
Stupid question: Aren't you afraid that one of them gets lost in the wilderness? Do they have a GPS tracker with a light  or sound signal or something similar on them? Would make sense.

Dogs tend to return to their pack/owners :) Wouldn't you return to where you know you're being fed/kept warm? Smiley

In the foster/rescue world and the breeding world of Labs, unless a dog is a runner, Frank is right.  And runners choose their own path, here the Mountain Lions get them.  On the trail, the Labs know where you are even when they're exploring.

The one who needs help is Moi!!  And I follow the Labs, they know where the trail is when I can't see it.  Animals' see the track when it's invisible to humans. Sun Ra leads in deep snow and most tracks, but when it gets very rocky, Sir Cosmic Messenger takes over.

Where is the track?


Here it is.
