Well, the response is due to the fact that the chrome-your-wheels thing is a "California thing"... Each time I visit California, it's practically HUMOROUS how saturated the roads are with chromies.

Me? I'm not altogether against it, but it's a SUBJECTIVE thing... Dresses some cars up nicely, but cheapens others..

I'm afraid that chroming your Porsche wheels would be the latter. Going "poser" with a Porsche never looks cool, it kinda ranks up there with adding a mongo aftermarket whale-tail and getting a vinyl strip across your windshield that says "Porsche'd Ya.."

I actually did do a California chrome wheel exchange on one of my past vehicles 7 years ago... And I thought it looked great. But it wasn't a high-end and classy-as-it-sits Porsche, it was my silver 2000 SVT Lightning truck. The silver on the truck matched the silver on the wheels, making it rather monotone and dull... The chrome wheels fit it's hot-rod personality, and set it off nicely. It handled them well... And then I did a little custom paint on the hood... You can have that kind of fun with a muscle truck, but when you're doing a Porsche, restraint is a virtue...

Doing chromes on a 911 is kinda like setting out lawn gnomes in the front yard of a chic estate, or mounting a flying swan hood ornament onto the nose of your car... It would cheapen the car IMHO, and it's such a cliche' out there anyhow...

I've gotta get a pic of my old Lightning up here... You guys might be giggling, but man, it was sharp...