Me and my partner live on the suffolk/norfolk boarder and today we thought now the weather is better take our 981s out. On our way to norwich we had a white mini ford van with two blokes in it, got out started banging on my window calling me every name under the sun. I was actually the passanger my partner was driving and we had done nothing wrong :(. We have had a Lot of unwanted attention since we got the car in december and its making the ownership of something both me and my partner Love to bits. We were heading to norwich to do some shopping for my partner as it was her birthday a few weeks back. The day was spent in the police station making statements. We had a bright yellow m3 before this a dakar yellow one and people would comment andsay how much they liked the car, the porsche well people seem to want to run us off the road race or punch my head in :s. Also these people are local so now we have to constantly worry about seeing them again. I love the car so much but this stress isnt worth it :(