rossi said:
A couple of months after the first "Supertest" of the German car magazine "sportauto", where on a damp track the "Ring"-time for the Carrera GT was quoted as "below 7.40", another Carrera GT with Horst von Saumra at the wheel now set a new "Ring" record in 7.33 min (and some seconds which I don't remember anymore ).

Rossi, we already discussed this in an older post but thanks for reminding us again.
The record time was 7 min 32,44 sec. (I hope Ferdie doesn't complaint again now... ).
The car has been driven by Horst von Saurma, SPORT AUTO editor-in-chief and well known race driver.
Officially, this is actually THE Ring Record for street approved production cars but there is another "record" which I somehow doubt always because it isn't controlled, documented and performed to technical standards as the SPORT AUTO Trophy.

And another thing: SPORT AUTO promises (and I really trust them, they have the trust of many car manufacturers) that the CGT they tested wasn't modified for the Ring and it didn't have any other improvements. They made sure about it before the test to avoid later speculations.

Unfortunately Ferrari still doesn't want to provide a Ferrari Enzo for a similar "independent" and controlled test.

Another funny thing (for Ferrari owners interesting): Horst von Saurma recently raced a Ferrari Michelotto 360 Modena N-GT in the GTP Pirelli Masters race in Hockenheim.
This car has 450 HP and a weight of 1100 kg.
BTW: he raced the Ferrari in a Porsche race suit.

But I guess this shows that Horst von Saurma is a very trustable and highly appreciated driver and editor.
He is a "Ehrliche Haut" as we say here in Germany, sometimes I think he's some sort of idol for me because he seems very open minded towards all kind of cars. And he usually says what he thinks. I just wish I could drive as he can.