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    Local Indy GP reaction

    By Bob Kravitz,columnist for The Indianapolis Star:

    Hey, F-1: Don't let the door hit you on the way out

    Goodbye, Formula One.

    Good riddance, Bernie Ecclestone.

    Au revoire, Michelin.

    Ciao, Ferrari.

    What we witnessed Sunday (or in my case on TV from Detroit, where I was supposed to cover Game 5 of the NBA Finals) was not only a monumental disgrace to the sport and everybody involved in it, but it should spell the end of the U.S. Grand Prix in Indianapolis. And, we're quite sure, the United States.

    Remember how F-1 boss Ecclestone complained Friday that the Indianapolis Motor Speedway folks don't do a good enough job of selling his race to local motor sports fans?

    How would he propose to sell a race next season?

    The United States Grand Prix: This time, we think they'll show up!

    Let me roll out the thesaurus.

    It was a fiasco.

    It was a debacle.

    It was reprehensible.

    Unless you're a lawyer, in which case, it's a godsend.

    As badly as I feel for the locals who got ripped off, I feel worse for the thousands who spent even more money traveling from all over the world. Some of these people made their summer vacation plans around this race. Refunding the ticket price wouldn't come close to making this right for our foreign visitors.

    Simply stated, this race is done. Forget what any contract might say about future events. The Formula One gang has lost all its credibility with the American market, and has torn apart every relationship it needed to make this thing succeed.

    It was bad enough that F-1 came into Indianapolis six years ago acting like they deserved to be treated like royalty. Drivers, who could not be seen mixing with the hoi polloi, were completely unavailable to fans. And F-1 officials generally treated everybody, including the local media, like a mere nuisance.

    It was bad enough three years ago when Ferrari staged one of its "managed" finishes, with Michael Schumacher slowing down to give teammate Rubens Barrichello the victory.

    With Sunday's farce, though, F-1 wrote itself a one-way ticket out of Indianapolis and, in all likelihood, the entire American market.

    Which raises the question: Can we help them pack?

    The Grand Prix is (was) a nice, novel event, and it brought an estimated $170 million into the local economy. For one weekend a year, Indianapolis felt a little bit like an international city.

    But F-1 is the rude houseguest who never brings anything to the party and continues to wipe its muddy shoes on the new Persian rug.

    And to do it at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the mecca of all motor sports, that's like playing handball against the Wailing Wall.

    They had no respect for the place, and, clearly, no respect for the fans, many of whom stuck around until the bitter end. (And for all the bad behavior, it could have been a lot, lot worse.)

    Tell me, what was the purpose of having the original 20 cars come out on the grid, only to have the 14 Michelin men exit stage left?

    To make a point?

    To rub the fans' noses in it?

    At one point during the Speed TV telecast, Derek Daly asked that very question of Adrian Newey, the technical director for McLaren Mercedes.

    The response was, "Maybe to give them something of a show."

    Daly, you could tell, wanted to punch the guy in the teeth.

    Yeah, thanks for the show.

    Now, of course, comes the time for apportioning the blame, and the best way to begin is by telling you who isn't culpable in this situation:

    Indianapolis Motor Speedway CEO Tony George.

    Naturally, people looking for a refund will gaze toward 16th and Georgetown, but, tell me, what else could they have done? They were more than willing to put a chicane on the 13th turn. How could they have been expected to fix this?

    I don't blame George and the Speedway folks for refusing to be a part of the postrace victory celebration.

    And I don't blame George and the Speedway for releasing a statement that basically said: "Hey, you want your money back, here are the addresses for Michelin and the FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile)."

    No, if we're assigning culpability, it belongs to a lot of other folks.

    * To Ecclestone, who couldn't find a way to get his own politically charged house in order. The buck stops with him.

    * To Michelin, a company that just got so much bad publicity, the Michelin Man was seen drowning his sorrows in a Downtown Indianapolis pub. Speed TV's telecast, by the way, was sponsored by -- yep -- Michelin.

    * To the FIA, which made any kind of compromise virtually impossible by threatening to pull its sanction if a chicane was added. It put politics ahead of the fans. Inexcusable.

    * To Ferrari, the only team that was said to be against the addition of a chicane, another decision that killed any hope of saving this race. At one level, it wasn't their fault the Michelin teams were unprepared, but again, it's supposed to be about delivering the product, even if that means making a concession.

    In the end, it was business as usual in big-time racing, destroying any foothold F-1 might have gained on American soil.

    "Quite frankly," Ecclestone said, "the fans got cheated."

    True enough.

    The good news is, without any more of these races, it can't happen again.

    # # #

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    i was at the race, i was really pumped... i watched 5 laps then left, SHAME on the FIA! well there is no ONE to directly blame.. this is horrible for the fans... i am very disapointed in F1

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction


    you blamed everyone EXCEPT for the ones who ARE responsible. And that's the teams that were running Michelin. It is no one's fault but McLaren, Renault, BAR, Toyota, Williams, and their team managers for deciding not to race.

    All the other teams were prepared. The FIA's responsibility is to ENFORCE the rules not break them b/c a team is ill prepared.

    This has nothing to do with FIA, Ferrari, Ecclestone, or Formula 1.

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    RR4 said:

    you blamed everyone EXCEPT for the ones who ARE responsible. And that's the teams that were running Michelin. It is no one's fault but McLaren, Renault, BAR, Toyota, Williams, and their team managers for deciding not to race.

    All the other teams were prepared. The FIA's responsibility is to ENFORCE the rules not break them b/c a team is ill prepared.

    This has nothing to do with FIA, Ferrari, Ecclestone, or Formula 1.

    You're right. BUT: the Formula One isn't a charity event, they need the people out there, they need the sponsors, they need public attention.
    They knew that its going to be a public relations disaster if this race is going to take place. Ferrari was right to do what they did and they didn't do anything wrong, technically speaking. BUT: Ferrari has profited from the Formula One a lot over the past, their reputation had a substantial boost and this shows in car sales. Ten years ago, Ferrari drivers were afraid to participate in mixed Ferrari/Porsche club events because they knew their cars aren't competitive. The F355 was actually the first Ferrari to be able to cope with the 911 and the success of the Formula One gave Ferrari a morale and a financial boost. They were able to develop some very nice and competitive cars over the past years, including their biggest success so far: the 360 Modena. Ferrari should have given in in the sake of the future of the Formula One and accept that obstacle to reduce the overall top speed on the Indy track. It would have been a very generous gesture and it would have probably saved the US Formula One race.

    Right now, I think Formula One in the US is dead. And little by little, F1 races are loosing attraction, I never liked them too much but now even less.
    We need to see some serious competition again.

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Under the same logic, as Bridgestone tires don't warm up as fast as Michenlin, all Michenlin teams have to drive slowly in the 1st few laps?

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Over and over people seem to forget one thing, this was not a performance issue, it was a SAFETY issue. There is a BIG diference.

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    AndrewSS said:
    i was at the race, i was really pumped... i watched 5 laps then left, SHAME on the FIA! well there is no ONE to directly blame.. this is horrible for the fans... i am very disapointed in F1

    Not ONE person alone, but quite a few of them contributed to this desaster.

    Hats of to Michelin for placing safety over money, and as said above George wasn't the one to blame at all.

    The others quoted above are definately worth to be beaten, especially the FIA and *the-one-team-which-placed-its-veto*

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Carlos from Spain said:
    Over and over people seem to forget one thing, this was not a performance issue, it was a SAFETY issue. There is a BIG diference.

    If Michelin teams agreed to cap the top speed, it was a performance rather than safety issue.

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Carlos from Spain said:
    Over and over people seem to forget one thing, this was not a performance issue, it was a SAFETY issue. There is a BIG diference.

    Michelin's best efforts yields an inferior product, so they get together just before the race and try to change the rules under the guise of "safety." Yeah right!

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Now its a money issue.

    With no agreed upon back up plans for defective equipment, advertisers in media around the world, the teams sponsors,
    the venue and the fans that bought tickets have all suffered losses.

    The money numbers will be fascinating Im sure.

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    RC said:

    Right now, I think Formula One in the US is dead. And little by little, F1 races are loosing attraction, I never liked them too much but now even less.

    I disagree. One thing you have to understand is most Americans that go to sporting events aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

    With only one F1 race a year taking place at Indy, you can bet a lot of those same fools that threw beers on the track will be back. They might bitch and moan about what happen this year, but, they'll be back.

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    iia said:
    Carlos from Spain said:
    Over and over people seem to forget one thing, this was not a performance issue, it was a SAFETY issue. There is a BIG diference.

    If Michelin teams agreed to cap the top speed, it was a performance rather than safety issue.

    No, if it was a performance issue they would not have offered to forgo all points in the race for the Micherlin drivers. That slowing down was tried long ago and was a failure. And who is the brave one to say at how much speed can you safely do at turn 13 so as not to give up your position to your rival but not run off into the wall at 300km/h? and to make matters worse, coming out of turn 13 into the straight is the MAIN overtaking point at Indianapolis.
    Thats why ALL the drivers & Team managers (incl the Bridegestone teams except Ferrari) who know more than the pencil pushers of the FIA said that it would be a disaster to run like that. You have to phisically force the drivers to slow down at turn 13 in order to work, i.e. a chicane.

    IMO the blame goes in this order:
    - first Michelin by far (they are the most to blame and they will pay dearly too, in image, stocks already feel, and sactions will be severe in F1),
    - then the FIA and Ecclestone for not allowing any solution other than Michelin drivers not being able to go out AT ALL,
    - then Ferrari for not colaborating with ALL the other teams (Bridgestone and Michelin) into a viable consentuated solution for the sake of the fans and viewers to see a race (even if Michelin drivers could not score points) who are the most important thing in F1,
    - and lastly the Michelin teams for not cancleling the race with time instead of taking the warm up lap and having us with a little hope till the last minute (though I belive they did this to avoid more severe sactions).

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Compare to not getting point at all, I don't see why they've to worry about giving up positions on turn 13? They can agreed to cap the speed like 200km/h? And may be all Michelin teams cannot pass each other on turn 13? Or all Michelin teams just pass the pit rather than go through turn 13? It won't be a good race anyway no matter what...

    It sound "very logic" to me that Ferrari not colaborate is blame before Michelin teams for not notice FIA on time!? BTW, Michelin teams' last minute decesion are more political reasons than severe sactions...

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Carlos there is more going on.

    Sauber will be selling its team to BMW in the next few months. BMW, Renault, Toyota, Mercedes/McLaren, and Williams, Bar/Honda are not getting the cut they think they deserve from FOM (Formula One Management). The directors of FOM are Eccelstone and Marco Piccinni (director at Ferrari). The FOM has complete control over television rights and any/all promotors who put on the races, anywhere. They expect more and are currently in a battle pressuring FOM to give them a larger cut OR those teams will be setting up their own league.

    Ferrari who did endorse the GPWC, flipped sides in Jan 2005 and endorsed/sided with Eccelstone and the Concorde aggreement until 2012.

    Honda and Toyota though not a part of the GPWC, support them.

    Jaguar, which supported the GPWC, now sold the team to Red Bull, they are not sure who they side with - they are the only wild card so to speak.

    So the only one's not in with the GPWC? Ferrari, Jordan, and Minardi - also the only ones who ran the race on Sunday.

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    I agree, there is a lot more going on before this GP taht also infuenced this, I refered to it in my first post but apparently there was more going on in this tire fiasco at Indy, this is from a Rennlister called "951Porschiste", credit to him for trnslating, very very intersting, looks like there was more to it than Michelin's making a mistake:

    "This just in on The link is in French. Here is my rough translation to English:

    Tony George knew since April.
    June 21, 2005 - Tony George, owner of the Indianapolis Speedway, had been aware since April of this year that the Speedway could cause tire problems.

    During the first IRL tests, on Tuesday April 5, on the oval's new surface, Firestone tires (Bridgestone's American division) did not last. The tests, which were to last two days, were canceled after a few hours.

    According to IRL president Brian Barnhart, Firestone's engineers were surprised by "something surprising and never seen before".

    March tests
    Cars belonging to the Menards Infiniti Pro Series first rolled onto the inside portion of the circuit on March 24. The drivers commented that the oval's surface was slicker that on the inside portion. However, these cars do not run at the same speed as the IRL or F1 cars.

    The April 5 test reports were published on Racing-Live Network and stated that there were potential problems linked to the new surface. "If a minor issue concerning the track or the tires came up, it could create a serious security problem."

    Track surface corrections
    Associated Press (May 17) reported: "The track's management, noticing small bumps on the track's surface, asked to grind the bumps creating striations on the surface. When the drivers, ran on the track in April, the cars were slipping while exiting the corners and they had to reduce their speed to maintain proper trajectory".

    Racing-Live Network also reported that "Tony George did not appear overly concerned by the situation" (during the initial tests).

    Firestone reengineered their compounds, and the tracks management asked that the surface be striated again. According to Associated Press, most problems were gone when new testing was done two weeks later.

    There were no major tire-related incidents during the Indy 500. Bridgestone obviously benefited from the data from Firestone, its American division, to prepare its tire compound for F1 cars.

    Bridgestone data
    Should Michelin have been more attentive following Firestone's first canceled tests? Should Tony George have told the French tire manufacturer to carefully analyze the track's new surface, to prevent any problems?

    When interviewed by AFP after the race, Pierre Dupasquier, Michelin's racing director, indicated that the striated surface was "part of the hypotheses"."

    Bridgestone kept their mouth shut knowing Michelin was going to mess up while they had the Firestone data, and Tom George didn't prevent it this knowing this could happen to Indy-newby Michelin.

    What a tight web we weeve...

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    I totally 100% agree with you on that priority list you made of "who to blame".
    And the last post was interesting indeed.

    RR4's post was also a welcome addition to this debate.

    I think no matter who we side with, it will take a long while before we get to the bottom of this - if ever.
    So many interests, so much $$$$ and so many men with tight ties and deep pockets.

    I have a sneeky feeling us average Joes who just wanna see some F1-action come last on their priority list.
    Think I may start following women's curling instead

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Dr. Phil said:So many interests, so much $$$$ and so many men with tight ties and deep pockets.

    That pretty much sums up Formula 1... how about women bolleyball instead?

    Actually if you want some action, with acertain degree of risk, and the most talented drivers/riders in the world, you can tune into MotoGP.

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    "Bolleyball" I have no clue what it is, but I love the sound of that!

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Maybe I spelled it wrong... Volleyball you know, the tall nice leged atheltic women tossing the ball back and forth over the net... and beach volleyball? improved version were tanned brazillian women play on the beach with nicer outfits

    Re: Local Indy GP reaction

    Hey...JUST KIDDING!!! Of course I know Bolleyball! It's my favourite female sport right after Hootball and Hennis!



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