
On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, De Tomaso Chairman Norman Choi introduced the De Tomaso P72 at an invitation only reception in Toronto, Canada.  During the event, De Tomaso announced that the planned production run of the coupe, set at 72 units, is sold out.  But a P72 roadster is in development and is currently undergoing homologation for the North American market, which is expected to be complete by this summer with production getting under way by late 2024.  Which is all quite interesting as production has yet to start on the P72 coupe and is unlikely to in the foreseeable future.  In fact, sources have indicated that all work on the De Tomaso P72 coupe stopped in March 2023.  Work on the coupe was halted by the firm doing the development as De Tomaso hadn’t paid them since December 2022.  With work on the P72 coupe stopped, it is highly unlikely any work is being done on a P72 roadster, which makes the claim about undergoing US homologation hard to fathom.  So how did we get here?

full story: De Tomaso P72 Story