To be fair I'm not sure. But the camera switches from the front to the rear at the crucial moment and leaves an element of uncertainty.

But MS's right side wheels were almost on the white line when RB tried to squeeze between the white line and the wall. True the Mercedes moved to the right but smoothly rather than abruptly. I see it as a movement of the car out of its track, rather than deliberate blocking maneuver. Cars are not on rails so they can move a little especially when their brakes and tyres are not in top condition and RB should have known it when making this bold move.

RB's ambition wouldn't go beyond P10, and MS's ailing car  would be overtaken anyway in a lap or two , so no need to be impatient and risky.

It was an exciting racing instant and Rubihno shouldn't make all this fuss IMO.

Football is already suffering a lot with the continuous replay and  debate of instances. Let's not transplant this mentality to motor sport.


"Form follows function"