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    997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Hi guys It's not long now till my 997 C2S Mk1 reaches its 2nd birthday: 10 November 2008

    It's been another year of pure pleasure owning and driving this wonderful car. I haven't driven the same kind of distances in 2008 as I did in 2007 (no Europe tour nor trips to Wales and the Lake District ). The weather in the UK nearly all year has been so awful (mostly cold, grey and miserable) so I haven't felt like planning any adventurous drives in the UK or Europe. As a result, I've ended up driving only around 2500 miles in my 911 this year. Very, very little!

    Also, I've not travelled as much this year (just brief trips to Berlin and to Rome plus a truly wonderful tour of the USA but that was in a rental car rather than my 911). By the way, my photo diary of my USA tour is coming along nicely This time I hope to post 1016 photos (out of the 2511 that I took). It will probably take another month or so before I'll be ready to post it. I've been very busy at work But it's on its way

    Anyway, back to my 911, I'm planning to keep it for some time to come. So I will be buying a 2 year extended warranty here in the UK for Pounds2495. This includes 2 years of Porsche Assistance (breakdown assistance) and a 111 point check of the car. I am having this done in mid October which also gives them time to do any warranty repair work, any recall work and any service campaign work before my manufacturer's warranty expires. (I didn't get the 1 year warranty extension which costs Pounds1350. By the way, this warranty extension seems to be cheaper in the UK than it is elsewhere in Europe. I was quoted 2305 Euros by various European dealers for the 1 year extension and 4610 Euros for the 2 year extension). So I will be buying this from my local OPC in East London. NB: the prices have gone up everywhere in Europe since 1 August 2008 since the warranty now covers far more items (including the PCM).

    With the 2nd anniversary approaching, it's now time to get the 2 year Minor Service and brake fluid service done. I was simply shocked by the prices in the UK for these: Minor Service (Pounds473), brake fluid service (Pounds153). Total Pounds626

    So I am booked to get my car serviced in the first week of November at Porsche Centre Knokke-Heist in Belgium. The same 2 services will cost me only 400 Euros inc tax (about Pounds317). Plus if I need to change brake pads etc, I am sure these will also be much cheaper over there.

    So my wife and I decided to mix a bit of pleasure (a brief visit to Brugge) into our Porsche service trip Here's our schedule:

    0230 wake up
    0330 leave home (75 miles from London to Dover)
    0500 latest time to check in for ferry
    0530 ferry leaves Dover
    0800 ferry arrives in Calais
    0930 arrive at OPC Knokke-Heist (85 miles from Calais to Knokke-Heist)
    (Need to wait 1 hour for the fluids in the car to cool down)
    1030 work on the car starts (3-4 hour job)
    1200-1300 OPC stops for lunch break
    1530 latest time that work should finish (but hopefully earlier than this )
    1630 complete all paperwork, drive to Brugge. Spend a few hours there (including dinner) before driving to Calais (85 miles back to Calais plus a bit extra for visiting Brugge)
    2010 latest time to check in for ferry
    2040 ferry leaves Calais
    2110 ferry arrives in Dover (75 miles from Dover back to London)
    2230 arrive home in London

    Including my Pounds29 return P&O ferry ticket and Pounds70 for fuel (total driving distance is 320 miles plus a bit extra for visiting Brugge i.e. still less than 1 tank of fuel), so I will still save over Pounds200 (a third of the cost of doing the 2 services in the UK) with a day trip to Europe included Can't wait to enjoy some handmade Belgian chocolates and patisserie Sounds great to me If the cost savings stay this way, I can imagine regular trips to Belgium in the future Another example of how we get ripped off in the UK But there are ways to avoid this thanks to the EU

    It's also time to renew my PVTS Cobra subscription (Pounds176) and my annual road tax (Pounds400) too so it's quite an expensive time right now Thank goodness my annual car insurance isn't due till February 2009

    I also have over 4mm of tread left on all 4 tyres after 12000 miles of driving so my tyres should be fine for another year

    Oh well, it's the cost of enjoying IMO the best all round, daily use sports car so I have no complaints.

    All the best,

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    best of both worlds for you mate, I just did the minor service of the cayenne at Reading; service, pollen filter & spark plugs and it costs me Pounds900. WHAT A RIP OFF

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Sounds like a fun day out and saves some money - I assume the whole EU one market thing means the warranty remains unblemished!

    Don't worry about the other costs, although sounds like you are spending the equivalent of two weeks in the Caribbean... they are insignificant compared to the pleasure of driving, but does sound like you need to get some more miles driven this next year!!

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    The warranty is a worldwide warranty

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    HaHa! You've got good sense AND style e_r!

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    * UK service costs too high.
    * Belgium service costs lower.
    * Open borders - drive to Belgium, do service there.

    Enjoy the trip - priceless!

    Free market capitalism at its best.

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Italo said:
    best of both worlds for you mate, I just did the minor service of the cayenne at Reading; service, pollen filter & spark plugs and it costs me Pounds900. WHAT A RIP OFF

    Ouch Pounds900? That's ridiculous for a minor service...

    I've discovered that what PCGB has done is to try to eliminate competition in the UK market. They have introduced fixed prices across the whole of the UK at the prices that the most expensive dealerships charge (i.e. those in London which have the highest labour costs). Other dealerships in other parts of the UK now charge the same amount - so they are enjoying a huge mark up since their labour costs are far lower than those in London. The net effect: customers are discouraged from shopping around.

    On a similar note, have any of you tried looking for a dealership in the UK on the GB Porsche website recently? They've changed the search engine. Before, you could easily find every dealer in the UK. Now, you have to input your postcode and the system only gives you the details for a few local dealers. Again, they want customers to frequent local dealers only without shopping around.

    These measures are anti-competitive IMO.

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    mex99 said:
    ... but does sound like you need to get some more miles driven this next year!!

    True - but the weather has been the main limiting factor. I've lost count of the number of weekends we've had this year that were grey, cold and wet. 2007 had one of the wettest Summers on record. 2008 had the coldest August since records began. The last really hot Summer we had was in 2003 when the maximum temperature actually reached 38C!!

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    MMD said:
    HaHa! You've got good sense AND style e_r!

    Thanks MMD

    ADias said:
    * UK service costs too high.
    * Belgium service costs lower.
    * Open borders - drive to Belgium, do service there.

    Enjoy the trip - priceless!

    Free market capitalism at its best.

    Thanks ADias Sounds a bit like a MasterCard ad

    But seriously, I get a real buzz knowing that I didn't let someone rip me off. I bought my car in Germany and personally imported it to the UK. I saved around Pounds7000 buying it that way. Same principle here

    Multinationals price their goods and services in GBPounds in a way that always discriminates against the UK consumer. Makes me really, really angry. Often the same 'number' is used whether it's US dollars, Euros or British Pounds - even though these currencies are worth such different amounts relative to each other.

    It's simply unbelievable that people in the UK don't kick up more of a fuss over this. Sure, people shop in the EU (especially for cheaper cigarettes and booze), they shop during a vacation in the USA (especially given that luggage allowances on transatlantic flights are more generous) and there was a time (which peaked around 1999) when many people imported their cars personally from the EU (but they aren't bothering so much anymore). However none of this is making multinationals stop ripping us off in the UK.

    Well, as for me, I simply will not compromise on standards so I will use every trick or strategy at my disposal to get the very best quality for the most competitive price. That's my motto.

    With all due respect to my fellow British Rennteamers, my approach is not a very English attitude. (I may be British born and bred but I'm of Indian/Pakistani ethnic origin and my family has business entrepreneurialism running through its veins so that's why my approach is so very different). My observation (a purely subjective view and no offence is intended) is that British people (with sufficient money) are either happy to pay full whack for something nice (especially if it's an indulgence item) because we (collectively) cannot be bothered to shop around (or strangely, it's a way of showing off that one can afford to buy something without caring about the price) or, if money is a limiting factor, we are prepared to accept lower quality in order to cut cost. So where is the pressure upon multinationals to cut prices in the UK? It's non-existent.

    How often does one see a British person ask for a discount? We (collectively) are too embarrassed to ask for a discount. How often do we negotiate over the price? Not often enough in my view. It's funny - naive British holidaymakers go to places like Morocco or Tunisia and find that haggling over the price of a carpet in a street market is 'engaging in local customs'. Hah! When will people in the UK realise that one can, in certain situations, apply the same approach back home? British bargain hunting extends only as far as finding a lower sticker price e.g. during the seasonal sales.

    People in the USA seem much, much more price-sensitive and consumer demand is more 'price-elastic'. For example, the moment fuel prices rose, people in the USA started using public transport, they formed car pools, they did stuff to respond to market forces. I absolutely admire this emphasis on taking personal responsibility to make a difference that exists in the American mindset. By contrast, people in the UK simply grumbled, moaned, whinged and blamed the Government BUT, as a nation, we didn't actually DO much about it for ourselves. Yes, people in the UK did cut down on non-essential journeys but, compared to people in the USA, they didn't make the same effort. No wonder nothing ever changes. I think people in the UK still expect the Government to do everything for them. And then when that help doesn't materialise, they resign themselves to the fact that things haven't changed. IMO people should look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves the question "What can I personally do that will actually make a difference?". And, by 'action', I don't mean 'protesting'. Protesting in the street is just a way of asking someone else to solve your problem. It's lazy.

    Sorry to rant ad nauseam about this but this problem affects people in the UK not just in cars but in absolutely EVERYTHING. So when we're buying a new fridge, oven, car, jeans, perfume, camcorder etc etc etc, we just get ripped off. So I have a lot of pent up anger and frustration over this issue. Sorry again for ranting. No offence intended

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Happy Birthday to your car. Enjoy in good health! I am happy to be able to return the nice congratulations from you last week.

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Thanks MarekN Very kind of you

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Easy--good to hear you're still flogging that car! Mine is slightly older than your and I'm enjoying every day with it. (I'm a hair short of 30,000 miles).


    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Gratz on the 2 year anniversay easy. Im aspiring to own a porsche some day as well. You should post some updated pix of the car.

    lol, i have also noticed how none of your threads are complete without a checklist
    Kudos on being so well planned and organised and may you have many more years of Porsche perfection

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Thanks again guys

    @skazzy: yeah, I guess I'm a checklist addict But seriously, it's what I have to do in order to remember stuff - it's amazing how absent minded I've become as I've got older

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Thanks to dreamcar for posting the T&Cs of the revised Extended Warranty here on Rennteam:

    Cheers DC

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    I renewed my annual road tax yesterday - Pounds400 - ouch Will be Pounds440 next year

    Today I went to my local OPC and got a 2 year extended warranty which also includes 2 years of Porsche Assistance. They did a 111 point check - very thorough job - which was included in the price. It took 2 hours and my car passed with flying colours.

    I must say that it was very obvious that times are really, really tough at this OPC. The Used Car Showroom had a few cars in it but it was locked. If you want to see a Used Car, you have to get the New Car Sales Staff to unlock that area. Basically, it looked like all the Used Car Sales Staff had been made redundant. Generally, it looked like they had cut staff severely.

    I was pretty shocked to see that. And then there were lots of little things that showed that they are really hurting. Usually, whenever I've gone there, the car park is really full and it's hard to find a space. When I first arrived there today, it was half empty. In the 2.5 hours I was there, I saw only 2 customers who only came for servicing/repair work. No one was there to enquire about a new car. It was really quiet - the phones were hardly ringing. Even the drinks in the fridge were locked and the melt-in-the-mouth biscuits (individually wrapped in Porsche wrapping) that they used to have have now disappeared. Just some generic, ordinary biscuits now. It was obvious that the cost cutting has been right across the board in every tiny thing.

    When it was time for me to pay, I was informed that they no longer accepted AMEX or bankers cheques at all. And I had wanted to use my platinum AMEX card which gives me cash back And they now levy a 1% fee for using any other credit card so I would have to pay Pounds21.23 for the privilege of paying by Visa or Mastercard. What a joke! I'm glad I had my Maestro Cirrus debit card with me.

    While I was there, there was also a Service Campaign item that applies to my VIN no - something about a software reprogramming update for the rear control unit module. They did the work and submitted a claim under the manufacturer's warranty for that Service Campaign item. Once that claim is processed by PCGB (i.e. once it becomes 'closed'), then my warranty will be extended - probably tomorrow.

    PCGB are no longer issuing updated Porsche Assistance cards (apparently) even though the existing card has an expiry date printed on it.

    It was all these little things that made the whole experience today really quite strange. But it's all done now so I'm good for another 2 years

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Strange.. ..As you know, I did the same thing yesterday.

    My OPC accepted payment by excess.

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    I'm glad your warranty extension went smoothly too John

    Incidentally, last night, I un-did the PSE mod on my car in preparation for today. Felt unusual to hear the non-PSE sound after so long having the mod in place I didn't want the OPC claiming that my PSE exhaust system wouldn't be covered etc because I had performed my own modification on the car. It's all become just a bit too strict and legalistic for my liking. I'm going to leave it like this for a few weeks until after I've had my 2 year minor service and brake fluid change done in early November 2008. (My car has been giving me the 'service due in ... days' message for some days now).

    BTW, my car hasn't needed any more engine oil top ups for the past 2500 miles no matter how hard or fast I have driven it.

    I have also kept a close eye on the exhaust tailpipes. The dirt is pretty even i.e. the left tailpipe is not blackening more than the right - which I gather is a telltale sign of something really seriously wrong may be about to happen to the engine.

    Just out of curiosity, how are you guys coping with tyre punctures etc? A year ago, I got 2 punctures in one tyre (rear right). A month ago, I got 2 punctures in the front left and 1 in the rear left. Fortunately, it was possible to fix them all. I've had 2 other punctures too but luckily those screws didn't go all the way through.

    Obviously, the speed rating is no longer the same after puncture repair and one can no longer claim them to be N1 spec. But I have 4mm left on all four and didn't want to shell out Pounds800 if I could avoid it. Anyway, I've managed to find a place that really takes its time and does a good job. They haven't put a single scratch on any of my wheels. Plus they have told me that I can get all four tyres changed for Pounds800 inc labour, balancing and VAT. It's a good deal compared to the Pounds1200 some OPCs are charging.

    I must say though that the PS2s definitely hoover up nails and screws on the road

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    BTW, every OPC I called today said that they were charging Pounds2495 for a 2 year extended warranty for a 997 except OPC West London - they're charging Pounds2695!! The UK is cheaper than the OPCs in France and Belgium that I called so Porsche owners from those countries could save significant sums of money by buying their extended warranties in the UK

    An OPC in Belgium quoted 4610 Euros which at today's FX rates is Pounds3629.92 whereas the GB price of Pounds2495 is only 3168.65 Euros so you can save 1441.35 Euros by buying an extended warranty in the UK.

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    easy_rider911 said:
    BTW, every OPC I called today said that they were charging Pounds2495 for a 2 year extended warranty for a 997 except OPC West London - they're charging Pounds2695!! The UK is cheaper than the OPCs in France and Belgium that I called so Porsche owners from those countries could save significant sums of money by buying their extended warranties in the UK

    An OPC in Belgium quoted 4610 Euros which at today's FX rates is Pounds3629.92 whereas the GB price of Pounds2495 is only 3168.65 Euros so you can save 1441.35 Euros by buying an extended warranty in the UK.

    As I said on another thread - I was only charged Pounds2095 for the same thing.

    There's something wrong here. Did you pay VAT on the warranty?

    My invoice is shown below (with a few security blank-outs)

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Thanks for posting John

    I checked my invoice too. The breakdown is:

    111 point check Pounds172.50 (VATable)
    2 year warranty Pounds2292.31 (VAT exempt)
    Sub-total Pounds2464.81
    VAT (on 111 point check only) Pounds30.19
    Total Pounds2495

    So you've been charged much less on the warranty element itself. My OPC said that the amount charged for the warranty is set for the whole of the UK by PCGB. So I am not sure how OPC Wilmslow has been able to charge so much less for it. Anyway, you've got it cheaper so you're smiling

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Hi EasyRider,

    I live in Germany and was quoted 750 Euro for the first service. Like you, I've been looking into ways of doing this cheaper. Just called a lovely lady called Fabian at Knokke-Heist in Belguim who indeed quoted me 400 Euro for service but another 150 Euro needs to be added for the brake fluid which apparently is compulsory after 11/2 - 2 years service. Interested to hear if you had new brake fluid at the time of service and whether it was included in the 400 Euro price.

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Well, Fabienne and the owner, Mr Geeraerd, both quoted me 400 Euros for both the 2 year minor service and the brake fluid change inc Belgian tax!

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    At 400 Euro they could get a lot of business - how about a Rennteam service deal???

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    I had my previous' 997.1 C2S (MY07) first service performed back in Easter 2007 at ASD, one of Porsche's authorized garage in Zurich. I paid CHF 1'112.40 which is approximately 716,3 Euros (exchange rate as of today). As you'll notice from the attached receipt they have charged a CHF 68,95 (~44,5 Euros) gazoline top up, bringing the total cost down to 671.00 Euros (all prices are Swiss VAT inclusive at 7,6%)

    Re my GT3's first service and future waranty extension I'll definitely prefer a Belgian OPC that charges much lower prices Any suggestion on which exactly?

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    ASD Receipt

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08

    Hi John - hope you're okay. (Just posting this reply here as well. It's also in the extended warranty T & C thread).

    First, your posts haven't been deleted. You actually posted them on my thread commemorating the second birthday of my car! It's all there...

    Second, about the £400, if they undercharged you, it's their mistake. They can't force you to pay the extra £400 (and they know it) but can they somehow cancel the warranty or refuse to honour it? I don't think so - since they aren't providing it - it's an extended warranty from PAG/PCGB not from the dealership itself. I don't believe the cock and bull story they told you... it was a genuine mistake but they know they wouldn't be able to recoup the extra if it was only a genuine mistake. They had to come up with some reason why you were charged the 'right price for something else' rather than the 'wrong price for the right thing'.

    I always thought the price they quoted you was strange. The price difference wasn't because of different labour charges (for the 111 point inspection) or VAT. It was the actual price of the warranty itself from PAG/PCGB. Since the warranty is issued by the same body, I expected it to cost the same no matter which OPC it is bought from. My suspicion is that your OPC charged you what it cost them to buy it from PAG/PCGB. Whereas my OPC IMO included this 'dealership profit' figure in the total they charged me.

    Third, I don't think they found out about it from Rennteam. I think it's much more likely that they came across it when doing their end of month accounts. I presume you bought it in October so the mistake only came to light at month end. That seems the most likely reason. BUT, one can never tell. I think with hindsight, it would have been safer to disclose the OPC name to people like dreamcar and myself via PM rather than via a searchable post. We would never disclose anything you told us - it's not in anyone's interest.

    Overall, it seems like your OPC is just trying to recoup its profit from you after the fact. It's your call whether you value dealing with them in future enough to bail them out of their mistake. If it was me, I wouldn't.

    997S GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen collection: I love this car!!!

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08


    Got back last night from getting the 2 year Minor Service done in Belgium. Everything went very smoothly following exactly the timetable I listed above on this thread. The OPC charged 400 Euros for both the 2 year Minor Service AND the brake fluid change inc Belgian tax. What a great price! The woman who works on the Service Reception is called Fabienne - she was very helpful and knew her job very well. Mr Geeraerd was a nice guy - very friendly and Patrick - the chief Porsche technician -  was fine. He's been doing this for decades so he really knows his stuff.

    Managed to spend a couple of hours seeing the seaside town of Knokke while waiting for them to do the work on the car. After the work on the car was completed, went to Bruges which is simply gorgeous - one of the prettiest places I've ever visited. I will post some photos of the trip later today...

    My car didn't miss a beat - it was a real pleasure to drive those 325 miles across different countries all on the same day. I love making these little trips to different places in Europe.


    997S GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen collection: I love this car!!!

    Re: 997 C2S: 2nd birthday 10th Nov 08


     went to Bruges which is simply gorgeous - one of the prettiest places I've ever visited.

    Hi Easy Smiley Bruges (or Brügge for us Germans Smiley) is one of my fav places also - simply beautiful, even more so in the summertime with all the street cafés and restaurants. Maybe a good place for a meeting next Spring/summer - half way for both of us Smiley

    Good to hear that you're baby got a perfect preparation for the 2nd birthday.

    Easy Rider's 1st Visit to Bruges & 1st Service Trip to Knokke

    Easy Rider's 1st Visit to Bruges & 1st Service Trip to Knokke

    Guys, here are the photos from the trip...

    1) This is my car parked in our car park just before leaving.
    997S GT Silver/Cocoa, -20mm/LSD, PSE, SportDesign rims, Zuffenhausen collection: I love this car!!!



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