This happened at about 2am saturday morning, I just returned from a weekend in the mountains so I couldn't post it any earlier. The driver died yesterday afternoon from severe internal bleeding and 7 broken ribs and other internal injuries. 

The accident was a result of street racing, he tried to run a red light and lost control of the car as he tried to avoid traffic, he hit a light post sideways and the car literally broke in two. below are the links to the main article although there is not anymore information on what happened. Also here are the pictures of the car, they are a bit graphic as they were taken as they were trying to get the driver out of the car. 

Also as a result of this the local authorities just started talks about new regulations to e put in place to prevent reckless driving. I've said it before on other threads that we basically have no enforcement of traffic laws people drive as they please and this is an example of that gone terribly wrong. 

This is a reminder to all of us to drive safe and carefully no matter how much we love cars and speed and the thrill.


[Image removed due to graphical nature, it can be seen here: ]