mcdelaug said:
Dr. Phil,

As always I enjoyed your unique combination of Porschephilia and "Dr. Philophilia"; your writing is always good for a smile!

I would be curious to hear your girlfriend's view of your skills, as I suspect she might be a more reliable source.


Hehe...thanks buddy.
Well, in fact as I described in the "report" I took her for a spin for 5-10 laps and after the first run she got out of the car and with much surprise in her tone-of-voice said: You actually drive very well! Lol.
She then went on to explain that her comment was aimed at my own paranoia about not being able to control the car and perhaps even smashing it...meaning that "you actually drive better than you thought yourself you would."

Funny thing is that after being on the track with her she only very, very rarely gives me comments like "be careful", "youre going too fast" etc. when driving in public traffic.

She was bored the last 3-4 hours on the track, but I believe she had a great time there nonetheless. I can only recommend bringing your better half along...as long as you make it clear, that this is about driving cars, not holding hands