
Nope. It was their hiring of questionable people. And what these people did validated my suspicions. 

It takes many years to cultivate a relationship, but it only takes one sour deal to kill it.

I had a car on consignment. They had many offers from out of town, but they turned them down without asking me. Reason being they want the car to stay in town so they ca re-sell it many times over. Fair and square if it is their car, but it isn't.

I raised my complaint to Porsche Canada and all the way to Germany. And I have swapped my 918 VIP status over to Porsche Langley now.

Wow, that is pretty despicable behavior. Never trust people whose income is based on commissions... they always have alterior motives. Quite stupid of them to loose an extremely valued customer of such an issue. Kudos to you Nick!


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