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    Re: Invited to drive Mk2 997 PDE Centre Silverston

    987_Belgium said:
    so if I want the ability to use a bluetooth on my IPHONE in the 997 MK2, i'd have to order WHAT option exactly ?

    and can i use my iphone as IPOD and as PHONE at the same time ? (and that option is universal connector for sound, right ?)

    Found this on the Porsche web-site (Attachment). It is informative but some things not 100% clear still.

    Re: Invited to drive Mk2 997 PDE Centre Silverston

    reginos said:
    987_Belgium said:
    so if I want the ability to use a bluetooth on my IPHONE in the 997 MK2, i'd have to order WHAT option exactly ?

    and can i use my iphone as IPOD and as PHONE at the same time ? (and that option is universal connector for sound, right ?)

    Found this on the Porsche web-site

    yeah i posted this a few days ago.... i did not find it that good as it does not mention the specific bluetooth options for PCM3 and which one does what...

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Adam2S said:
    Joost said:
    Thanks for the report Easy!
    Seems like the PDK is the successor of the Tiptronic indeed; not for the track driving, purely a replacement for an auto tranny.

    Firtly thanks for the report and thanks for staying up till the wee hours to upload it! Most enjoyable.

    Joost - Ive no idea how you conclude that PDK is a replacement for an auto tranny. I think you are being very narrow minded here.

    All I will say is that sequention gearboxes take some time to get used to and some time before your driving style adapts to get the full benefit. I owed two BMW M3 SMG's before the 997 and I too was unsure after the first test drive. Still I took the gamble that I sensed it could be better and after a few weeks I was converted. So much so that I would not have bought the 2nd M3 without it, it is that good when you get used to it.

    Please please lets have no more luddites posting proganda about sequential gearboxes being just automatics until you have had chance to try one - and chance to try one long term! If you had driven one long term you would know, sequentials are not autos and they are not manuals either, they are a seperate product with their own charactistics.

    You may not like them, thats fine, but to classify them as one or the other is simply ignorance.

    Just one fact that you forget-PDK is double clutch transmission, NOT sequential manual a la SMGIII or e-gear.

    There is NO accomodation period for PDK since it is tuned to be used mainly in D mode.
    I have Porsche PDF for dealers about PDK and is says very clearly that PDK is replacement for TIP, NOT for manual.

    Just read easy_rider's drive impression more carefully about PDK behaviour in M mode... It mirrors my impression as well...

    PDK is good solution but, far from perfect IMHO.

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Thanks guys I am very glad you found my report useful and that you enjoyed the photos and account of my day there

    @Ron (Houston): no, the black car in that photo was a heavily optioned C2S not a AWD version.

    @ADias: I agree with you that one should not shift gear while turning BUT IMO this is more emphasised when on a track i.e. it is a closed loop where you know the track, the braking points, the places where you should change gear etc etc. In the real world, when you are on a normal road which you are not familiar with, you don't pre-plan your braking or gear changes (like you would on a track). On a public road, you simply react ad hoc. So, inevitably, there will be times when you have to change gear during a turn. It would require a high level of active concentration to avoid this eventuality.

    I hope you found this report more analytical and informative than the brief magazine reviews that really only summarised the new technical changes without actually describing how the car felt like to drive!

    @MarekN: thanks - I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that having buttons makes it so easy to change gear that one has to resist the temptation to do so unnecessarily. And also you are right that the PDK programming is designed to protect the engine from the wrong choice of gear.

    I didn't drive a Mk2 base Carrera so I couldn't comment on the standard Carrera's revised brakes. The second Mk2 C2S I drove had 'red' brakes. To be perfectly honest, I didn't notice a huge difference between these and the 'red' brakes on my own Mk1 C2S. It's hard to compare since the brake pads on my car are much more worn than those on the demo car. So the difference in brake technology was masked behind the difference in brake pad effectiveness (due to differing levels of brake pad wear).

    The first Mk2 C2S I drove had PCCBs. I really liked these. This was the first time I have driven a car with PCCBs. They have a very different feel. The sensation I got was that the pads feel like they are biting into the discs more cleanly. They do not have the same 'smothering' feeling as the 'red' brakes. It does feel more precise. The weather was dry when I went out to drive and the road was almost totally dry. So I couldn't comment on how the PCCBs felt in the wet.

    I think I would choose PCCB next time round

    @reginos: I'm very glad you enjoyed the report

    @KresoF1: I'm glad we share the same reaction to PDK. Agreed - a buyer should definitely try it properly before making a decision.

    Something I forgot to write about. The cars I drove all had Sport Chrono with PASM etc. By the end of the drive, honestly, I really felt like there were too many modes, too many variations. I know that the choices help in different situations, different road conditions etc etc but I really missed the simplicity of my own car. I felt like you really can have too much choice of modes which is over complicated and just confuses you.

    @MKSGR, @Porky Tokyo: suspension differences - very good point - yes I noticed some differences in PASM. As far as I could tell, the front end of the Mk2 C2S behaved predictably and did not 'bob' up and down. The sensation was that the front wheels felt firmly planted on the road. It is definitely an improvement on the Mk1 C2S PASM in that respect. I think a lot of people will really appreciate this change. I think PAG has revised PASM to what it should have been from the start. It's a shame they had to go through the Mk1 launch to fully refine it.

    Please note that the track surfaces were very good. I have not driven the revised PASM on a normal road with potholes, cracks, manhole covers etc.

    BUT (and it's a big but), the steering on the Mk2 PASM car is still not as good IMHO as the P17 -20mm sports suspension with rear LSD. The steering responses on my -20mm car are much more immediate. It is razor sharp. The steering on the Mk2 PASM car is less 'remote', 'numb' and 'woolly' than the Mk1 PASM car BUT still not as sharp as the P17 -20mm conventionally sprung sports suspension car.

    I have not tried the P17 -20mm PASM-based sports suspension car now available in the Mk2 997 C2S. Maybe this will be a big improvement on the normal PASM suspension in the Mk2 997.

    @Joost: exactly right - the PDK is IMHO a replacement for the Tiptronic S (not the manual transmission). With that aim, the PDK is a great success. After all, ANYTHING is better than Tiptronic S!

    @Adam2S: I agree with you that the PDK is a distinct product in its own right. It is not an automatic transmission. But the Tiptronic S has now been discontinued and the PDK does replace it in the options list. As such, Joost is correct. My comments have been that the PDK will please Tiptronic S owners enormously. I do not however think that all manual drivers will like it. Some will, some won't and no doubt they will choose according to their needs and circumstances.

    @cdixon: I'm glad you enjoyed it I didn't see which of the attendees you were, otherwise I would have come over and introduced myself. Please do post a more detailed report if you can. Please feel free to add it to this thread if you wish or create a new thread if you prefer - up to you

    @pride355: no, I'm very happy with my own car. I have no plans to change it for some time. I am going to concentrate on attending PDEs and doing more track oriented stuff so I can really make the most of the car I have already got. I still want to explore the potential of my existing car. I think I will get a 997/998 TT or TTS in some years time.

    @Carlos from Spain: you're welcome Carlos Actually I started this thread from the moment I was invited onwards. I scanned the brochure they sent to me and then I preferred to keep my photos and report of the experience in one place on one thread. It's hard to keep track of multiple threads on the same topic.

    Once again, I'm so glad you guys enjoyed my photo report and found it useful. I'm looking forward to reading RC's more detailed report. I am sure he will test the car much more thoroughly than I could do in the very limited time I had use of the car.

    All in all, I think people who have ordered a new Mk2 997 will like it very much. It really is a superb update on an already superb car.


    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    KresoF1 said:
    Adam2S said:
    Joost said:
    Thanks for the report Easy!
    Seems like the PDK is the successor of the Tiptronic indeed; not for the track driving, purely a replacement for an auto tranny.

    Firtly thanks for the report and thanks for staying up till the wee hours to upload it! Most enjoyable.

    Joost - Ive no idea how you conclude that PDK is a replacement for an auto tranny. I think you are being very narrow minded here.

    All I will say is that sequention gearboxes take some time to get used to and some time before your driving style adapts to get the full benefit. I owed two BMW M3 SMG's before the 997 and I too was unsure after the first test drive. Still I took the gamble that I sensed it could be better and after a few weeks I was converted. So much so that I would not have bought the 2nd M3 without it, it is that good when you get used to it.

    Please please lets have no more luddites posting proganda about sequential gearboxes being just automatics until you have had chance to try one - and chance to try one long term! If you had driven one long term you would know, sequentials are not autos and they are not manuals either, they are a seperate product with their own charactistics.

    You may not like them, thats fine, but to classify them as one or the other is simply ignorance.

    Just one fact that you forget-PDK is double clutch transmission, NOT sequential manual a la SMGIII or e-gear.

    There is NO accomodation period for PDK since it is tuned to be used mainly in D mode.
    I have Porsche PDF for dealers about PDK and is says very clearly that PDK is replacement for TIP, NOT for manual.

    Just read easy_rider's drive impression more carefully about PDK behaviour in M mode... It mirrors my impression as well...

    PDK is good solution but, far from perfect IMHO.

    From my own test drive, I can say that PDK is the best automatic I've tried. No, it is not a manual without a clutch pedal and it doesn't have all the attributes of a true manual.

    It is a system that will more than satisfy 100% of tiptronic users or people from other brands that drove automatic.

    Moreover, IMO a large % (maybe up to 90%) of people who currently drive manual not because they are "fanatical manualists" but because they find the tiptronic inadequate and engine-power-consuming, could potentially make the migration to PDK.

    So it leaves a relatively smaller % of pure manual fans and very able drivers/trackers who will never compromise. Thesewill be well catered for by the new improved and excellent classical manual gearchange and clutch system.

    Now, whether Porsche should additionally develop a true automated manual system (ala Ferrari F1, SMG etc) for an even smaller sub-group of owners, remains open to debate. It will depend on costs, priorities, marketing but most of all on whether the VW Group will develop at some stage such a system suitable for Porsche too.

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Thanks so much for the review.

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Great review as usual Easy.... many thanks.

    Re: Invited to drive Mk2 997 PDE Centre Silverston

    reginos said:
    cdixon said:
    reginos said:
    cdixon said:
    reginos said:
    cdixon said:
    The bluetooth works in both HFP and SAP mode. Basically SIM Access Profile (SAP) is supported by some Nokia phones and when hoked up to the PCM uses the cars mobile radio equipment. Other phones use HFP (Hands Free Profile) and thus the PCM operates as a simple bluetooth phone kit.....

    A question nobody managed to answer for me at the OPC. Maybe you had this clarified during your visit:
    The SAP profile works only with option 666 "telephone module" which at present covers only 6 Nokia models.
    Option 619 "mobile phone preparation" works only with HFP and it covers a much greater number of phones including the 6 Nokia models above.
    Do you know if option 666 that supports SAP also covers HFP so that it could be used with a number of phones, that don't support SAP, as a hands free device only, or are the two options mutually exclusive?

    Correct option 666 is the one that does SAP and is only supported on a few mobiles from Nokia. The other options are just HFP. They gave me the impression that option 666 will also do HFP, however they did not have a phone to give me a demo. I did not have my Blackberry with me but they assured me that it would work as HFP with option 666.

    Thanks for your reply and info!

    On the other hand, if 666 covered both SAP phones and HFP-only phones why would they offer option 619?
    The price difference between the two options is negligible (with 619 slightly more expensive in fact), so it is not as if 619 is offered as a cheaper, lower option.

    Interesting that 619 is more expensive.... 666 is a full blown phone not just a hands free kit, so i don't get that pricing policy

    I apologise I was wrong Option 666 is 785 Euro, Option 619 is 654 Euro.
    But still the difference is negligible if Option 666 does all that Option 619 does and more, according to what they told you!

    Just read the FAQ for the 666 option in the bluetooth document posted on here. It does state that SAP is for option 666 and HFP is for the 619....

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Thanks for the review. It gives us guys on the other side of the pond a great preview.

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Hi Easy - thanks for the excellent write up.

    I picked up the various car mags this afternoon and there is an interesting range of views. Top Gear loves the car but moans about the puddles and the counter-intuitive gear stick movement, they state that without this the PDK 997FL would be the best 911 but settle for a disappointing 12/20 (versus 15/20 for the Mk1 C2). Cant get excited by TG review they do tend to overdue the stereotypical comments.

    Total 911 rate PDK above the manual, the reviewer raves about the PDK in Sport plus mode (with Sport Chrono, sounds like a must option) noting how addictive it is and that it matches choice of gears with his own choice on a track. Easy - I note you mentioned too many choices but did you try PDK in Sport plus??

    911 & Porsche World also is impressed by PDK, but defers judgment v manual until it can take the 997.2 out on UK's bumpy roads. Performance, economy etc are all better on PDK but it bemoans the lack of driver involvement, interesting they favour PDK in Sport and not in Sport plus, hmmm.

    Anyway just counting days down to my Silverstone visit in 2 weeks. tick tock!

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Thanks for your review, Easy

    easy_rider911 said:
    As for the Mk2's interior, the new PCM 3.0 is much less cluttered. I tried using the new PCM and found it generally very easy to operate. I also liked the new touchscreen monitor. What I didn't like was the black plastic of the new PCM. It's quite cheap and IMO worse than the volcano grey plastic on the Mk1. Apart from the PCM and the PDK steering wheel, I don't recall any other interior changes.

    I had the opportunity to try the new PCM3 a few days ago (in a standing car). Your description of the cheap looking black plastic was exactly my impression, too. See my pictures of the new PCM3 here >> Link to New Touchscreen PCM thread <<

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Easy, thx for your detailed input.

    One quick question though; all in all, would you be willing to trade-in your Mk1 in favor of the Mk2 model and if so what would be your personal choice in terms of gearbox?

    It's been a great report, thx once again!

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Since I did not order Bose or Navigation I guess I will not have to worry about the touch screen and cheap plastic?

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    @mdrums: the new PCM is standard on all 997s

    @magik: yes, I did try the various modes BUT please note that I spent only about 40 mins (out of 1 hour's driving) in the PDK car so it wasn't as much time to test each mode as thoroughly as one would ideally like.

    However, the sport and sport plus modes certainly help to force the car to stay in a lower gear for longer (to help with acceleration). But that does not resolve the issue I mentioned (which is lack of total driver control over choice of gears and when to shift).

    Hope you enjoy your day at Silverstone - it's a pity the actual time inside the car is only 1 hour

    @function_analysi: Hi, it's been a long time since I heard from you. Hope you and your family are doing well.

    As for whether I would trade in my Mk1 for a Mk2, I don't plan to do it. Here's what I wrote to pride355 on this:

    easy_rider911 said:
    "@pride355: no, I'm very happy with my own car. I have no plans to change it for some time. I am going to concentrate on attending PDEs and doing more track oriented stuff so I can really make the most of the car I have already got. I still want to explore the potential of my existing car. I think I will get a 997/998 TT or TTS in some years time."

    I also mentioned the following to MKSGR and Porky Tokyo as one reason why I still prefer my Mk1 -20mm car:

    easy_rider911 said:
    "@MKSGR, @Porky Tokyo: ... the steering on the Mk2 PASM car is still not as good IMHO as the P17 -20mm sports suspension with rear LSD. The steering responses on my -20mm car are much more immediate. It is razor sharp. The steering on the Mk2 PASM car is less 'remote', 'numb' and 'woolly' than the Mk1 PASM car BUT still not as sharp as the P17 -20mm conventionally sprung sports suspension car.

    I have not tried the P17 -20mm PASM-based sports suspension car now available in the Mk2 997 C2S. Maybe this will be a big improvement on the normal PASM suspension in the Mk2 997."

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    @easy_rider911: Some of your points on the PDK could be due to the newness of the system to you as a manual driver.

    The PDK like other similar systems need a period of familiarisation longer than the 40 minutes allocated in the context of a test drive especially under artificial conditions in a track.

    The driver has to understand how the system reacts in different driving situations, where it is better to keep in D and overide when required, where it is better in M, which of the 3 programmes goes where etc. In short the system must become second nature, and for this you have to live with it for a few days or a number of miles in different circumstances.

    This is one of the reasons many auto journalists often like a car more during the period of a long term test than during a launch drive.

    During my drive with the car for example (which was more extensive than yours if not time-wise but variety-wise) I had good control of the gears in the Manual mode on the straights, uphill and downhill on a very challenging cross-country route which I also use for fun driving in my manual Porsche.

    I would ask anyone to ask for a real test drive of the PDK on roads cross-country that he/she knows well and not to dismiss it after a "clinical" drive.

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Thanks for the great report and photos.

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    reginos said:...The PDK like other similar systems need a period of familiarisation longer than the 40 minutes allocated in the context of a test drive especially under artificial conditions in a track.

    The driver has to understand how the system reacts in different driving situations, where it is better to keep in D and overide when required, where it is better in M, which of the 3 programmes goes where etc. In short the system must become second nature, and for this you have to live with it for a few days or a number of miles in different circumstances...

    That is spot on.

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    Thanks for the great write up Easy.

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    reginos said:
    @easy_rider911: Some of your points on the PDK could be due to the newness of the system to you as a manual driver.

    The PDK like other similar systems need a period of familiarisation longer than the 40 minutes allocated in the context of a test drive especially under artificial conditions in a track.

    The driver has to understand how the system reacts in different driving situations, where it is better to keep in D and overide when required, where it is better in M, which of the 3 programmes goes where etc. In short the system must become second nature, and for this you have to live with it for a few days or a number of miles in different circumstances.

    This is one of the reasons many auto journalists often like a car more during the period of a long term test than during a launch drive.

    During my drive with the car for example (which was more extensive than yours if not time-wise but variety-wise) I had good control of the gears in the Manual mode on the straights, uphill and downhill on a very challenging cross-country route which I also use for fun driving in my manual Porsche.

    I would ask anyone to ask for a real test drive of the PDK on roads cross-country that he/she knows well and not to dismiss it after a "clinical" drive.

    Exactly I certainly agree with the points you make. Of course, my observations are based on the limited time I had in the car - which is something I did make a special point of emphasising in my earlier post.

    I didn't actually "dismiss" the PDK. It is certainly perfect for many people who will see it as a major improvement on the Tiptronic S. I did also say that some manual drivers will like it whereas some will not. Can't say fairer than that really...!

    But it's not right for me. Although the finer nuances need more time to observe and appreciate, the main characteristics should be apparent right from the start

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    easy_rider911 said:...the main characteristics should be apparent right from the start

    I do not think so. I drive both manuals and paddle shifters.

    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    easy_rider911 said:
    reginos said:
    @easy_rider911: Some of your points on the PDK could be due to the newness of the system to you as a manual driver.

    The PDK like other similar systems need a period of familiarisation longer than the 40 minutes allocated in the context of a test drive especially under artificial conditions in a track.

    The driver has to understand how the system reacts in different driving situations, where it is better to keep in D and overide when required, where it is better in M, which of the 3 programmes goes where etc. In short the system must become second nature, and for this you have to live with it for a few days or a number of miles in different circumstances.

    This is one of the reasons many auto journalists often like a car more during the period of a long term test than during a launch drive.

    During my drive with the car for example (which was more extensive than yours if not time-wise but variety-wise) I had good control of the gears in the Manual mode on the straights, uphill and downhill on a very challenging cross-country route which I also use for fun driving in my manual Porsche.

    I would ask anyone to ask for a real test drive of the PDK on roads cross-country that he/she knows well and not to dismiss it after a "clinical" drive.

    Exactly I certainly agree with the points you make. Of course, my observations are based on the limited time I had in the car - which is something I did make a special point of emphasising in my earlier post.

    I didn't actually "dismiss" the PDK. It is certainly perfect for many people who will see it as a major improvement on the Tiptronic S. I did also say that some manual drivers will like it whereas some will not. Can't say fairer than that really...!

    But it's not right for me. Although the finer nuances need more time to observe and appreciate, the main characteristics should be apparent right from the start

    Nevertheless, both you and I will have many more chances, I hope, to try the system and continue with the evaluation.

    I have an order for 11/2008 production for PDK and Sport Chrono Plus but I feel comfortable that I can change my order anytime until 2 months prior.


    Re: Mk2 997 - PDE Silverstone 8.7.08

    @reginos: Yes - of course - that's right. More and more exposure to driving it will only enable further detailed evaluation Many congrats on your order

    @ADias: well, I fully respect your right to hold that opinion. However, I don't share it

    Intuitive Design

    ADias said:
    easy_rider911 said:...the main characteristics should be apparent right from the start

    I do not think so. I drive both manuals and paddle shifters.

    Good design should be obvious from the start it terms of how to use it. If it's unclear or your actions feel unnatural, it's poor design.

    Re: Intuitive Design

    Ah, but that doesn't mean bad designs don't end up ruling the day anyway and we live with them until they just become 'the standard for how things are done'. The QWERTY keyboard for example; designed to be inefficient, and who actually felt it was natural when they first started to learn to type. Windows is now the norm... not OS/2, on PC computers.

    Silverstone PDE

    Did the PDE event last night. It was great! There were supposed to be 6-8 drivers for the evening event but only two of us showed up! As a result, ended up going round each of the mini-courses about 10-12 times. Also was given food to eat for 3 people too :-) FL look great, but I'm seriously considering changing my C4S order to a C2S. I don't know how much more I'm going to get out of 4WD on UK and EU roads.

    Re: Silverstone PDE

    Do remember that the Mk2 AWD versions will get the PTM system from the 997TT.

    Re: Silverstone PDE

    Is that a good or bad thing? I've heard mixed comments on this forum. How will the handling differ between that and the FL C2S? I guess I'm having trouble justifying the extra money for something that I'm not sure will benefit me.

    Re: Silverstone PDE

    Did you drive both PDK and manual, Shabab 1978? If so, how do you compare them?

    Re: Silverstone PDE

    Yeah - I would love to read the opinions of other people who attended the PDE at Silverstone

    Re: Silverstone PDE

    shabab1978 said:
    Is that a good or bad thing? I've heard mixed comments on this forum. How will the handling differ between that and the FL C2S? I guess I'm having trouble justifying the extra money for something that I'm not sure will benefit me.

    I agree with you. C2S is the more satisfying drive (and less money). That is the best choice (unless you can wait and pay more for the next version of the GT3).



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