Had a horrible driving day today, made several driving mistakes I never expected I'll do again or with my experience. I had a lot of stress lately, lots of worries with new business and kids' health. I didn't sleep much over the past few weeks but actually felt quite fresh all the time, may a littel bit exhausted.
Today I finally had the chance to drive my 997 CS for two hours but I almost crashed the car several times. It never happened to me before and I came back horrified. Happy me, I have PSM on my car, although the "sport" setting on the chrono sport option was all the active.

Well, why do I tell this to you? I had to think about Ben.
No matter how good of a driver you are or think you are, it can happen... And I also realized that the physical and mental condition of the driver is more than important, it is vital. I knew that before but maybe many of you don't realize it, until it is too late. I think that only my driving routine and the PSM together saved me from crashing today. I don't think something horrible would have happened, it was at low speeds but nethertheless: I did some VERY VERY stupid driving mistakes which shouldn't happen or which I thought could never happen to me again. And they didn't for the past years, this is why I'm that upset.

Before you decide to buy a car without PSM (like the GT3/GT2/CGT), think twice: are you buying this car because it really allows you to be faster than in a non-PSM equipped car or are you buying it because you think it(the car) makes you faster just sitting in it. Today FINALLY decided to forget about a 997 GT3 or GT2 like I still had in my mind for some time. I'm happy I ordered a 997 Turbo S, it may not be the fastest or lightest car around but I think it will provide me with that extra safety cushion I may need from time to time. I'm 40 now, maybe I just got old. But I know one thing for sure: today it wasn't fun at all driving my 997 CS and I came back home pretty frustrated.

Sorry to bother you with this story but maybe you had a similar experience and never wanted to really talk about it.
Just be careful out there, it can happen to ANYBODY.