Niko said:
I have been trying very hard to achieve the manufacturer's 0-60 figures for my 225 TTC. Audi claims that they can do it in 6.6 secs...but simply not possible. I have tested this on a timed track (1/4 track).

I did rev the engine and dropped the clutch at 3500 revs..but it won't do it. And this is not just me saying this, but other people too. So how can Audi do it then?

Maybe Porsche is different, but Audi is as described above.

Have to say I agree with Niko here. On my last car (also an Audi TT) I couldn't match the claimed times, and that's despite my version having the DSG gearbox - ie I just put my foot down! I tried it changing gears manually, but still couldn't match the times.

There was a feature on this many years ago on BBC's Top Gear (before it became the chat show it currently is) and they invited a load of people to try and match manufacturer's times. Nobody could, with the exception of the racing driver who only managed to match the time by seriously abusing the clutch.