95jersey said:
Atzporsche said:
95jersey said:
Financial advice aside, US MSRP is $17,000 fully equiped and $14,000 for base new Focus. That is pretty cheap, but as someone who also worked their way through college and still strived to own a "cool and fun" car during those years, I bought this hot little souped up 280ZX that was quick and handled great! I sacraficed reliability for pure fun, and just wrenched on it myself when it broke down.

The smart guys on the forum will tell you to be patient, save your money and look to the future...but all the money in the world can't bring back the times I had at that age in that car. You have your whole life to be responsible, hard working, and save money. At that age, I didn't care if the car had cigarette burns, coffee stains, as long as it ran like H#LL, I was in!

YOU are exactly right, this is the little voice in my head whos complaining about the focus being a shopping car. The vioces tell me to get a old porsche 944 or an e30 BMW...

I am not saying that you haven't received good financial advice from everyone here, but then again, they already have what they want, so it's easy for them to say wait. I find it funny that people who can afford a new 911TT can honestly say with a strait face that saving a few thousand dollars in your savings account during college will make a difference later in life.

Let me tell you, NO ONE on this forum who owns a new 911TT, got their money from saving a few thousand dollars in college (that they earned). I would say 90% were born into at least "some" money and the other 10% are actually very smart. I think the overall "theme" to the advice is great, but your not supporting a family or have a mortage. You are not being stupid by taking out a loan for some new $50k BMW. You are talking about buying a car that is somewhat within your means. Let me tell you I skipped many lunches, ate $1 taco's, and scraped change to afford my car payment in college and looking back it was worth double that! I look back at the $5000 280ZX I bought in college and wish I didn't have to spend double that every month to provide a decent living for my family. Also, working on your car yourself will prove priceless and rewarding down the road even if one day you can afford to have someone else work on it!

And BTW, once you finally get out of school and start making real money, thats when you want to take everyone's advice, by never wasting your money on a new 911TT

So you're saying the "upgrade" is worth it? BUT not an 2008 focus but go back to an older car? I have owned a 944 and it had many many problems.. Driving the 944 was a pure adrenaline rush everytime and i loved it. BUT i couldnt afford the random costs inbetween like 2000 transmission, not to mention the tire wear (hahaha, thats driving style i guess) but the reason i started this threat was to see what you guys have done in the past when you were young.

I have such mixed feelings about this that i started this thread.