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    My 986 Trackday story

    So I finally mustered the nerve to take my baby to the track.
    I had been thinking about this ever since I got the car last november, but the mere thought of running it off the track and potentially tuning my beautiful, beautiful schnookie-lammakins into swiss cheese had a pretty sobering effect.
    A friend of mine (who drives a perfectly balanced Alfa Romeo 156) had been telling me about these trackdays in the south of Sweden - just a good hour's drive and ferry-trip from where we live, north of Copenhagen, Denmark.

    "People of all sorts meet up, have a cuppa, talk cars and have a blast", he told me. All I could think of was me "blasting" my poor Boxey into a wall - and opening the envelope from my insurance company stating "NO SIR, WE WILL NOT COVER THE DAMAGES ON YOUR SILLY LITTLE PORSCHE. NEXT TIME BUY A GOLF AND STAY ON THE STRETS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!".

    My buddy went on, sharing beeeeautiful and wonderous stories of excentric men with exotic cars...and how they often let others take these cars for a
    OK, I needed an anti-paranoia pill...but since that wasn't available I called my insurance woman, and she actually told me, that my insurance WILL cover damages on the track as long as I don't RACE the car, but only do "practice driving". And she even put it in writing!

    So now I'm starting to get both excited and scared at the same time.
    I can finally try out my baby for real and REALLY test her limits! I was extatic!!
    I can finally try out my baby for real and REALLY test her limits?????? I was petrified!

    To be honest I had only been to a track on very few occasions - and those were in "regular" cars where only very few limits were tested.
    I know you all look up to me, you all see me as your mentor, your mental guide....your guru and masculine rolemodel. Except of course Carlos...who likes the more feminine "men".
    BUT! ...and this may come as a total and utter shock to most of you: I have not been driving professional raing for quite some time. In fact, I haven't done so in years. More accurately: Many years. Come to think ot it...I can't really recall ever having done so...and I'm not even sure I have a distant, vague memory of ever taking a sportscar on a track.
    Some uncivilized and unrefined persons might choose to call someone like that "a rookie", "a noob" or even "a track virgin".
    I choose the term "pre-certified disprofessional".

    I contacted the company in charge of the event, and was told that I needed to cough up around 250$ and show up with a helmet.
    Helmet??? What am I? A motorcyclist?
    After a few careful arguments including the phrases "spinning", "banging your head into the side window" and "in the remote event of you flipping the car"..I was searching the web for a helmet retailer.

    I swore I'd start out with some cheap scooter-helmet, since a real race helmet would be overkill for my needs.
    Naturally I ended up spending a small fortune on a Peltor helmet...and since wearing a helmet without the rest of the gear looks plain silly, I simply HAD to get a suit, gloves and neck support. OK, so I stopped short of getting a HANS-system....but I have to admit I was pretty close to whooping out my plastic card and just get that darn thing. Hey! 1.000$ for a smooth looking piece of carbon fibre space age equipment is a bargain!
    Especially when you're a rook..erm, pre-certified disprofessional.

    And besides. Racing gear may not be the sexiest threads you can wear...but dang! I make this look good! But the again. If you have the body of a greek god, anything looks good on you. I once wore a suit made from pipecleaners and milkcartons...and I still oozed from masculine manliness and class.
    Yes, I am unbelievable. I know you wanna hear more about my perfect physique, but I feel compelled to move on.

    So the day arose.
    Late in august where the danish summer weather can be anything but stabile I had a date with a swedish track.
    In a moment of total and absolute parkinsonian whatthehellareyouthinkingitis I had invited my girlie to tag along.
    I seem to have forgotten that we hadn't seen a lot of eachother the past weeks before the trackday - so naturally she grabbed the opportunity.
    Not primarily because of the driving (figures), but - I have a sneaky feeling - because it might be an excellent opportunity for some "quality time".
    Sadly she had forgotten that I would devote most of my attention that day to my mistress...The fair lady of Boxsterham.
    But - whipped as I am - I have to admit it turned out to be a nice surprise that she joined. I mean...she was a pain in the butt and I had to put her in her place ever so often in from of the guys...that's a given...but apart from that it was nice. Theoretically.

    So we got up tuesday morning at something like 05.15 AM to be able to catch the ferry at 7:00 in Elsinore. Yes, the town of Hamlet.
    I truly hate getting up in the morning. I haven't been in the military (I was dismissed at the recruitment session for being too masculine and tough), and I'm pretty sure I'd suck at it.
    But this was a beautiful, sunny day with temperatures of around 22 degrees - and as much as I hte getting up early: one thing early mornings definatelty have going for them: EMPTY ROADS!!!!!!!
    Whoohoo! Starting the day with a 250 km/h ride on a completely empty freeway is just great....I have read somewhere.
    Naturally I drove sensibly and kept my speed well under the legal limits. Of course. You never know what can happen on an empty freeway like that.
    Sheep and elves might go to sleep on them.

    We reached the ferry and met up with my buddy and a couple of his friends.
    They had brought a Group N Alfa 156 (no engine or break mods allowed in that class, just chassis and tires) on the back of a trailer, and a reporter was there to do a story on my buddy and his trackday adventure.
    Naturally the reporter asked me if I would allow him to photograph me and do a double page spread feature story on me in their new "hot, powerful, masculine and rich" section of the magazine. But I declined respectfully. I'm not really into all that worship - and eventually one might end up becoming conceited.

    On the ferry. Off the ferry and next stop Ring Knutstorp.
    Located in the beautiful and picturesque swedish countryside some 40 km southeast of the southern city of Helsingborg, the 1962-built Ring Knutstorp is 2.070 m long, and laid out in a pretty varied terrain.
    At first glance it looks like a simple, easy-to-handle track. But as any experienced Knutstorp driver will tell you, this track definately is a lady you have to respect.
    Easy corners followed by steep drops, and straightforward bends sequelled by unforgiving negative camber ditto.
    Yes, this is defiantely the place to be for a rookie with a 200.000$ sportscar! Yikes!!

    Sadly, girlie and me had thought there would be some kinda convenience store or kiosk at the track ----but they arent exactly open at 0800 hours.
    Fortunately we were able to get a nice cup of black coffee-resembling tar served in a camper (trailer)...I had a feeling it wouldn't be pertinent asking for a latte macchiato at this particular juncture.

    After a good half hour of short briefing I still tried to figure out if I was the only one who had brought a racing suit and gloves.
    Didn't feel to keen on playing "spot the noob" at this time....but fortunately most people had the same silly idea I had, so I squeezed my perfectly sculpted body into the suit and put on the Nomex gloves. and then I wandered between the mobile toilet and the pitlane for another half hour...trying to figure out when the really fast cars would be off the track, so I wouldn't have to embarrass myself by getting lapped twice...on the same lap.

    This wasnt a Porsche event at all. The guy arranging the trackday just happened to be an international Porsche instructor and he just happened to know the track very well indeed. So he took me for a SLOW spin to show me the layout. I reckon he went around with no more than 70-80 km/h at any give time, and still I was ready to lose my load.
    One thing I took away from that trackday: I have absolutely NO belief and trust in others driving me on a track.
    It's very irrational, I know, and I also know that I will miss out on a lot if neat tricks and tips by not experiencing great driving first hand...but how in the World anyone can take a Ringtaxi at the Nürburgring is beyond me.
    I would completely soil myself and the cab within the first 500 metres.

    Still, I managed to pick up some important pointers from the instructor...and after 8 more visits to the toilet and pacing back and forth a few hundred times I popped my sportscar track-cherry.

    The first lap I was mostly focussed on NOT wrecking the car, which is probably the best way- bar none - to increase your chances of actually crashing by a factor of 2500.
    But when I started to let go, relax and get into the rythm...I have to say: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG! This is more fun than I could imagine.
    Of course I was getting taken by the Lotuses, Ferrari CS's, Ford GT, Group N Alfa and what have you, but I can honestly say that was the least important thing for me.
    Just feeling the asphalt, the wind in my...helmet...hearing the engine screaming and knowing it's a scream of pure joy from my wee Boxey; "THANK YOU! I am where I belong!!! Thank you!".
    And getting a payback that is beyond words.
    I'm sure most sportscars are great on the track. I have only tried a few of the better ones on public roads, so I have no way of comparing - but my Boxey is amazingly well-balanced, easy driven and at the same time really, really fun to drive on the track. Much more fun than on the public road.

    Driving this track (and perhaps driving ANY track) is primarily about metal focus and quite a bit less about technique.
    I had a former pro racecar driver with me as co-pilot, giving me tips about the track, techniques and mental attitude - something I can truly recommend if you ever get the offer.
    He told me where to place the car for a perfect line, and most importantly he made me realize that this car (and probably most cars) is capable of MUCH more that you think.
    Doing 125 km/h and going towards what seems to be a narrow and sharp left curve with a negative camber and hearing the codriver firmly command me to "keep the throttle on an keep left..Push! Push!" was a pretty strange and scary experience. But once I realized that with the right techniques and knowing the details of the track can make you do things in the car that seem impossible, there was no turning back.
    Next step is to keep your feet on the ground and remember the line between bold driving on the edge and kissing the concrete wall is one simple mistake of lifting your right foot at the wrong time.
    Get scared or get cocky and you pay immediately.
    Driving with this guy improved my laptimes significantly and also made each new lap seem less dramatic than the one before.
    "Rythmic driving" also puts a lot less strain on your car, suspension, brakes and tires.

    The Boxster S has brakes that handles going on a track beautifully. In fact it may be the only place you will ever need the braking power this car has.
    I had faster cars going past me on the straights, but as soon as we got to the corners they would have to brake earlier than me and corner slower than the Boxey.

    There were a lot of more powerful and straightline faster cars than mine on the track - and of course quite a few of these cars we also set up for the track, so they definately would kick my butt anyday. But the amazing thing about the Boxey is the combination of the right amount of power with the right amount of grip and perfectly balanced handling. Could the car handle more power? Absolutely. I remember Jim Flat6 stating that nothing happened when you floored a Boxster, and to some extent he is right. Coming out into the long straight on this track, I could definately have used 200 BHP more. It simply feels too "nice" and civilized there.
    BUT unless you are an accomplished driver, it will take some time before you can handle and make the most of the 260BHP on the 986s - let alone 325+ BHP of the 911.
    This car is not the reason I didn't go faster around the track. I was. And that also sets many of our discussions into perspective: I'm pretty sure a good driver could lap most tracks (except of course oval speedways) faster in my Boxey than an average everyday-driver in an F430, Gallardo, CGT and what have you.
    Heck, I had a hard time even keeping up with my buddy in his Alfa 156 with very few mods, front engine, FW drive and 150 bhp!!

    So before you spend $$$$ on those extra "cant live without em" 50 BHP, take lessons on a track.
    I believe they are much better spent there.

    After the ride the copilot flat out said: "That is probably among the best cars I have ever driven." and others response to the car was equally positive. I won't list all the clichés you already know so well, but you really appreciate hearing these things from pros, and not just your car salesman or the son of your neighbour.

    My buddy kept telling me to "just switch off the PSM system" and have fun....but I kept using it on the critical places on the track.
    (Yes, I know: "Tracking the car WITH PSM? You crazy? You a girlieman?". Nah - just worried about totalling a car whose limits I dont know very well.)

    That is, until the very last run I made. "To hell with it. This car is so easy to drive - and besides; what can go wrong on this wide track?".
    12 seconds after switching off the PSM, and going thru the Hairpin corner, I realised that even a Boxster has it's limits.
    I spun the car thoroughly, stalling it and sitting facing the wrong direction just watching ALL the lights in the panel going berserk, flashing and lighting up.
    Guess it will take a few weeks before I win my first championship

    After 8-9 hours of driving, talking, eating, watching and talking some more we were homebound.
    I noticed that my urge to drive fast on the public roads had disappeared, and so I eased home felling both exhausted, thrilled...and longing for a smoke

    All I can tell you as conclusion is this:
    If you haven't tried this, DO IT!!!!!
    It is an absolute SHAME to own a Boxster and not track her. You will miss out on one of the best driving experiences you can have. Period.
    Forget about tire- and brake wear. There is some, but it's minor and it's worth every penny. If you drive with rythm you wont wear the car down, and the regular Boscter S brakes are absolutely great. Ther was no fading and no overheated brakes at anytime, so just go ahead and have fun.
    The car is actually buit for it.
    It's not by any means a racecar, but it most definately is a sportscar.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Aboard the ferry from Elsinore to Helsingborg at around 07.00 am....that's one very good reason for NOT attending a trackday. WAAAAY too early!

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    A short and pretty uneventful (read: boring) trip ensued.
    We had to take it slow. For one I had no clue where the track was and secondly we had to follow the guys towing the Alfa.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Finally we reached Ring Knutstorp...and this sign.
    Fart-hinder? And a very suspecious-looking pictogramme.
    Hehehe..Swedish really shouldn't be pronounced in english.
    Someone could get the wrong idea!

    PS: For those still interested: "Farthinder" means speedbump.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Reaching the entrance of the track. This tunnel actually leads under the track itself.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Looking good is always more important than driving fast. Hell, it's more important than anything really.
    Doc Pippy and Mrs Pip-de-Pop. Notice my girlie's uncool and unapproved attire? Tsk-tsk!

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    A couple of shots of the Doc and the Dutchess of Boxsterham.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Another shot

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Spaceage technologi. With my bare hands I made this amazing photo composite. Yes, it is true. You have never seen anything like it...

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Going thru a sharp corner with incline and positive camber. Thus the lowrider look.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    great post!

    you have a way with words, doc



    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    The track layout part one

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Layout part 2

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Coming into the straight....girlie amazingly calm. Searched the car for prozac and barbiturates afterwards...but only found chewinggum.---

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Here I'm doing what Feminando Gohomso cant: Going straight. Whoohoo.
    Notice the Lotus in the distance. Only a few seconds earlier it wasnt so much in the distance...isnt it Manuel who always says Whhooooooooooooooosh!

    My topspeed here was 165 km/h and after that you must REALLY stand on the brake before cornering to the right in the bottom.

    On my way home I was going only 120 on the freeway, and even at that speed it seemed hazardous and violent to even think about flooring the brake and going down to appr.50 km/h in a matter of a second or two.
    Imagine an F1 racer going from 320 km/h to 90 in what?...1-2 secs? Yikes!!

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Taking a break....and so was my gear.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    I let my buddy take the baby for a spin....yes, I know. Lame.
    However I had his testicles stored in my bank box as collateral-.---
    he he is coming back after the run...with a smile on his face.
    Maybe he was smiling because of the car...or because he didn't wreck it. I never found out. I never asked.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Into the pit area, where a couple of cool cars were to be found...for instance...

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    ...a nice Z3 M Beemer.
    It had around 400 BHP and semi-slicks.
    And a sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet sound. This car was seriously fast.
    I also had the pleasure of seeing a modded F360 CS. The guy (a local plumber who also owns an Enzo and an F430...dang!.) had brought his 3-year old son and let him sit ALONE in the car. BIIIG mistake. Suddenly all hell broke loose when a strange hissing sound emerged from the car.
    The son had pulled the fire extinguisher system lever and flooded the car with firefighting foam! LOOLL!! That oughtta teach him..

    I also had a talk with a Ford GT owner.
    Seems he had problems getting the right tires for his car.
    Apparently you have to send in your registration papers to even get the tires you need! They only make this particular tire for the GT...ARGH!

    He spun the car a few times and almost went off big he pitted the monster the remainder of the day.
    Looks incredible and sounds like a monster. That engine! WHOOOOHOO!!!
    Deep, aggressive growling going past the straight.
    I asked for a test drive and he reluctantly agreed.
    I didnt really care about the "reluctant"'s not everyday you get to ride in a Ford GT.
    Sadly he had spilt by the time I got back from the track.
    He's a regular on these I'll hunt him down next time and give you all a review

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    The Porsche instructor (who was hosting the trackday) gave me a quick tuning trick which I tried.
    It took me 10 minutes to change the angle (camber) of the suspension and made an immediate impact on the car's handling.
    Mind you, it's only clever on a track. On a public road and in everyday life it will kill your tires too fast.

    (No, it's not me looking like Kenny G. That's the very nice and funny dude with the N-group Alfa.)

    If you're interested in how this works, I'll be happy to make a short photoseries of it.

    Well, that about does it for now.
    Hope this will inspire you all to try a trackday!
    It is a load of fun, you get to meet great people and experience great cars...and it will definately make you drive more sensibly on the streets.
    Why? No matter how much fun you can have on the street it will never match the fun of going on a track. It's faster, moret thrilling and most importantly: A lot safer.
    Take care out there!
    Over and out

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Oh, I almost forgot this picture og a car I saw at the track: It's apparently the NBR laprecord holder...guess wearing asticker the size of New Jersey helps people remember these things.
    A Radical SR3.
    The driver, Phil Bennett lapped the Ring in 7:19 min...slightly faster than I can accomplish.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Dr. Phil,

    As always I enjoyed your unique combination of Porschephilia and "Dr. Philophilia"; your writing is always good for a smile!

    I would be curious to hear your girlfriend's view of your skills, as I suspect she might be a more reliable source.


    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    mcdelaug said:
    Dr. Phil,

    As always I enjoyed your unique combination of Porschephilia and "Dr. Philophilia"; your writing is always good for a smile!

    I would be curious to hear your girlfriend's view of your skills, as I suspect she might be a more reliable source.


    Hehe...thanks buddy.
    Well, in fact as I described in the "report" I took her for a spin for 5-10 laps and after the first run she got out of the car and with much surprise in her tone-of-voice said: You actually drive very well! Lol.
    She then went on to explain that her comment was aimed at my own paranoia about not being able to control the car and perhaps even smashing it...meaning that "you actually drive better than you thought yourself you would."

    Funny thing is that after being on the track with her she only very, very rarely gives me comments like "be careful", "youre going too fast" etc. when driving in public traffic.

    She was bored the last 3-4 hours on the track, but I believe she had a great time there nonetheless. I can only recommend bringing your better half long as you make it clear, that this is about driving cars, not holding hands

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Thanks for the write-up, as usual, great read!

    Did you close the top through out the entire event? should've at least improved on max speed down the straights?

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Good story Dr. Phil.

    Since I've got the Boxey, we've spent our spare money on driving and trying to improve it, basically catching up with the car's amazing abilities. Just wish track days were a bit more affordable here in the UK. Even without tire/brake wear it's still about 1000 Euro for two people plus insurance, so we'll have to stick mostly with go-karting, scaring English rabbits of the scenic route at 6am and enjoying the occasional training event until we win the lottery and can order atrck cayman... mmmyummy.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Glad you had a great time Dr Phil. You always give an interesting read in a way only Dr Phil can. I notice your helmet is above the roll bar. Not a great idea. Were you able to lower your seat anymore? If not, I think there's a seat bracket available to do so.

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Ente said:
    Good story Dr. Phil.

    Since I've got the Boxey, we've spent our spare money on driving and trying to improve it, basically catching up with the car's amazing abilities. Just wish track days were a bit more affordable here in the UK. Even without tire/brake wear it's still about 1000 Euro for two people plus insurance, so we'll have to stick mostly with go-karting, scaring English rabbits of the scenic route at 6am and enjoying the occasional training event until we win the lottery and can order atrck cayman... mmmyummy.

    Thanks, Ente
    You may wanna check out the trackday coordinator, I'm using.

    He is planning events at both SPA Francorchamps, NBR and Knutstorp (the one I attended.)
    It may not be in your neighbourhood, but the price is good and you may wanna consider making a mini-holiday out of it.
    PLUS he is a certified Porsche instructor which basically means you get someone who knows how to get the most out of YOUR particular car.

    His name is Jan Kalmer and his website
    It's all in swedish nd dansih, so you probably won't understand zip, but ask me for details and I'll be happy to translate, or you can contact the man directly. His mail address is and his mobile phone +45 31 12 11 01 .

    Here's the calendar and prices for the rest of this season:
    (Prices in Danish Kroner, pounds are a bit less than 10% of this. I.e. 1500 DKK = 150 Pounds)
    Open pitlane means basically that you can drive all you want for a whole day.
    Prices are for ONE person driving. It will not cost you to bring your better half and letting him/her be passenger. You pay pr. person driving on the track.

    9 October Knutstorp Kr 1.500,00 Open Pitlane
    11 October Spa kr 2.400,00 Open pitlane
    12 October Spa kr 2.400,00 Open pitlane
    29 October Spa kr 3.000,00* 6 X 20 minutes
    30 October Nürburgring kr 3.000,00* 5 laps
    6 November Spa kr 2.650,00 Open Pitlane
    7 November Nürburg Ring kr 3.150,00 Open Pitlane
    8 November Nürburg Ring kr 3.150,00 Open Pitlane

    NB!! * = package price including 2 days and hotel!!!

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Eurospeed said:
    Glad you had a great time Dr Phil. You always give an interesting read in a way only Dr Phil can. I notice your helmet is above the roll bar. Not a great idea. Were you able to lower your seat anymore? If not, I think there's a seat bracket available to do so.

    Thanks Euro!
    I'll check out the seat bracket thingy. I have had problems with the seating ever since I got the car, but was told the seat couldn't be lowered any more.
    Any idea where to get such a bracket? My dealer?

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    long720 said:
    Thanks for the write-up, as usual, great read!

    Did you close the top through out the entire event? should've at least improved on max speed down the straights?

    Nope, never closed the top since it was very hot in that driver's suit..hehe.
    I tried a couple of other cars and was sweating like Patrick Ewing in the 4th quarter. I'm not even sure it would have improved top speed that much, but it's worth a try next time. I'm going again in october

    Re: My 986 Trackday story

    Great story and lots of great pictures Dr Phil. Thanks!



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