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    Porsche test drive - what happens?


    OK, a bit of a strange question this...

    I have never driven a Porsche, but I am really interested in them and one day hope to own one.

    Not that I am going for one, but what is the deal when you go for a test drive? Does the salesperson drive first, and what do they drive like? When it's your turn do you drive very fast, and if so are you told to slow down if necessary?

    I'd like to hear some of your testdrive stories please :-)

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    I think it depends on how well the salesman knows you. With a saleman I have known for years, he just xeroxed my license, gave me the keys, and told me to come back in a few hours. He let me drive it alone. Another salesman, who I met for the 1st time, came with me, drove 1st and then nervously let me drive. One dealership out in Virginia wouldn't let anyone drive the 997. I think no dealership in the States is allowing test drives of the CGT.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    as soon as the dealer brought me the car i hopped in the drivers seat and we were off. I thought i would give him some warning every time i decided to boot it, typical exchange:
    "i'm going to put the hammer down, is that alright?"
    "Do whatever you feel comfortable with"

    i felt comfortable with 110mph - he didn't mind, suprised as this was through north london.

    BTW this was the first time i had met this dealer, he turned out to be very trusting.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Depends with the relationship you have with the dealer. My dealer just gave me the keys and told me to keep it for the weekend.
    When it comes to Porsches, they know that if they get you to try the car, you will be signing the dotted line shortly after

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Every test drive I had for the numerous BMWs and two Porsches I bought went like this: You "test" drive in city traffic, get on the interstate highway near the city and you tramp the accelerator like a teenager trying to get a feel for the thrills you can have later when you own one. Hopefully it's not tooo busy and there's some gaps between bunches of cars. All the while looking for cops and other traffic that is too near.

    If the sales guy drives first he'll ream that suckka up to 6000 rpm in second gear where youll be going 70mph. Stuff like that. Not really a test drive but more like "abuse the demo" for fifteen minutes.

    I'm proud to say I never reamed the heck ouf of a demo car. I also already knew I was gonna buy one before the "test" drive.

    How do you test drive a high performance car in public streets? You'd need a track to do it right. It's just a way to goof off with the car for a few minutes and hopefully not get a ticket.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    If you live in a big city, it's very difficult to get a reasonable idea of the performance envelope on a test-drive. Having a good friend with one is a huge help

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Showed up in jeans and old sweater on a saturday morning at the local dealer. They gave me the keys of a 996 targa which I could drive alone for an hour...
    So it really depends :-)

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    I called ahead, had the keys waiting for me when I arrived. No salesman shotgunning for me. Just me and a 996. Placed an order one week later.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Just about the same. Got to the dealer around 2:00P.M.. Gave me the keys, said we close at 6!. All it takes is one good drive and the rest is history!

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Pretty well the same here. Took my 993 Cab in for spring service a couple weeks ago, got talking to the sale's mgr about 997s, within 20 mins he had a 997 Coupe (18 miles on the Odo) with dealer plates set up for me. It's fun wringing it through the gears without a sales person white knuckling the dash beside me

    By weeks end I had a deal on a Feb order, May build, June delivery of a nicely optioned 997S Cab....

    It's a conspiracy!!

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    997S -- called ahead about two hour in advance of my anticipated arrival on a Saturday morning; simply booked test drive with whomever the receptionist transferred me to when I asked for new P sales.

    They xeroxed my license and insurance card, 20 minute test drive w/salesman shotgun. The "148" total miles on the odo had me driving conservatively,
    having read every web 997 post in history- including bits re recommended break-in. The salesguy was frustrated at ride's end that I had not broken 5K rpm. Poor sap whoever got stuck with that demo, probably thrashed fierce.

    Sounds odd, but I didn't need to fully exercise the car's potential/totally jump on it to know it was The One. First impressions: perfect suspension (comfort mode)--Sport button/performance suspension mode simply a bonus on top of that. Gearshifting action sublime (standard 6-speed non-sport shifter) as if magnets were pulling into the next gear.

    I Had to do a 3-point 180 turn in the middle of the street to avoid a stopped train--variable-ratio steering wonderful. Ordered one month later subsequent to uncharacteristically chivalrous behaviour pampering wife with spa massages, mudbaths, dinners, manicures, watching American Idol (torturous! ) with her....without another test drive. Delivery next month.

    I did not test drive my (previous) new M5 either; no regrets on that score.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Damian said:
    I Had to do a 3-point 180 turn in the middle of the street to avoid a stopped train--variable-ratio steering wonderful. Ordered one month later subsequent to uncharacteristically chivalrous behaviour pampering wife with spa massages, mudbaths, dinners, manicures, watching American Idol (torturous! ) with her....without another test drive. Delivery next month.

    That's pretty funny. I think I told my wife one day that I had ordered a 997S some time ago, that it was now at the port and that I should be bringing it home, within a week.

    Damian said:
    I did not test drive my (previous) new M5 either; no regrets on that score.

    Didn't test drive a 997 or 997S. Just ordered it after reading many favorable reviews (and listening to rennteamers). I did test drive a 996 about six months prior and liked the car alot. Also test drove the SL500, but am glad I didn't go that route.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    i suppose the one thing i learned from all my test driving experiences with various makes is, never buy a loaner/test driven car. those things are abused to hell and back.

    when i was very young, the salesman would come with me, but now that i have an established relationship with several delears, i can just show up and test the latest model for a few hours without anyone accompanying. when im offered to take home a car for a weekend, i usually decline, if i didn't i would have alot more cars

    it all depends on the dealer, there is really no established ettiquette for this.

    it is almost expected that you will WRING the car out.

    which brings us back to:

    i suppose the one thing i learned from all my test driving experiences with various makes is, never buy a loaner/test driven car. those things are abused to hell and back.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Moogle said:
    when i was very young, the salesman would come with me, but now that i have an established relationship with several delears, i can just show up and test the latest model for a few hours without anyone accompanying.

    You're 18. What do you mean, when you were very young? Like 16?

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    I had 3 test drive before to order the S : I didn't know any dealer and came each time with a shaky old ford escort in their parking full of porsches...
    1. Carrera S with -20mm chassis : the salesman drove first for about 15 minutes, then let me drive for 15 other minutes, sitting at my side. I was disappointed not to have drove it alone
    2. carrera S with PASM and sport chrono : other dealer. He gave me the car to test for 4 hours. Great experience
    3. carrera non S : same dealer, 4 hours alone with the car.

    If you want to test it, don't tell them you'll not buy it, that's all ! But after the test, it could be a torture for you not to own it

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    cartouche, where did you get test drive number 2 and 3 please?

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    When to the dealer, started to talk to him about these cars, asked some questions ( he had never seen me before) and then he said : Here are the keys for the Boxster, try it for one hour (alone) and after I' ll give you the keys to try the 997S so you can compare ( another test drive for one hour..alone) GREAT.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    If your dealer offers it try a test drive plus (this may only be available in the UK though).

    This comprises of taking the car out for a couple of hours with a professional driver, rather than a sales guy. Get some public road driving and then on to a test track to really push the car. Agree with the comments about being cautios about buying an ex-demo car after seeing how these are treated on these drives - red lining left, right and centre on a 997S with 400miles on it.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Drogenbos, Rami.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Thx cartouche. Just visited A'pen today and they will give me an S for an afternoon somewhere next week.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    Hey guys, I am a Porsche salesperson. If I don't know the customer previously I will drive first and push the car a little so they can get a feel for what it drives like. I find that most non-porsche owners shift the cars at 2500 RPM's and just lag them around. Most people who own Porsche's (and other sports cars in general) tend to be a little more aggressive and drive them properly.
    I typically won't lend someone a car overnight, or for 4 hours or anything, but I will let them drive either alone or with a friend. This is when most people are more comfortable in the car where they feel no pressure, and if their wife is there they can discuss things in confidence.
    Also, I try to refrain from freeways as much as possible and focus on driving the car around this road we have that is a 7-mile forested hill with nothing but switchbacks and great corners. Not to mention you can see the whole Waikiki skyline from the lookout at the end. This is my two cents. I don't know if it's worth 2 cents to anybody but I thought I would share my experiences.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    does that mean i can take out the GT3 by myself?
    i promise i won't drift it around tantalus (too much)
    you might even get me to increase my offer nearer to $70k
    remember, i kept that first 987 below 4200rpms, you can trust me



    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    timpalms said:
    Hey guys, I am a Porsche salesperson. If I don't know the customer previously I will drive first and push the car a little so they can get a feel for what it drives like. I find that most non-porsche owners shift the cars at 2500 RPM's and just lag them around. Most people who own Porsche's (and other sports cars in general) tend to be a little more aggressive and drive them properly.
    I typically won't lend someone a car overnight, or for 4 hours or anything, but I will let them drive either alone or with a friend. This is when most people are more comfortable in the car where they feel no pressure, and if their wife is there they can discuss things in confidence.
    Also, I try to refrain from freeways as much as possible and focus on driving the car around this road we have that is a 7-mile forested hill with nothing but switchbacks and great corners. Not to mention you can see the whole Waikiki skyline from the lookout at the end. This is my two cents. I don't know if it's worth 2 cents to anybody but I thought I would share my experiences.

    Thanks. Thats an interesting perspective since you get to drive with many different people who are testing the car.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    I think it really depends on several things, including the country you're living in.
    Over here in Germany, dealers usually grant testdrives WITHOUT company mostly to customers they know or customers who are part of the local community like doctors, lawyers, people with their own private business/company, etc.
    It also depends on the age. Don't expect to get a 996 Turbo or even "only" a 997 Carrera for a testdrive if you're only 18 years old and they don't know you (or the parents).
    It also depends on the car you want to testdrive. The more powerful and the more expensive the car is, the lesser the chance to get a testdrive. Most dealers give out Turbos, GT3 only to known customers or people they know they can deal with that power or pay for repairs.
    Cars like the GT2 or Turbo S are VERY seldom available for a testdrive, we had to get a GT2 from Porsche directly to testdrive one, this shows how difficult it is.
    A Carrera GT testdrive? Forget about it. Even as a potential customer or even if you ordered one, your chances are almost NULL. I had the chance to drive one on an empty parking lot only, it was nice but not satisfying.
    The CGT drive in Jochen Albig's (german race car driver and Porsche test pilot) co-driver seat on the track was much more fun, even if I didn't drive it myself.

    And a last thing: sales people usually "smell" customers, especially the ones who are older. So if they think that you want a testdrive just for fun, forget about it, they won't give it to you.

    You can't really blame them, they want to sell cars and they want to avoid problems with accidents, liability, insurance problems, etc.
    A good family friend who owns a BMW dealership just told me about an 18 year old who came to the dealership to testdrive a Mini Cooper S. He had his driver's license for only 2 months. The sales person refused a testdrive but offered to him a testdrive as a co-pilot instead. The 18 year old got very upset, they almost had to call the police.
    There is no "right" to get a testdrive, dealers can agree or not. If you can't get one in the driver's seat, accept one as a co-driver. If this isn't satisfying, well, just wait until you really can afford buying one and try again.
    I know this sounds harsh but dealers don't sell Porsche cars for fun (well, maybe a little bit... ) but for making profit and making a living. So every person who wants a free ride for fun in a Porsche actually costs them a lot of money and time. Time in which they may have actually sold a car to a "real" customer.

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    You can test drive the Carrera GT currently in Porsche West London if you like - but you have to put down a Pounds20k deposit first!

    This is what the salesman told me when I went to test drive a Turbo, and he said that puts most timewasters off... It's funny though, there were 2 guys standing next to the CGT and one tried to open the door but it was locked, and the salesman said "you cannot sit in it, because it's locked mate"!

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    I would like to commend you all because you are nice to even myself, the "two-faced, backstabber, public enemy #1" the car salesman. I'll never try to sell anything on here, and I am glad there is no FOR SALE section, this is a fun place to chat and hang out. Believe it or not, there is a lot more information floating around here than there is on the PCNA internal website. When I post things on the Land Rover boards, people berate me and call me stupid names just because of my profession. Thank you all. Sorry Steve, the GT3 got sold...

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    You are very welcomed here tim

    Re: Porsche test drive - what happens?

    yes Hi Tim, its actually nice sometimes to listen to the "other" side as well..

    I personally like the fact that you might give us your opinion in some matters from the salesman's side...

    Boytronic, the 20K deposit you have to puit for the CGT testdrive is for buying the car after? Or for safety(accidents) reasons?

    If it is for safety reasons and you get your money back afterwards if you like i understand it, BUT if it is for buying the car is nonsense to me...

    The test drive is meant fot testing the car, to see if it is what you expected, if you dont like you dont buy, how can u put a deposit and then try the car.?

    I understand the special importance for salespersons to avoid time-wasters, but in the other hand if someone is thinking
    CGT-Ferrari-Lambo, how can he be bounded to buy before a test drive??



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