Why not just put it on the folded down rear seats and turn the a/c up!

I must say - every week I put ice cream, chocolate, frozen vegetables, chilled fruit juices, milk, smoothies, fresh fish/seafood in my front boot and none of them ever get warm from the drive.

I must be the first rennteamer with a Porsche 911 delivery van!

I can just imagine it. All those 911s lined up in Zuffenhausen picking straws to see which one gets which kind of owner. One 911 picks an owner who will take it to the race track every few weeks (sergini). Another 911 gets an owner who will travel across continents taking majestic photos of lakes and mountains (Gnil). And then there's my poor 911 that was destined to be owned by the 'notorious grocery man'. My poor car has to go to the supermarket every week to do my grocery shopping. Can you imagine my 911 in a huge car park filled with 4X4s, minivans, estate cars, hatchbacks etc ? People look and people stare wondering what on earth a car like mine is doing in a place like that!

BUT, rest assured, I do take it for plenty of fast drives too!