320.036 Kph
0-100 Kph 3.38s
0-160 Kph 7.3s
0-200 Kph 11.0s
0-240 Kph 17.2s
1/4 Mile 11.3s @ 202.6 Kph
1 Km 20.6s @ 255.5 Kph

VI gear
70-120 Kph 10.2s
70-200 Kph 23.2s

Brakes (Result strats when the foot touchs the brakes)
100-0 Kph 36.6m (-1.07g)
200-0 Kph 131.9m (-1.19g)

130 Kph 78.7 dB
160 Kph 83.1 dB
Max 101.3 dB

Weight (with fuel, driver, instruments)
1486 Kg - 3270 lbs (-99 Kg than F430 F1)

Fantastic gearbox ( 5/5 "gold")
amazing to drive
Incredibly performances

some details'd be better
safety equipment

Easy to go fast, not easy @ the limit"