I agree with KresoF1's conclusions and Carlos from Spain's approach/attitude.

I would add one thing. PDK is designed to replace the Tiptronic S transmission not the manual gearbox. So all the analysis about which way your body is moving etc just seems a bit over the top for a transmission that is designed for comfort/convenience rather than out and out performance.

After all, with a manual gearbox, we move the gear lever forwards or backwards as required whether or not our bodies are moving forwards or backwards in the same direction e.g. shifting the gear lever down from 5th to 4th (or from 3rd to 2nd) when slowing down is the opposite direction from the movement of the body. This blows a rather big hole in this argument.

Overall, I just think it comes down to what people have become used to with other shifting mechanisms. But just because we do it one way, it doesn't mean it's better or right, just different IMHO. It will just take a little getting used to. I just wouldn't put a mental block in my head from now...better to keep an open mind. I just think people should relax and give it a try before forming a view.