Somebody in Audi HQ must have blessed the relationship with Horchaus, how else do you explain their claim that they "worked out an arrangement with the manufacturer for the cars to maintain their original warranties.  In an agreement with Audi, the factory will modify North America-bound cars to fit U.S. inspections, eliminating third-party tuners from the mix.  The vehicles are then sent to either American or Canadian ports, where they are legitimately cleared through customs as street-legal vehicles."




That text is a little weird, as if it has been deliberately worded to mislead the unwary:

- What good will the "original (European) warranty" do you if you take this car to a US AUdi dealer? Will he honor it? How long for?

- No mention is made of the cars having US market "Certification" (the correct term), as a standard manufacturer-imported series production car would have. The phrase "modify ..... to fit US inspections" smells very fishy. 

- All grey-market import road cars are "legitimately cleared through customs as street-legal vehicles."

