turbosteff said:
MKSGR said:
turbosteff said:
you had the 996TT and you take delight in posting the 996TT is faster than the 997TT based on the HvS times.

You forgot to mention why I did not order a 997TT: I did not order it as I am not satisfied with the package. And it is also true that I would have loved to order a 997TT. You know that better than most of us.

And - with all due respect - you also missed another important point: we on Rennteam discussed the 997TT's shortcomings more than 18 months ago. A time when you not even considered buying a Porsche

You should realize that some around here are much deeper into the subject as you are

Then some questions : Have one of the better informed persons been to NS during supertest?
Have one of you seen the data?
Have one of you ever seen the measurement equipment?
Have one of you driving with HvS?
Your knowledge is only based on reading SA for years ?
And based on that you marked other members who have different thoughts as naive persons?
Sorry but that doesn't sound "informed" to me but more arrogant.

In your posts there are no arguments, no information. Just unfounded assertions No information just assertions This might be sufficient for other boards but not for Rennteam