherwise trouble-free trip) so we did not want to keep starting the engine too often. So, whenever we stopped by the roadside (eg for a quick photo) and did not leave the car unattended, we just kept the engine running.

    On one occasion in Switzerland, a man actually had the nerve to gesture to me (with his hand) that I should switch off my car.

    I would have done the same.

    I mean... tell you to switch off. Smiley Smiley

    If you keep starting a car with a battery (that was suddenly flat the night before you are about to leave on a 24 day vacation) without driving enough mileage to put charge back into that battery, then soon enough you will be unable to start the car. There was no way I was going to risk that happening during my tour around Europe. No disrespect Pierre but you aren't aware of all the facts of the situation I was facing. However, the interfering do-gooder who gestured to me to switch off was unaware of the circumstances as well. Sadly, that didn't stop him from interfering.

    Like RC said, people should respect other people's right & freedom to make their own choices. Personal freedom is at the heart of any democracy.

    If living in certain places in Europe means that the people who live there think they are entitled to interfere with my (deliberate) choices then I'm happy I live where I live - in the UK, people respect other people's freedom and their mantra is 'live and let live' - I have no intention of living in a place where people take it upon themselves to interfere in the lives of others. That's anathema to me Smiley Smiley


    997.1 C2S
     GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, short shifter, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen pickup, BMW Z4 2.5i Roadster Sterling Grey/Red

    Re: Guy gets mad at loud Lamborghini


    I remember in August 2007 when my wife and I were touring Europe. We had a weak car battery (which we nursed through an otherwise trouble-free trip) so we did not want to keep starting the engine too often. So, whenever we stopped by the roadside (eg for a quick photo) and did not leave the car unattended, we just kept the engine running.

    On one occasion in Switzerland, a man actually had the nerve to gesture to me (with his hand) that I should switch off my car.

    I would have done the same.

    I mean... tell you to switch off. Smiley Smiley

    If you keep starting a car with a battery (that was suddenly flat the night before you are about to leave on a 24 day vacation) without driving enough mileage to put charge back into that battery, then soon enough you will be unable to start the car. There was no way I was going to risk that happening during my tour around Europe. No disrespect Pierre but you aren't aware of all the facts of the situation I was facing. However, the interfering do-gooder who gestured to me to switch off was unaware of the circumstances as well. Sadly, that didn't stop him from interfering.

    Like RC said, people should respect other people's right & freedom to make their own choices. Personal freedom is at the heart of any democracy.

    If living in certain places in Europe means that the people who live there think they are entitled to interfere with my (deliberate) choices then I'm happy I live where I live - in the UK, people respect other people's freedom and their mantra is 'live and let live' - I have no intention of living in a place where people take it upon themselves to interfere in the lives of others. That's anathema to me Smiley Smiley

    Easy, one point you are obviously not aware of is the fact that allowing your engine to idle while on stop and not imminently about to drive off is illegal in some countries, and I suspect that Switzerland will be one of them as the country has tended to be at the forefront of driving noise and pollution emission legislation. Pierre could probably confirm this. 

    For all we know the guy might even have wanted to do you a favour by suggesting you stop your engine, as you were risking a fine by keeping it running. 





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