Rich C (UK) said:
...for those of you in the UK picking your car up on 1st March


Not long now..... time to get insurance sorted, Zymol bought, garage cleaned out... already checking the long range weather forecasts. Haven't failed to drive a new convertible off the forecourt with the roof down yet.

Mine will be at the dealer's in a couple of weeks, but being the cool, unruffled sort of type that I am I probably won't pick mine up until Thursday 3rd. Better for my work and also dealer will be quieter. Just think when I am all excited getting mine the rest of you will already be bored with your new toys and be thinking of what to get next! Insurance wise, I will probably go with Porsche. Best overall package but not the most expensive.
Next thing to think about - organising the Great Spring Rennteam UK meet!