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    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Yes, sorry. My post was meant to address The (Bride) Groom and generally uplift the spirits of those starting digging in for the next 20 years.
    I would not really call this an argument, just trying to make certain both sides of this coin are represented.
    As a libertarian I feel that limiting government is critical. Limiting government will be the central theme in the next political era - aided by technology (like these posts).

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Leawood911 said:
    Yes, sorry. My post was meant to address The (Bride) Groom and generally uplift the spirits of those starting digging in for the next 20 years.
    I would not really call this an argument, just trying to make certain both sides of this coin are represented.
    As a libertarian I feel that limiting government is critical. Limiting government will be the central theme in the next political era - aided by technology (like these posts).

    Glad to see more Libertarians coming out of the woodwork. I thought I was the only one who had similar beliefs. Have you ever listened to Larry Elder? He was a strong influence on my leaning towards limited government, Libertarians, etc.,

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    I'm sorry, but you seriously can't claim to be a libertarian and not be appalled by President Bush's economic policy.

    In fact, a genuine libertarian does not care about reduced taxes. She/He only cares about reduced spending.

    To a libertarian, reduced spending has to precede reduced taxes. Not the other way around. And of course, not reduced taxes together with massively inflated spending.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Mr. Groom -

    Please don't tell me how to be an American, libertarian or conservative.

    Reduced taxes mean less government, and it is a hell of a start. Bush's economic policy is far more appealing to me than any democrats and since it will be a long time until a libertarian will be in office I will take the tax cuts gladly.

    As a libertarian I am much more concerned about the international projection of our military force than spending vs. taxes.

    Lastly, I support Bush 100% because he is my president and he is an honorable, trustworthy and honest person.

    I'm certainly not affraid to show a little national pride and stand up for my leader.

    As far as I can tell your statements are mostly opinions which are not based in fact but rather political propaganda of the worst kind. The type meant to foster dependency on the state and redistribution of wealth.

    There will come a time when you see the light - it happens to all of us eventually.

    Lots of conservatives started out as liberals. I don't know any liberals who started out as conservatives. Do you?

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    The Groom said:
    I'm sorry, but you seriously can't claim to be a libertarian and not be appalled by President Bush's economic policy.

    You clearly have no clue about the American economy do you? Other than being against raising taxes, Bush has no economic policy and that's the way it should be. The country's economy is far better off without government intervention.

    I echo Leawood911's statement: "Please don't tell me how to be an American, libertarian or conservative."

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Leawood911 said:
    Reduced taxes mean less government, and it is a hell of a start.

    If only it were true. Tax cuts are popular, but so are pork and entitlement programs. That's how you end up with a governement irresponsible enough to reduce taxes and increases spending at the same time.

    I'll let the Treasury Department's Financial Statement page do the talking:
    Budget net cost 2000: $ 1,998.8 bn
    Budget net cost 2006: $ 2,901.3 bn (excluding Iraq "emergency funding" bills).
    That's a 45% increase in only 7 years! Now please tell me how Big Government has been downsized under President G. W. Bush.

    ADias said:
    Other than being against raising taxes, Bush has no economic policy and that's the way it should be. The country's economy is far better off without government intervention.

    I call that the "drunken sailor" policy. Or, more accurately, the "drunken sailor on a payday advance" economic policy. Would you let a drunken sailor run your finances?

    I respect libertarianism, and that's exactly why I point out that President G. W. Bush's reckless policies (i.e. massive budget deficits and bigger Federal government) are in complete opposition to the beliefs of libertarians and conservatives.

    ADias said:
    You clearly have no clue about the American economy do you?

    Leawood911 said:
    As far as I can tell your statements are mostly opinions which are not based in fact but rather political propaganda of the worst kind.

    US policy is followed very closely outside the US because it affects the entire world. Economic policy is no exception. It affects European businesses like mine (or Porsche for that matter) directly. Reading propaganda is a mistake we cannot afford.
    So, please don't assume we're poorly informed or deliberately misled just because we live overseas.

    Leawood911 said:
    Lots of conservatives started out as liberals. I don't know any liberals who started out as conservatives. Do you?

    I used to be a hardcore libertarian. Then I moved to the US, and I learned the hard way to appreciate bloated welfare entitlement programs (and the predatory taxation rates that finance them) as an insurance policy against street crime. Evil and wasteful, but necessary.

    Granted, I lived in Cincinnati.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Let me start with asking ADias and Leawood911 about which newscast you guys are watching.

    I have defend "The Groom" here. I am against smaller governments, and cutting taxes just to feel better. I am pro free education and free medecine for everyone, that is much more important than tax cuts, military power of a country, ... In the states you have areas that live like they are in stone ages and you have extremely rich areas. You cannot enjoy that 1% tax cut when it means that a sick kid will be refused medical attention when he doesn't have medical insurance. Medecine and education has to be paid by the government, and hence by the taxpayers. Artists, research companies should get grants from the government, you need a structure to distribute that properly.

    Another thought - Leawood911 when you say that oil is limitless and there is no global warming, and new fuels will arive, and we are very socially responsible as humans.... do you realize that thousands of people are dying and will die because of our hunger for oil?

    Another thought: EU - yes, it has many old laws and it is crippled by it, but every time I go to the EU, I see their standard of living go up, I do not know where you guys go I actually feel poor in EU and am in a rush of getting back to Canada

    In the states there is a philosophy - "hate your poor neighbour". The path of justification goes like this - "he doesn't have money" -> "he never made an effort to make money" -> "he is a loser". This applies to neighbours literealy, further neighbours like poor neighbourhoods and much further neighbours like Iraqis. An american life is much more valuable to americans than any other life. But we live all on the same globe and have the same fears. All of us are going to die and some of us are going to have children... I know I just started a big flame, but think about it - we are all equal. Noone gave anyone a right to destroy a planet out of convinience. Yes, I drive a 911, my wife's car is a 330xi, not most energy-saving cars in the world, but I do tent to save energy when I can, and at least keep my head open that floods, droughts, landslides, and hurricanes are a part of global warming. And yes, we contribute to it, and yes, our cars, boats, power-eating mansions are contributing to it. Face it.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    The Groom said:
    I used to be a hardcore libertarian. Then I moved to the US, and I learned the hard way to appreciate bloated welfare entitlement programs (and the predatory taxation rates that finance them) as an insurance policy against street crime. Evil and wasteful, but necessary.

    Same here. The society is much more livable when everyone is well fed. I personally do not want to live in a country when you have to have an alarm system, 5 loaded guns and still be afraid that someone will break in. What do you need the wealth for then...

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Sparrow -
    I love Montreal, have I mentioned that? I have driven my 911 there over the last 8 years for the F1 GP. The 911 is my idea of green - just look at how much performance you can get from a gallon of gas. The drive on 401 is perfect in the summer. I leave KC at 4am, just prior to sunrise and arrive in Montreal at 9pm, just after sunset - 1400 miles - with three, short 4-minute fuel stops.

    This thread is far too political. I agree that there are poeple in the world dying due to our oil dependence - just like they die in accidents building houses, digging for coal, etc. there seem to be lots of vices we have that cause death.

    Anyway, my point was that oil is today's fuel and in 100 years or maybe 20 it will not longer be an issue (likely there will 'new' environment hazards as well - that we have not even started to get excited over)

    Yes there are hungry, homeless and sick people in the US but nobody in the US is refused care, EVER. Where do you hear that stuff, what newscasts do you watch that show ANYONE being refused medical care in the US???

    Again and again I would like to stress that a 10 cent on the dollar outfit should not be relied on to provide our education, healthcare, shelter etc.

    How can you, on the one hand, plead the case of these unfortunate people while at the same time advocating the state (10 cent on the $) solves this problem by extorting more taxes.

    When you call for more taxes you are asking the state to steal more money out all of our pockets and to give it to someone else. That is not you being full of CHARITY to help the unfortunate. It's you making yourself feel better for being willing to increase everyones tax burden, yourself included of course.

    I much prefer to voluntarily donate my own $ to private organizations (such as the local Church or Veterans organizations) who can squeeze $1.20 out of a $1.00 rather than hold a gun to all my neighbors heads and raise their taxes.

    Please stop fundraising for an admitted '10 cent on the $ outfit'. Don't trust the care of your elderly, sick, homeless, uneducated or even criminals to this 10 cent on the $ outfit. There are a 1000 better ways to solve these problems unless you are a politician who is seeking problems to solve. (Is that libertarian enough for you?)

    In terms of US income distribution... It's not the states role to make certain income is re-distributed. Yes there are some very, very rich areas. In fact there are many. There are excellent reasons for why there are so many millionaires in the US and state intervention played no role. There are also no good reasons why the state should make everyone else live as a millionaire does as a result. (Your 'hate of poor neighboors' philosphy is totally unfounded and I am stunned that you would even think of such a thing. I have never seen anything like this.)

    The fact is that those that are poor in the US and are willing to work have a better chance than anywhere else in the world to become millionairs - UNLESS the state makes it harder to become a millionaire by taxing them more.

    If a US citizen just wants to get by working an ordinary job they can live here with a higher standard of living than anywhere else in world.

    If they want to live here and retire on social welfare benefits they will not find that they will live like the millionaires they see on TV. Go figure. But they will not starve, freeze or lack medical care. Their children will have the same opportunity as others to become self sufficient and wealthy.

    Pride in being self-sufficient/free and fostering this value in the society is what this is all about. Do you advocate a system where people are encouraged to take pride in being self-sufficent and where charity is voluntary or do you want a 'Nanny state' that wastes the tax dollars it extorts and breeds reliance on social services?

    Let's just agree to disagree. Perhaps we can share a few beers in June - I will buy - you may consider it a Tax!

    The race in Montreal will not be the same without JV but I am certain the drive will be excellent as always.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    The Groom said:
    I used to be a hardcore libertarian. Then I moved to the US, and I learned the hard way to appreciate bloated welfare entitlement programs (and the predatory taxation rates that finance them) as an insurance policy against street crime. Evil and wasteful, but necessary.

    Granted, I lived in Cincinnati.

    Of all the places to live in U.S. and you pick Cincinnati??? I guess it could be worse, like Detroit.

    Anyways, can you elaborate on your experience more? I'd like to know specificially what caused you to change from your Libertarian beliefs (honesly, I didn't know anybody outside of the U.S. had such beliefs) because of your experience here.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    SoCal Alan said:
    ...Libertarian beliefs (honesly, I didn't know anybody outside of the U.S. had such beliefs)

    Friedrich August von Hayek and Karl Popper are born this side of the pond The "Austrian School" and "Freiburg School" have quite some supporters over here, but they are a minority (most voters still seem to believe in "strong government" rather than in more individual freedom)
    If you read about European "Liberals" in the US press, don't get confused by the word "Liberal". As per my understanding "Liberals" in the US are more what we Europeans would call "Left" whereas European "Liberals" (at least a lot of them) are Libertarians or "Classical Liberals". Actually most recent polls in Germany show that the support for freedom oriented politics is increasing, as more and more people understand, that a "Nanny Government" only is creating the problems it claims to solve

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Sorry to interrupt you guys, I wandered in here thinking it was a friendly car forum.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Leawood911 - I just sent you a PM. You're right on certain things, and at the same time wrong about them. I guess there is no absolute truth, that's why democracy is the best system that we came up with so far.

    I am pro social services and yes, I do pay a lot of taxes, much more than I would want.. When you think about it - welfare checks support the economy. But let's not argue any further, you're right, this thread is much more political than it need to be.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    I grew up in France and Germany. During the mid 1990's, it was quite apparent that something was causing the US to boom at a tremendous pace while France and Germany were on the brink of recession. I ascribed that to excessive taxes and regulations. Since I already intended to become an entrepreneur, I knew I'd be hit painfully by them. It was also the time France was clinging to its outdated Minitel information system while college dropouts were making millions in the Silicon Valley. I was looking up to the United States as the best place on Earth.
    At the same time, my mother was working for the French Department of Education; she'd often came back home angry and frustrated, telling yet another horror story about bureaucratic red tape and outright incompetence. That's how I developed a strong dislike for government intervention. The United States were doing it better than France and Germany, and the United States had less government intervention, so libertarianism had to be the way to go. Or so I thought.

    I met "The Bride" in Stuttgart. She was an American student doing her "Grand Tour" gap year after graduation. She eventually got an offer she could not refuse from GE Aircraft Engines. That's how we moved to Cincinnati.
    ("my dream job at Porsche" vs "her dream job". Come on, I know you'd have quit, too! )

    That's also where the trouble started.

    First thing, traffic sucks in Cincinnati (it's light by US standards, though). I was used to taking the subway all the time to get anywhere in Paris, Munich and Stuttgart. There's no such thing in Cincinnati. Actually, they did build a subway, but voted not to use it!

    Second thing, the Over the Rhine ghetto is a pit of despair. While there are some problem areas in Europe, they don't come close. By a long shot.
    I knew about ghettos in major American cities. But I did not know they were that bad. The effort it takes to lift oneself out of those conditions is huge. I seriously doubt anyone in Over the Rhine or in downtown DC has a better shot at becoming successful (outside crime that is) than in Paris or Munich.

    It also translates into rampant street crime. In our short stay in Cincinnati, we got robbed four times (twice at gunpoint), my car got broken into twice, and our apartment got burgled once.

    But what took the cake was when "The Bride" got T-boned by an uninsured driver in a SUV. We quickly found out what "to add insult to injury" means: the insurance company denied us full coverage because we had been customers for only one month. Let's say we went back to Europe as quickly as possible after that.

    None of that would have happened if public services were adequately funded in the US. French citizens who complain about high taxes don't know how lucky they are to enjoy mass transit that works (when workers aren't on strike ), low crime, cheap health care and education, or efficient emergency services (the Katrina debacle would never have happened here).

    That's how I came to view the welfare state as a necessary evil. That is how I became a liberal, by US standards.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    I was born in Russia when communism (to be socialism) was still soaring and in fact was making people very sore I always dreamt that in the states there is a minimalistic government, freedom, etc.. Then I saw the states in '95 and immigrated to Canada in '97. It just happened that way. While in Canada I was dreaming about the states, and in a couple of years took a good position in a company in south florida. After 3 years there I was so happy to come back to Canada and I was so happy to pay taxes. One thing is to read about a social model, another thing is to see it in action. Maybe I just got older, met my own "The Bride" and lost the after-teenager idealism. I lived in Europe in many countries as well. Knowing US system, Canadian system, EU's system, Soviet Union system, Russian system, 3rd world tyranies or democracies, I have to say that Canada has the best system in the world. But I also have to add that it does so at the expense of our southern neighbour. Without the US, Canada would not be as progressive as it is, and would not be able to write all the welfare checks that it writes...

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    So Groom, I take it you are not going to relocate to Camden New Jersey?

    You really have to wonder why Oprah spends millions to build a school in South Africa and ignores Camden, but thats another story.

    The US has been wild since only the Indians were here. Some can deal with it, some can't. Its not perfect thats for sure.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    I've never been there, but I've heard of New Jersey as "the armpit of America". Sounds promising. NOT.

    You've got a point about Oprah. Maybe she considers Camden to be beyond any hope...

    On the other hand, she's getting a better ROI in SA. The applicants were in obviously greater need, and actually wanted to do whatever it took to lift themselves out of poverty. Besides, her dollars will go further than in America, so she can help more people in need.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Camden isnt beyond hope, it just across the river from Philadelphia.

    Oprahs dollars are made here. She benefits from her situation here. Let charity start at home. The people of Camden are just as worthy as anywhere else and a lot closer than SA.

    But when you are a Billionaire celebrity that touts ghetto credentials, I guess its flashier to go abroad. Camden asks: Angelina and Madonna where are you also?

    Camden, New Jerseys' City of Destiny !!!

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Campbells Soup is from Camden NJ funny huh?

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    BlackSparrow said:... I am pro free education and free medecine for everyone, ...

    Sure you are... you are Canadian! As an American I believe that equal opportunity is a right, but government equality and free handouts is dead wrong.

    I just wish you well, if you get sick and are at the mercy of the Canadian national health system. I suspect though, that you are well off, and naturally will bypass the system and get private clinic treatment - good for you if that is the case.

    ...I have to say that Canada has the best system in the world. But I also have to add that it does so at the expense of our southern neighbour. Without the US, Canada would not be as progressive as it is, and would not be able to write all the welfare checks that it writes...

    Really what you want to say is: Without the US economy and its free trade with the US, Canada would not be as progressive as it is, and would not be able to write all the welfare checks that it writes...

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war


    Traffic sucks everywhere. But you adapt to it. It's the sign of progress and growth. Some cities do a better job of handling traffic. I personally would like to see all of our gas taxes spent on improving the roads and expansion, rather than diverting the money to mass transit. But that's just me.

    Second, if your wife had a decent job, how did you end up living in a not-so-good neighborhood? I've never been to Cincinnati, but I'm assuming that their middle class neighborhoods are just like other major city's middle class neighborhoods and crime shouldn't be a problem, definitely not of the frequency that you had experienced.

    Third, you should have sued your insurance company for what they did to you. Unless you agreed to such terms at the time you got your insurance. But I definitely would not have left the U.S. because of that reason.

    I don't see how you can equate adequately funding public services to you not having 2 of the 3 problems listed above. And the U.S. is probably not for everyone, especially people who are use to having their government take care of them. It requires an individual who wants to work hard to become successful. Laziness will not get you very far. Sorry it didn't work out for you.

    Lastly, Katrina was not nearly the disaster as you make it to be. There were far more who died in France during the heat wave in the summer of 2003. That tragedy would definitely not have happened in the U.S.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    SoCal Alan said:
    Traffic sucks everywhere. But you adapt to it. It's the sign of progress and growth. Some cities do a better job of handling traffic. I personally would like to see all of our gas taxes spent on improving the roads and expansion, rather than diverting the money to mass transit. But that's just me.

    I guess that's just a matter of how you grew up. For me, once you're used to a serious subway system, you never go back. Having to take the car to go anywhere just feels unnatural. Plus the subway is faster. That's real progress to me.

    SoCal Alan said:
    Second, if your wife had a decent job, how did you end up living in a not-so-good neighborhood? I've never been to Cincinnati, but I'm assuming that their middle class neighborhoods are just like other major city's middle class neighborhoods and crime shouldn't be a problem, definitely not of the frequency that you had experienced.

    Most of the problems happened when we were downtown (in the CBD, not the ghetto). Maybe it was my fault that I got robbed. It's a priceless luxury not to have to worry about that kind of cr*p.

    SoCal Alan said:
    Third, you should have sued your insurance company for what they did to you. Unless you agreed to such terms at the time you got your insurance. But I definitely would not have left the U.S. because of that reason.

    Isn't it a standard provision in most insurance contracts? It's supposed to deter insurance fraud, but I guess we got unlucky.

    We decided to leave not just because of this incident, but because of the accumulation of incidents in such a short time frame. We'd have definitely left Cincinnati, but we managed to get her a similar job in France (GE's commercial aviation engines are made through a joint venture with a French company), so off to France we went.

    SoCal Alan said:
    I don't see how you can equate adequately funding public services to you not having 2 of the 3 problems listed above.

    Welfare programs are a way to buy social peace, so that the destitute and the lazy do not have to kill you to put food on the table. Welfare programs are much more developed in Europe, and crime is much lower. Coincidence? I think not.

    And getting nearly bankrupt because of hospital bills would likewise never happen in Europe. Actually, it should never happen in a developed country like America.

    SoCal Alan said:
    There were far more who died in France during the heat wave in the summer of 2003. That tragedy would definitely not have happened in the U.S.

    Touché. However, I suspect it does happen in the US every year. It's just not deemed newsworthy when severe heat waves happen every year.

    SoCal Alan said:
    And the U.S. is probably not for everyone, especially people who are use to having their government take care of them.
    Laziness will not get you very far.

    By that measure, I suppose those unfortunate elderly people deserved to die 3 years ago, because they had nobody else to take care of them? Or was that because they were too lazy?

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    I finally got round to reading through this whole thread. Interesting to read such diverse perspectives

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    The Groom said:
    I guess that's just a matter of how you grew up. For me, once you're used to a serious subway system, you never go back. Having to take the car to go anywhere just feels unnatural. Plus the subway is faster. That's real progress to me.

    We have our subways in N.Y. A subway system for a city like N.Y. makes sense. Light rail exists in almost every major city in the U.S. But it should pay for itself, IMHO.

    The Groom said:Most of the problems happened when we were downtown (in the CBD, not the ghetto). Maybe it was my fault that I got robbed.

    What makes you say that?

    The Groom said:Isn't it a standard provision in most insurance contracts? It's supposed to deter insurance fraud, but I guess we got unlucky.

    I doubt it. You paid for insurance. You should be covered.

    The Groom said:
    SoCal Alan said:
    I don't see how you can equate adequately funding public services to you not having 2 of the 3 problems listed above.

    Welfare programs are a way to buy social peace, so that the destitute and the lazy do not have to kill you to put food on the table. Welfare programs are much more developed in Europe, and crime is much lower. Coincidence? I think not.

    Coincidence? I think so. How do you explain the fact that the U.K. and Canada has a higher crime rate than in the U.S.?

    The Groom said:And getting nearly bankrupt because of hospital bills would likewise never happen in Europe. Actually, it should never happen in a developed country like America.


    Agreed. Everyone should have their own medical insurance. Just like everyone should have their own auto insurance. But our government doesn't pay for the auto insurance premiums.

    The Groom said:
    SoCal Alan said:
    There were far more who died in France during the heat wave in the summer of 2003. That tragedy would definitely not have happened in the U.S.

    Touché. However, I suspect it does happen in the US every year. It's just not deemed newsworthy when severe heat waves happen every year.

    We had a heat wave here last summer. I believe about 200 people died.

    The Groom said:
    SoCal Alan said:
    And the U.S. is probably not for everyone, especially people who are use to having their government take care of them.
    Laziness will not get you very far.

    By that measure, I suppose those unfortunate elderly people deserved to die 3 years ago, because they had nobody else to take care of them? Or was that because they were too lazy?

    No, they don't deserve to die. Their families should act like a family, be responsible, and take care of their elders. And not leave them to live on their own without anyone to watch over them. Or, at a minimum, a nursing home where they could be cared for.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Thanks for the link to the crime stats. I have to say that any comparison is based on a few assumptions: (1) that all jurisdictions covered in the survey have an equivalent range of crimes on their statute book (which they clearly don't), (2) that reported crimes indicate crime levels accurately (which they don't relatively since the ratio of reported crimes to actual crimes varies from country to country). I guess being simplistic about it, one needs to have something worth robbing or stealing for the crime even to occur in the first place (so this is inevitably skewed against those countries which are more affluent).

    Funny how Saudi Arabia has so few burglaries. Clearly not having one or both hands stops criminals from repeating their activities... IMO barbaric but effective.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    SoCal Alan said:
    We have our subways in N.Y. A subway system for a city like N.Y. makes sense. Light rail exists in almost every major city in the U.S. But it should pay for itself, IMHO.

    I wish more US cities were like NYC in that regard. Other American cities' small light rail networks aren't really helpful because of their limited scale. Have a look at the Stuttgart subway/light rail/commuter rail network (PDF) in comparison. It's amazing for a city of 600,000.

    Regarding funding, I'll agree it has to pay for itself... as soon as all streets and roads are toll roads!

    Second thing is, if the general population is not as civic-minded as in Germany, it's generally cheaper to go 100% "free" (as in "taxpayer-supported"). The Paris subway department once did a study and found out the cost of printing tickets, buying and maintaining expensive machines and paying wages just to force riders to pay was not worth the ticket revenue. I suspect this would be the case in the US as well.

    SoCal Alan said:
    The Groom said: Maybe it was my fault that I got robbed.

    What makes you say that?

    Maybe my general attitude was signaling I was a naive affluent European dude who's only asking to be robbed. Professional thieves are quick to notice that.

    SoCal Alan said:
    How do you explain the fact that the U.K. and Canada has a higher crime rate than in the U.S.?

    Ermmm did you even have a look at the OTHER statistics on this website? e.g. assault, rape, murder, murder with firearms?

    SoCal Alan said:
    Their families should act like a family, be responsible, and take care of their elders. And not leave them to live on their own without anyone to watch over them.

    That we agree on.
    There is a general lack of care for others in Europe, as everyone expects the state to step in and fill the void. I don't, but I accept I have to pay for others for my own good.
    The heat wave happened in summer, i.e. when everyone wanted to care only about their holidays instead of their elderly relatives.

    SoCal Alan said:Or, at a minimum, a nursing home where they could be cared for.

    It's not that simple. Most elderly people I know do not want to go to a nursing home because they prefer the illusion of independence.
    Of course, their children don't want either, because they'd have to pay for it. Most couldn't afford it even if they wanted, anyway. A medicalized nursing home costs Euro 3,000 a month (minimum wage is Euro 1,200).

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    The Groom said:
    SoCal Alan said:
    How do you explain the fact that the U.K. and Canada has a higher crime rate than in the U.S.?

    Ermmm did you even have a look at the OTHER statistics on this website? e.g. assault, rape, murder, murder with firearms?

    Nope. Sorry, I was actually in a hurry this morning to test drive a 997TT.

    I knew that the murder rate is higher in the U.S. Overall crime is higher in the U.K. I was careful not to claim that the U.S. had a lower murder rate.

    As for the 997TT. I'm in love. What a car! The exhaust sound is pretty good, actually. I don't know what the fuss was all about, regarding how bad the exhaust sounded. It sounded actually pretty damn good. And I have PSE on my 997S to compare. I was completely surprised with the how light the clutch felt. That lightness, I didn't care much for. But the acceleration on the 997TT is pure heaven. Lag? What lag?

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    ADias said:
    Really what you want to say is: Without the US economy and its free trade with the US, Canada would not be as progressive as it is, and would not be able to write all the welfare checks that it writes...

    I said exactly what I wanted to say. Canada is not a bloodsucker in any way, CA and US live in synergy. Free trade makes US a lot of money off Canada as well. What I meant to say is that Canada is lucky to be next to the states and to be it's largest trade partner. For example - Australia did not get so lucky, free trade or not.

    Re: FT - Porsche warns of emissions war

    Canada has a higher murder rate - nonjustifiable homicides -per capita than the US. Surprise.

    Make some assumptions and give yourself a choice

    The EU will pass the legislation at some point in the future and the car industry lobbyists will get it delayed for a while but you will be left with some stark choices. Porsche can use some of their cash to actually get to the levels of emissions mandated and be successful. Look at Honda in California. The Big 3 bleated about not being able to meet emissions standards and then Honda did it. How successful are Honda these days? And how succesful are the Big 3? Not very.

    If Porsche don't meet the standards then their corporate taxes will go up to compensate, as will increasingly stringent gas guzzler taxes applied to the individual owner/buyer. So you only get to drive your nice shiny 911 1 day a week. How harsh and unfair for you!

    So rather than bleat and compain about "Big Brother" EU you might want to encourage Porsche to get innovative about emissions and find solutions that will allow it to keep selling cars at the volumes it does today and keep reaping long terms profits. Now let's see if Weideking is smart or greedy...



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