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    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    Nothing can be absolutely "proven" or based on perfect "facts" or "logic".  There is never a "consensus"--someone will always disagree.  I am gratified that climate change--even that caused by man--is being carefully analyzed, and that solutions are being discussed.

    That, I can agree with but I do not see any reason for a rush, a rush which will cost "normal" people like me and you and especially the middle and lower middle class a fortune without any proven justification.

      There is already growing resentment  by many road users in the US. As state governments face declining  gas tax revenue they have been placing automated billing tolls on many highways that had been free, some with variable changing rates determined by traffic density etc., where you don't know the cost until they bill you. Good luck if you have a business that needs to estimate pricing with that.

     Also governments cannot keep pushing working class and working poor people into higher and higher transportation costs while giving wealthier people road use options based on their ability to pay for special traffic lanes and subsidies for hybrid/ e car purchasers that are typically higher income people. At some point the backlash will happen and it might get ugly.


    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    "... At some point the backlash will happen and it might get ugly. ..."

    I bet it will. Global Warming, now called Climate Change (since for certain climate always changes) is an attempt by the ultra elitist left around the world to take control in a way we have not seen since the mid of last century.

    We live in a world where information (or what passes for information) is all around us and most of us have no time to absorb it, study it, and sort the truth from the falsehood. The result is we live a world of filtered info bytes often channeled to our small social groups and instead of thinking individually we tend to group-think. Peer pressure is everywhere and most have no time or inclination to rise above it. Today many topics are 'Science-based' they say... but often that 'Science' is either shaky or an outright fraud. Those of us in the tech world are seeing it more and more. The media long aligned itself with the left has a bias and its honest/independent reporting has been lost. The world, the West in particular, needs to get back to its roots of substance, integrity and honesty, or another civilization will soon be no more.






    "Dream as impractical, irrational and unnecessary as that may be... Here's to the Dreamers!" -- Porsche AG.

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    "... At some point the backlash will happen and it might get ugly. ..."

    I bet it will. Global Warming, now called Climate Change (since for certain climate always changes) is an attempt by the ultra elitist left around the world to take control in a way we have not seen since the mid of last century.

    We live in a world where information (or what passes for information) is all around us and most of us have no time to absorb it, study it, and sort the truth from the falsehood. The result is we live a world of filtered info bytes often channeled to our small social groups and instead of thinking individually we tend to group-think. Peer pressure is everywhere and most have no time or inclination to rise above it. Today many topics are 'Science-based' they say... but often that 'Science' is either shaky or an outright fraud. Those of us in the tech world are seeing it more and more. The media long aligned itself with the left has a bias and its honest/independent reporting has been lost. The world, the West in particular, needs to get back to its roots of substance, integrity and honesty, or another civilization will soon be no more.


    "Dream as impractical, irrational and unnecessary as that may be... Here's to the Dreamers!" -- Porsche AG.

    I cannot and would not change one word of this post! For me, it is the post of the year. Eloquent and spot on.Smiley

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    "... At some point the backlash will happen and it might get ugly. ..."

    I bet it will. Global Warming, now called Climate Change (since for certain climate always changes) is an attempt by the ultra elitist left around the world to take control in a way we have not seen since the mid of last century.

    We live in a world where information (or what passes for information) is all around us and most of us have no time to absorb it, study it, and sort the truth from the falsehood. The result is we live a world of filtered info bytes often channeled to our small social groups and instead of thinking individually we tend to group-think. Peer pressure is everywhere and most have no time or inclination to rise above it. Today many topics are 'Science-based' they say... but often that 'Science' is either shaky or an outright fraud. Those of us in the tech world are seeing it more and more. The media long aligned itself with the left has a bias and its honest/independent reporting has been lost. The world, the West in particular, needs to get back to its roots of substance, integrity and honesty, or another civilization will soon be no more.






    "Dream as impractical, irrational and unnecessary as that may be... Here's to the Dreamers!" -- Porsche AG.

    I agree on the first part of your post and that people should use their brains more often.

    However, the part where you start blaming a leftist conspiracy, you start sounding like a nut job. Smiley Yes, the mass media is usually more liberal (in the US, you would call it leftist, in Europe you would call it a bit left from the middle), simply because they adapt to public opinion and the majority of people. Exactly the same way certain media outlets, like Fox News, adapt to their "typical" clientele. Nothing wrong about it since intelligent people usually use many different sources for information to get a global picture of certain events and realities. 

    I get it, you are upset with the media in the US and I understand it. I watch SNL from time to time and while it is a comedy show, they mostly make fun of Republicans. When they make fun of Democrats, they usually do it in a less insulting and more intellectual way, which is wrong but this is how the media works. SNL needs to attend to a certain clientele and I doubt it is the typical Republican voter clientele. People don't need to take this personal, this is how politics (and the media) works. If someone tells me that a certain media outlet is completely unbiased (Fox News loves to use that unbiased and fair advertisement), I have to say that this is BS. No media outlet is unbiased, unfortunately but we are humans and we know how humans "tick", so what did we expect? Nothing to see here in my opinion, no need to get upset or to feel outcasted or wronged. This is how the media works and people can then decide, based on their information, what to do with that information.


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby SVT (2014), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    "... At some point the backlash will happen and it might get ugly. ..."

    I bet it will. Global Warming, now called Climate Change (since for certain climate always changes) is an attempt by the ultra elitist left around the world to take control in a way we have not seen since the mid of last century.

    We live in a world where information (or what passes for information) is all around us and most of us have no time to absorb it, study it, and sort the truth from the falsehood. The result is we live a world of filtered info bytes often channeled to our small social groups and instead of thinking individually we tend to group-think. Peer pressure is everywhere and most have no time or inclination to rise above it. Today many topics are 'Science-based' they say... but often that 'Science' is either shaky or an outright fraud. Those of us in the tech world are seeing it more and more. The media long aligned itself with the left has a bias and its honest/independent reporting has been lost. The world, the West in particular, needs to get back to its roots of substance, integrity and honesty, or another civilization will soon be no more.






    "Dream as impractical, irrational and unnecessary as that may be... Here's to the Dreamers!" -- Porsche AG.

    I agree on the first part of your post and that people should use their brains more often.

    However, the part where you start blaming a leftist conspiracy, you start sounding like a nut job. Smiley

    RC - Again you are using left wing jargon. There is absolutely nothing nutty about what he said. To classify what you don't agree with as "Nutty" is an old left wing tactic (Saul Alinsky). You demonize the opposition. Call him Nutty or a Nut Job, Maniac, etc., etc.

     Yes, the mass media is usually more liberal (in the US, you would call it leftist, in Europe you would call it a bit left from the middle), simply because they adapt to public opinion and the majority of people.

    Actually the press in Europe is only considered moderately left because the whole political spectrum has a much more pronounced left wing tilt. Unfortunately the US has been heading in that direction, and unless something changes, there will be no difference in what Europeans consider to be "moderately" Left, and what Americans will consider "Moderately" Left.

    The second point is that the left wing press actually tries to form opinion. It shouldn't , but it is what it does. It reports what is convenient or agrees with its particular agenda, and it also makes sure that the tone of the reporting is "appropriate" to what it is trying to achieve.

    Exactly the same way certain media outlets, like Fox News, adapt to their "typical" clientele. Nothing wrong about it since intelligent people usually use many different sources for information to get a global picture of certain events and realities. 

    Once again: You don't miss an opportunity to trash Fox News.

    I get it, you are upset with the media in the US and I understand it. I watch SNL from time to time and while it is a comedy show, they mostly make fun of Republicans. When they make fun of Democrats, they usually do it in a less insulting and more intellectual way, which is wrong but this is how the media works. SNL needs to attend to a certain clientele and I doubt it is the typical Republican voter clientele. People don't need to take this personal, this is how politics (and the media) works. If someone tells me that a certain media outlet is completely unbiased (Fox News loves to use that unbiased and fair advertisement), I have to say that this is BS. No media outlet is unbiased, unfortunately but we are humans and we know how humans "tick", so what did we expect? Nothing to see here in my opinion, no need to get upset or to feel outcasted or wronged. This is how the media works and people can then decide, based on their information, what to do with that information.

    You see what I'm getting at? - Fox news is BS ,it is funny, less intellectual, etc...but SNL! - Heh! - It's normal...not what they should do...but what the heck. We should all take it easy, etc.



    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    Any suggestion of a conspiracy from the left or right is making people nut jobs, sorry to say that.

    If people do not like how the majority of people seems to think, this is not a conspiracy but democracy.

    Many have problems with democracy because they feel left out as individuals but the truth is, democracy is not about individuals but a majority of individuals. 

    Even the fact that you suggest I am using "left wing jargon" tells me a lot about you and your political beliefs. Just turn it down a notch, unless you want to be labeled right wing (over here in Germany, this is basically being a Nazi angry).

    How can you be surprised that many Americans have issues voting with the Republicans if many voters are using rhetorics which are suitable for the cold war era maybe but not modern America? Your next president will be a Democrat because of movements like the Tea Party and such. Many voters around the middle spectrum of politics are afraid of...nut jobs. angry No, unlike others, I liked G.W. Bush and I despise Hillary Clinton but what right wing Republicans don't realize is that they are actually pushing more moderate potential voters to the left because they are afraid of some extreme right wing opinions.

    Good job, right wing supporters (see...I didn't say nut jobs) actually push the US towards a more leftist government. Bravo. 



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby SVT (2014), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)


    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    Any suggestion of a conspiracy from the left or right is making people nut jobs, sorry to say that.

    You don't have to apologize for saying what you believe. I may not agree with you, but you are most certainly free to express your beliefs. There was absolutely no suggestion of any conspiracy,. In fact you used the term, not the poster. Now if you don't believe that there are agendas that are being pushed , then I'm afraid  that is being naïve.

    If people do not like how the majority of people seems to think, this is not a conspiracy but democracy.

    You cant possibly say what a "majority" of people think. Majorities and opinions change over time .

    Many have problems with democracy because they feel left out as individuals but the truth is, democracy is not about individuals but a majority of individuals. 

    Well, we will have to disagree here. I  personally do not want to live in a dictatorship of the majority. I would like to live in a regime that protects my individual freedom, and even if I am in a minority, I want that state to protect the rights I have to say and think what I want.  Dictatorships of majorities are as repellent as any other.

    Even the fact that you suggest I am using "left wing jargon" tells me a lot about you and your political beliefs. Just turn it down a notch, unless you want to be labeled right wing (over here in Germany, this is basically being a Nazi angry).

    Are Nazi's labeled right wing because they were National SOCIALISTS? or perhaps because it is because Mussolini  (the founder of the Fascist movement) was an editor of a SOCIALIST news paper before  forming his own movement?

    Let me provide you with a quote:

    "We are Socialist, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions" - Adolf Hitler (May 1st 1927)

    RC - This appalling quote shows that the NAZI's  had nothing, but nothing to do with what is considered "the right wing" in a normal balanced political system.


    How can you be surprised that many Americans have issues voting with the Republicans if many voters are using rhetorics which are suitable for the cold war era maybe but not modern America? Your next president will be a Democrat because of movements like the Tea Party and such. Many voters around the middle spectrum of politics are afraid of...nut jobs. angry 

    You may be jumping to conclusions : 1) I am not American. 2) You may be surprised in the next election.

    No, unlike others, I liked G.W. Bush and I despise Hillary Clinton but what right wing Republicans don't realize is that they are actually pushing more moderate potential voters to the left because they are afraid of some extreme right wing opinion.

    This is a MSM talking point. We will see if this is true in the fullness of time.

    Good job, right wing supporters (see...I didn't say nut jobs) actually push the US towards a more leftist government. Bravo. 

    Again - Time will tell.

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    I forgot to mention that I would like the Republicans to win but currently, all their presidential candidates kind of suck. I like Jeb Bush, he seems to be down to earth and unlike other people, I always liked the Bush family but Jeb Bush is like a sleeping pill, as if he doesn't want to win Smiley and Trump to put it...a liability. I actually do like Trump in his very offensive way, at least he seems to say what he thinks but nobody needs a president who says what he thinks because just imagine how easily such a person could ignite a serious conflict. So yes, politicians have to be liars and they have to be able to deceit, it is part of their job description but I prefer politicians to lie to other politicians and not to the public. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby SVT (2014), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    Last night I found Rubio to be the best chance for the republicans and the best chance to beat Hillary. His stance on immigration is the right one for the republicans. Bush Christie K man and Fiorina should drop right now. I cannot trust Cruz.

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    I like Rubio, but for this thread I vote for i3.

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    I like Rubio, but for this thread I vote for i3.

    Smiley Smiley

    Not a fan of the i3 but I could live with Rubio...I think. Smiley Smiley



    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby SVT (2014), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    Rubio, Bush, Graham are neo cons. If you think the us treasurey and military should be used as a combination regime change/social action force bent on changing cultural norms of distant countries they are the ones for you. Fox is the neocon news network really as most of their regular commentators are neocons. Most observers of the US political scene don't understand and cannot discern the differences and animus between neo con Wilsonian internationalists like Rubio Bush and Jacksonians like Cruz. The gop party leadership is basically owned by neocons and  someone like Cruz is not to their liking, worse so is trump. 



    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    Rubio, Bush, Graham are neo cons. If you think the us treasurey and military should be used as a combination regime change/social action force bent on changing cultural norms of distant countries they are the ones for you. Fox is the neocon news network really as most of their regular commentators are neocons. Most observers of the US political scene don't understand and cannot discern the differences and animus between neo con Wilsonian internationalists like Rubio Bush and Jacksonians like Cruz. 

    Smiley And I thought my headache today couldn't get worse... Smiley Are you really implying that Rubio, Bush and Graham are basically leftists with some conservative ideas? I just hope I didn't open Pandora's box by asking this. Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby SVT (2014), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    It's not that simple. But just for your neocons are not currently marxist leftists by typical European definition, although the genesis of the neo con movement is a hybrid of early progressive interventionists like teddy roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and the much later new left Trotskyite castaways from the 60s communist party usa who had no place to go. You can easily Google their early history for yourself. What the neocons in the gop represent now is the replacement of national interests with international business interests and political order even if it means a reduction in US constitutional principals, US judicial sovereignty and the displacement of US workers. And .....the belief that their idea of  democracy can be forced upon others for their own good, at any price and all cloaked in faux patriotism.

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    It's not that simple. But just for your neocons are not currently marxist leftists by typical European definition, although the genesis of the neo con movement is a hybrid of early progressive interventionists like teddy roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and the much later new left Trotskyite castaways from the 60s communist party usa who had no place to go. You can easily Google their early history for yourself. What the neocons in the gop represent now is the replacement of national interests with international business interests and political order even if it means a reduction in US constitutional principals, US judicial sovereignty and the displacement of US workers. And .....the belief that their idea of  democracy can be forced upon others for their own good, at any price and all cloaked in faux patriotism.

    And just when I thought that European politics is complicated... Smiley Smiley


    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby SVT (2014), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    It's not that simple. But just for your neocons are not currently marxist leftists by typical European definition, although the genesis of the neo con movement is a hybrid of early progressive interventionists like teddy roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and the much later new left Trotskyite castaways from the 60s communist party usa who had no place to go. You can easily Google their early history for yourself. What the neocons in the gop represent now is the replacement of national interests with international business interests and political order even if it means a reduction in US constitutional principals, US judicial sovereignty and the displacement of US workers. And .....the belief that their idea of  democracy can be forced upon others for their own good, at any price and all cloaked in faux patriotism.


    The quote above is a succinct review of my half-decade of observing my own country's politics at work.  I have very reluctantly come to agree with Jim's (and Tony's above) assessment and I wish it were different.  My previous lukewarm support for the USA neocon position was born of fear of there being no other way to avoid the more hidebound Marxists percolating in government bureaus and academia.  They're there waiting for their day in the sun and it's no conspiracy.  Reformed ex-Communists like David Horowitz have written multiple books about their former friends and acquaintances.  I was on campus in the late 1960s and met some of them myself.  There doesn't need to be a conspiracy for some people to act on their own ideas and principles.  I'm 66 years old and have been watching politics intently since i was a teenager when my father was elected to pubic office.  For someone of my background and experience to be classified as a nut job because I easily observe a common agenda at work among the Left, the press, and elite elements of the so-called Right makes me think you have a lot to learn about USA politics and our traditional culture.



    918 Spyder + Tesla Roadster 1.5 & Model S + Panamera Turbo +  BMW Z8 + BMW 3.0 CSi + Bentley Arnage T

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    Iranian politics were even stranger. The Ayatolla khomeini was convinced that Jimmy Carter was actually a communist because the FBI did not arrest Iranian communist party Tudeh party members in the US who had organized so many Tudeh party Persian student groups at US universities. He actually thought that Jimmy Carter's human rights campaign was a US plot to give cover for the Tudeh party to subvert Iranians. Obviously Carter was not a red but the Ayatollah was convinced that he was.  And that is the main reason why Iran waited to gave the known anti communist Reagan the hostages back instead of Carter. As someone who was experienced at instigating fights between Khomeini, Tudeh and Iranian Trotskyite fedayeen groups, I had a first hand view of it.






    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    mailFrom a concept Mission E Porsche to neon cons and Marxists. Geez. This thread is out of control. Can we please get back on topic?

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    Off subject thread adventures are a rennteam tradition.indecision

    No doubt that the Mission E will be the most profitable model Porsche has ever made and the biggest assuage to the egos of eco minded capitalist roaders ever manufactured. Just in time to help VW pay back the 80  billion loan it took out to meet the expected costs of dieselgate.kiss

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    I love this mission E thread. I also vote for the $96 i3 lease. Where can I get two? 

    Yes there is an quite obvious conspiracy in the media and elite circles. It is frustrating and painful to watch if you have not been brainwashed. I can understand why Europeans don't get it or see it since all their media is so far left. They need something like Fox News maybe. The tea party is their biggest threat since they basically protect the constitution which they see as outdated and in their way.  IMHO those who want to alter our constitution and culture are the radicals and nut jobs. Predictably the first side to call the other one nut jobs with media approval win. Media approval is still the key. 

    RC just because you are not paranoid does not mean they are not after you too. Lol

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    @Mike: There is a nice saying. Sometimes people can't see the forest for the trees. 

    After the Republicans lose the 2016 presidential elections, give me a call, I may have a working strategy for 2020. wink

    Stubbornness and ideologic dogmatism don't win elections.




    RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Porsche 991 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet, Porsche Macan Turbo, Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby SVT (2014), Mini JCW (2015), Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (2014)

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    @Mike: There is a nice saying. Sometimes people can't see the forest for the trees. 

    After the Republicans lose the 2016 presidential elections, give me a call, I may have a working strategy for 2020. wink

    Stubbornness and ideologic dogmatism don't win elections.



    Mike is more than just a little bit right. It' is voters like him who helped give Obama a political legacy  that includes the loss of more than 900 state legislator seats, 12 governors (there are now only 17 dem governors) 69 house seats and 13 senators.  So if you can "fix" that record for him have at it.indecision

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    I hope that in this thread, and in others on RT, posters will refrain from using labels about other people.  I am talking about labels such as neo cons, elite circles, eco minded capitalists, hardbound Marxists, right wing, leftist liberals, etc.  Labels insult people, anger people and ingrain feelings very close to hatred.  Then the insults just get worse, with each side trying to deliver the most caustic blow.  

    Labels also insult people's innate human intelligence.  Millions of people live good lives, have their own needs and make sound judgements about matters of importance.  They know that, for example, Fox News is not all a bunch of right wing nuts, and that CNN is not a group of crazy weird liberals.  They know that Republicans have good and bad ideas, just as Democrats do.  I ask that posters please respect those people and their choices.

    And as Forrest Gump says "That's all I have to say about that."

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E

    Labels are not acts of "micro aggression" as claimed by today's leftwing college activists who want no opinion expressed except their own, they are merely used to express political identities in civil discourse. This has all been quite civil and censorship would be ridiculous.

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    @Mike: There is a nice saying. Sometimes people can't see the forest for the trees. 

    After the Republicans lose the 2016 presidential elections, give me a call, I may have a working strategy for 2020. wink

    Stubbornness and ideologic dogmatism don't win elections.

    I agree.  Connecting with the majority of voters does win elections.

    We'll reconvene after November, 2016. Smiley



    918 Spyder + Tesla Roadster 1.5 & Model S + Panamera Turbo +  BMW Z8 + BMW 3.0 CSi + Bentley Arnage T

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    I love this mission E thread. I also vote for the $96 i3 lease. Where can I get two? 

    Yes there is an quite obvious conspiracy in the media and elite circles. It is frustrating and painful to watch if you have not been brainwashed. I can understand why Europeans don't get it or see it since all their media is so far left. They need something like Fox News maybe. The tea party is their biggest threat since they basically protect the constitution which they see as outdated and in their way.  IMHO those who want to alter our constitution and culture are the radicals and nut jobs. Predictably the first side to call the other one nut jobs with media approval win. Media approval is still the key. 

    RC just because you are not paranoid does not mean they are not after you too. Lol

    I could not agree more with you! We have countries in Europe where Social Democrats are considered right wing! (see Portugal). The political discourse in Europe centers around how best to manage a social democratic system, with the parties on the left pushing for ever greater government spending and intervention and the more moderate parties (the so-called right) advocating some restrain, but within the existing system. The social democratic system itself is never challenged. In fact, any challenge to the status quo is immediately labeled as "radical" and the proponents are called nut-jobs , extremists, religious nuts, and other such epitaphs. This is why Europeans have such a hard time really understanding American politics. Of course- the European press does not help: They immediately label any American Conservative/Republican president or candidate as dumb (Reagan and Bush), senile (Reagan) ,bellicose (Bush) ,  racist (Trump) and so on. Naturally, the effect that this has on Europeans in general (especially those that have little or no exposure to American culture or politics) is devastating in terms of understanding anything about the American political system and/or its culture.

    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    Labels also insult people's innate human intelligence.  Millions of people live good lives, have their own needs and make sound judgements about matters of importance.  They know that, for example, Fox News is not all a bunch of right wing nuts, and that CNN is not a group of crazy weird liberals.  They know that Republicans have good and bad ideas, just as Democrats do.  I ask that posters please respect those people and their choices.

    And as Forrest Gump says "That's all I have to say about that."

    I was starting to wonder about the core base of RT members ;  it is entertaining  to read , but at some stages it does get pretty scary to think that they actually believe what they write   Smiley ,   at least some still have some good sense Smiley



     964 Carrera 4 /  997.2 C2 ,  -20mm /  991 GT3 RS 


    Re: World premiere for Porsche Mission E


    Labels also insult people's innate human intelligence.  Millions of people live good lives, have their own needs and make sound judgements about matters of importance.  They know that, for example, Fox News is not all a bunch of right wing nuts, and that CNN is not a group of crazy weird liberals.  They know that Republicans have good and bad ideas, just as Democrats do.  I ask that posters please respect those people and their choices.

    And as Forrest Gump says "That's all I have to say about that."

    I was starting to wonder about the core base of RT members ;  it is entertaining  to read , but at some stages it does get pretty scary to think that they actually believe what they write   Smiley ,   at least some still have some good sense Smiley


    And then we get people complaining that rennteam is stagnating "due to forum software problems"!  Smiley





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    118 items found, displaying 1 to 30.