eddie said:
SVNSVN said:
So Sloppy..., you condone what the looters are doing!
You're no better than them then! CRAP! I was referring to the LOOTERS only! Learn to read!

I don't wish to provoke you, but I think what Sloppy was trying to explain was that none of us have any real idea how we would behave in such a terrible situation. I have children and believe in God, but if I saw them crying in hunger in a situation of such total social collapse, I would not hesitate to steal food or clothing. What is shocking is not that the looters are excrement, but how quickly a so called civilsed society collapses into complete anarchy.

I think in Europe, we look at all the people affected as victims, and are just shocked by what we are seeing. I do think the gun culture in america is something you need to stop. When i was in the states just a few months ago my cousin was able to buy a gun just by showing his driving licence. For us Europeans, that is just unacceptable.

Sorry, just absolutely no excuse for lawlessness! Chaos ensues...

My support, thoughts and prayers are with the MANY very good people helping, and the victims doing the best they can and abiding by the law!

Very much agree Alan!