
So at the end of the day... your friend found that the FF makes a suitable car for his  "caddy."   Oh how the mighty can fall.....smiley  Maybe for the next golf safari you guys can "chip in" and get a proper golf mobile - A Bentley Mulsanne.Smiley


Well one of the red necks there called the thing a Ferrari pickup truck.

Another can't believe I drove the thing all the way from Vancouver without breaking down. 

Someone else though it was a Maserati, as she thinks Ferrari only makes 2 seaters. And she asked me where is the engine or is it a electric car, cause the 2 back seats took over the engine spot.

Bentley Mulsanne, hmm, if I drove that thing for the road trip, I will probably puke before half way there, zero body control and as big as a titanic and can't take 4 golf bags.



