Why on earth would I want -20mm suspension?

Having read everything I can find about it, I just cannot understand why someone would choose it over the PASM
fitted as standard to the S.

The only real advantage I can see is the aesthetics of a 10mm drop in ride height. But will you even notice that?

Looking at the ring times, a professional driver can gain 4 seconds on an 8 minute lap. Only 4 seconds! Thats less than 1% faster. Mr Rohrl could have gained that 1% back by skipping his lunch before the drive!

Does this not tell you how good PASM is?

And all those things that you loose...

Like the ability to have a more comfortable driving mode (admittedly for a weekend car this may not appeal!)

Hey, I live in England! Our roads are good but not the best. Sometimes I need tolerant suspension.

And the added safety of active suspension.

Actually, according to the brochure, PASM can actually increase grip and traction on certain road surfaces simply
by softening up the suspension. Apparently, PASM also helps increase traction when accelerating quickly on uneven roads.

The way it handles sudden lane changes, to avoid 'rock' by increasing damping force according to its programming.

Then there is the way it shifts damping forces during braking, and the way it handles vertical body movements ,
etc.. etc..

Its not just a hard/soft switch!!

So why give all this up for that 1%? And who's to say that an amateur (like me!) wouldn't lap quicker in the PASM
equipped car, due to the fact the active suspension makes it easier for me. Hell, If walter only benefits by 4
seconds on a 480 second lap, what chance do the rest of us stand.

The way I see it, Porsche gain far more by you specifying -20mm than you do. Think of the money they save when you
elect not to have PASM. It seems to me to be obvious that they have priced PASM and -20mm the same so as not to upset
'S' drivers who wish to downgrade.

Oh and I almost forgot! My dealer also warned me that he won't give me as much at trade in for a none-PASM equipped car as the average driver doesn't want 'sports' suspension.



P.S. For the record, although my 997S is on order, I curreently drive 2 cars, both which I have lowered and hardened. I am not on an anti hard suspension protest!!