As some frequenters may be aware, I've been agonising for the last couple of months over what next car to buy. I'm relocating to Singapore in August and would love a performance car that could also serve as a daily commute to work (usually a 15-20minute drive).

The choices are:
1. 997TT
2. C2S with Aerokit (love the GT3 aesthetics, but ground clearance may be an issue!).
3. Aston V8 Vantage
4. Audi R8 (I might be able to get a slot for October delivery via a friend).
5. Cayman S with Techart power upgrade.
6. Buy a low cost, reliable Jap car now, then buy a weekend supercar 1-2yrs later.

All cars would be for around November delivery (except the Jap car which would be immediate) so I'll be car-less from August till November. Public transport here I come...gah!

As would be expected, some friends and family have warned that, being a new joiner to a financial institution, people may frown on a sub-30yr old prancing around in a car nicer than most of his superiors. As it is, my senior ranking in the new organisation has been a controversial issue for Human Resources (although not management). Should I give a damn about what the claustrophobic society of Singapore thinks or just fulfil my own desires? Being a dedicated car fanatic, I don't want to wait till I'm over 40 with grey hairs, having to worry about supporting a family, and owning an awesome set of wheels would be lower down the priority list.

In Singapore, a 911 is seen as an 'acceptable' performance car, but an Aston or R8 would be too bling-bling due to the rarity factor. Should I buy a Jap car first to preserve a modest image, then when I've firmly established myself in the organisation, buy a supercar?

Please help and VOTE! And post your opinions!