Not much new is right. Its summer. Porsche hasn't released any real technical data on the Turbo's so there is not much new to talk about.  The media licks boots over the GT3 and doesn't even mention that the car, outside of the bubble world of  Porsche club track days, has no hope to beat a new Corvette or McLaren at a multi marque track day, and even much less chance of beating a 997 Turbo on a track. More money, but no progress in cross brand competitive ability.

This board is truly international and its mostly in English, which is no easy trick for many participants to carry off,even Americans and Brits can get wrapped around the axle with each other from misunderstood nuance, context and unintended but perceived innuendos. Somethings just don't translate well in the give and take environment of a multi national forum, so you have to have a thick skin and not take it to heart.

Overall its pretty enjoyable. kiss