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    Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    ROME (AFP) - One of Italy's top executives was caught speeding on a motorway in northern Italy at 311 kilometres (193 miles) per hour while trying out his new car.

    Riccardo Ruggiero, who runs Telecom Italia, the country's main telecoms operator with a turn over of 30 billion euros last year, told police he was just putting his new Porsche Carrera GT through its paces, the daily La Stampa said Saturday.

    He was fined 357 euros (435 dollars) and lost 10 of the 20-points on his driving licence and will also face a suspension of his license for one to three months, as decided by police.

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    only fined $435???
    wow, thats incredible

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    europe is amazing. :-)

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    :O That's it? Yeah in North American you'd got to jail and lose your license for driving that fast.

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    It was in a CGT, I mean c'mon that would feel like 120mph speeds in normal sedans.

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    On the autobahn he would have got a

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    well if i ran a 30 billion dollar telecomunications behemoth im sure i would have a direct phone line to some one friendly in parliament! LOL

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    He probably would have walked away with too with an Enzo!...

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    Im moving, say tomorrow after lunch?

    Im jealous and on the wrong side of the pond what can I say?

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    he should have taken it to the autobahns... and then he could have done the whole speedometer!

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    Thanks for the posting. It will remind me to keep it down in Northern Italy!


    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    sdy284 said:
    only fined $435???
    wow, thats incredible

    Spell it "incredibile"...

    Those guys have so much to work that he might easily be able to live without the license - apart from that you don't need to have a license if you rent a whole track for yourself, do you?

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    Ferdie said:
    sdy284 said:
    only fined $435???
    wow, thats incredible

    Spell it "incredibile"...

    Those guys have so much to work that he might easily be able to live without the license - apart from that you don't need to have a license if you rent a whole track for yourself, do you?

    usually when you correct someone's spelling, you should make sure it's spelled wrong in the first place

    The right way (my way):
    The wrong way (your way):

    nice try though

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    The wrong way (your way):

    nice try though

    Since it happened in Italy, "incredibile" was probably meant to be in italian. (Yes, there are other languages than english... )

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    pierre said:
    The wrong way (your way):

    nice try though

    Since it happened in Italy, "incredibile" was probably meant to be in italian. (Yes, there are other languages than english... )

    Yes, it was also probably meant to be pronounced with an italian accent. "Incrediiibile!"

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    Crash said:
    Yes, it was also probably meant to be pronounced with an italian accent. "Incrediiibile!"

    Spot on, that was what I was aiming at!

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    Dan L said:
    Thanks for the posting. It will remind me to keep it down in Northern Italy!


    My wife AND my car saved me two times from a speeding ticket in Italy. Of course I wasn't going too fast (once 170 and once 190 instead of the allowed 140) but I didn't pay a cent. The Carabinieri admired my car (red 996 Turbo by that time, only three weeks on the market and Cayenne Turbo with kids in car), made some jokes with the kids and flirted with my wife. They also seem to love it when a foreigner tries to speak Italian, some sort of respect thing. I don't speak much Italian but since I understand it a little bit, it was easy to adapt my "si' and "no" and my "scuzi"...

    I had the funniest police encounter in France. I was driving on the highway at a speed of around 160 kph towards Monaco and around Nice, a police car passed me slowly, put himself in front of me and the driver put his arm out of the window and made me a slow down sign. I thought he wants to stop me and followed him but he actually kept me at a steady 130 kph speed and didn't do anything else.

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    $435.They probably calculated that by fining him one dollar for every thousand dollars that he paid for the carrera gt.

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    Don't speed in France (>150 on the highway), they are very strict these days and won't let you go easy, they can confiscate you car above 200...

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    pierre said:
    He probably would have walked away with too with an Enzo!...

    In Italy, you need to drive a Ferrari or have a beautiful and blonde woman with you in the car.
    I "escaped" twice from being sanctioned by italian police, once in a 996 Turbo (don't remember the details anymore but I think I was doing 170 in a 110 kph zone and they just wanted to see the engine bay...(and my wife's legs apparently ). The second time was with the Cayenne Turbo and the whole family sitting in the car, doing 180 kph instead of 110 on our way to Riva del Garda. Laser measurement, first they wanted to take my license, I apologized, my wife told them about how tired the kids are, they fooled around with the kids (ciao bella...) and we got away with a warning...and with a hint that the next "trap" is just before Trento.

    Another interesting thing happened in France, Cote d'Azur, on the highway (A8?). I was doing 160 kph, only 110 kph was permittet and a Renault/Citroen (don't remember anymore) police car, probably doing max speed, suddenly came behind me, flashed the lights and slowed me down. He passed us and I thought he is going to stop us (997 Carrera S with wife and kids in the rear). What happened? He drove in front of us for the next 10 km or so and always waved with his left hand to slow down when a curve or a downhill was coming. We drove at around 110 to 130 kph and this really annoyed me. I could have passed this guy at 240 kph in the nastiest curve there, even downhill. But he probably thought he's doing me a favor...stupid german tourist in his Porsche with the kids in the back.

    Well: my experience is, that you can get away with lots of things as long as you don't "fight". Start fighting/argueing with a police officer in a foreign country and...

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    Damn Europeans!

    Here in the free and civil US of A if you are caught driving 193mph on a public road (a freeway)... a few things WILL happen to you.

    1- you will end up on CNN or your local news channel and will become evening television for a cop chase which will END in two ways---both end with you stopping. (one of the ways ends with you living the other doesn't).

    2- 3 cops greet you a few miles ahead and have their guns drawn and in seconds 3-5 more are behind you... you are arrested, your car is impounded. You are then charged with endangering people, driving over the speed limit, reckless driving (and they can trump those up if you really [censored] them off) either way- you have at least 4-6 charges---one could be a felony the other are misdemeanors. (in the U.S. getting any of these can threaten ur ability to get employment).

    4. Are charged court fee's: for 4-6 charges if you try and fight it you will be charged at least 5k court fees if you end up losing ANY one of the charges brought against you.

    5. Your license is revoked until you take another drivers ed course, u get maybe 10-15 points (so no matter what your drivers license is revoked). You must take defensive driving and you will most likely have sky high insurance rates. (your license is not given back after the courses.. it usually is for 6 months to a year).. and then you have to go back to court to tell them you have completed the course and have adequate protection- insurance aligned).

    But yeahhhhh, it's nice to know you guys in Europe don't take 193mph as badly as we do here in the states.

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    0two9 said:
    Damn Europeans!

    Here in the free and civil US of A if you are caught driving 193mph on a public road (a freeway)... a few things WILL happen to you.

    1- you will end up on CNN or your local news channel and will become evening television for a cop chase which will END in two ways---both end with you stopping. (one of the ways ends with you living the other doesn't).

    2- 3 cops greet you a few miles ahead and have their guns drawn and in seconds 3-5 more are behind you... you are arrested, your car is impounded. You are then charged with endangering people, driving over the speed limit, reckless driving (and they can trump those up if you really [censored] them off) either way- you have at least 4-6 charges---one could be a felony the other are misdemeanors. (in the U.S. getting any of these can threaten ur ability to get employment).

    4. Are charged court fee's: for 4-6 charges if you try and fight it you will be charged at least 5k court fees if you end up losing ANY one of the charges brought against you.

    5. Your license is revoked until you take another drivers ed course, u get maybe 10-15 points (so no matter what your drivers license is revoked). You must take defensive driving and you will most likely have sky high insurance rates. (your license is not given back after the courses.. it usually is for 6 months to a year).. and then you have to go back to court to tell them you have completed the course and have adequate protection- insurance aligned).

    But yeahhhhh, it's nice to know you guys in Europe don't take 193mph as badly as we do here in the states.

    Whatever in God's name happened to the "home of the free and the brave"? You can legally purchase a weapon, but driving fast will get you arrested? I sympathise with you guys .

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!


    Whatever in God's name happened to the "home of the free and the brave"? You can legally purchase a weapon, but driving fast will get you arrested? I sympathise with you guys .

    That is why I chose Euro Delivery. Just got back!!! I broke the car in past its 3k km mark and then I let it rip. Hard to find a spot on the Autobahn that will allow you to get it close to the top speed, but manage to touch 275kph(170mph)! I had to do it, because I knew when I returned to the States that that would end me up in the slammer. I was amazed at how loud the windnoise was at that speed!! I know, what do you expect before take off!

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    tkids said:

    Whatever in God's name happened to the "home of the free and the brave"? You can legally purchase a weapon, but driving fast will get you arrested? I sympathise with you guys .

    That is why I chose Euro Delivery. Just got back!!! I broke the car in past its 3k km mark and then I let it rip. Hard to find a spot on the Autobahn that will allow you to get it close to the top speed, but manage to touch 275kph(170mph)! I had to do it, because I knew when I returned to the States that that would end me up in the slammer. I was amazed at how loud the windnoise was at that speed!! I know, what do you expect before take off!

    Glad you enjoyed yourself . The best roads for fast driving are usually the Autobahns, leading towards smaller cities, such as, for example, the A93, from Munich to Regensburg. It has everything you could wish for, long straights, short straights, long, sweeping corners, which you can take at high speed and sharp corners, which will make your cheeks leave an imprint on the window. This has even been possible on Friday, when the main AB's were congested beyond belief (either standing still, or doing 80 km/h on all three lanes, thanks to the camper vans, who refuse to take their place on the far right lane along with the trucks .

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    SciFrog said:
    Don't speed in France (>150 on the highway), they are very strict these days and won't let you go easy, they can confiscate you car above 200...

    Unfortunately your're right. Our governement is applying the USA policy regarding road laws enforcement. Still, they can't do much if they don't get you with a radar/lidar. What's "unfair" is that radar detector are strictly illegal here, they can even confiscate your vehicle if the detector is somehow attached to it.

    And now, we've got those things chasing us :

    Anyhow, some of us still get to drive fast and keep their license and car but that's kind of like playing the lottery.

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    WaT said:
    SciFrog said:
    Don't speed in France (>150 on the highway), they are very strict these days and won't let you go easy, they can confiscate you car above 200...

    Unfortunately your're right. Our governement is applying the USA policy regarding road laws enforcement. Still, they can't do much if they don't get you with a radar/lidar. What's "unfair" is that radar detector are strictly illegal here, they can even confiscate your vehicle if the detector is somehow attached to it.

    And now, we've got those things chasing us :

    Anyhow, some of us still get to drive fast and keep their license and car but that's kind of like playing the lottery.

    I think you should reenact the fall of the Bastille with your Interior ministry. What's happening in Europe nowadays is brutal, but they will only go as far as the people let them..

    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    France has Subaru Police cars?



    Re: Caught speeding at 311 kph (193 mph)!

    They recently renewed their fleet. They felt the old Peugeot 306 S16 was no longer up to the task of chasing modern fast cars



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