
There will be more and more Porsche customers out there (and i mean the ones who have been spending 150k+ on Posches) who will start to look at the GT-R as a possible alternative, just like you did .Smiley


Honestly, if you have the means and love to drive a car fast: why should you buy a GTR? It is a compromise. You save some money - but you own a compromise Smiley

Of course, some might buy a GTR in addition to the serious sports cars they own - just to test it for some time (one of the two GTR owners I know is such a guy). But then: these guys tell you quite frankly how the GTR ranks vs. a 997TT or even GT2/GT3. The find very clear words actually. And these words don't share much with what some guys keep spreading over the Internet.

 I certainly would never claim that the GTR is a better track car than the actual GT2. It is not, because it has been developed with a wider envelope, more similar to the turbo. So yes. it's a compromise if compared to a GT2 with its track focus but that's actually a perfect reason for people like me to consider it. I like the boot, the (small) backseats, the 4wd and all weather usability. Additionally, if I want to have some fun on a trackday the car seems to be extremely competent - for half the price... sounds perfect to me! Smiley
