Hi Guys,
I know they're not AMGs and excuse me for that, but they're still ok though (SL500 and S600) I wouldn't write this is they were diesel
Anyway, to the point!
I am a bit pissed off with Merc and disappointed, and need to know if any of you have had that problem.
It's a KEY problem, none of the keys and cards worked on the S600 and that, after starting it with the card, It just refused to go from reverse into Drive
Had to call Merc assistance (who by the way are very quick and competent, thank god) and they towed the car back to the nearest dealer, the car was fixed the next day with new keys and cards.
And the SL, well, same problem, the cards don't work anymore, one key works (ouf ) but, and that's the icing on the cake, the other key opens the S600
Really weird no?
So we've booked an appointment for that one too and we'll see what they say.
Oh, and for the S, they said it was due to some wavelenght interference.
Errr, ok, and??? What do we do about that???
Too much tech kills tech