M5....would consider its tq curve/fuel tank capac vs your local daily driving conds; not clear '08 SMG is debugged yet; crash test data on 5-series is lackluster....BMW has offered notably cheap $0 down, 2 yr leases on M5 since launch...prob not b/c they are a non-profit org....

May want to also drive/consider S550 w/optional ABC susp (Airmatic is std)....perhaps highest overall active/passive safety of any car/SUV today...arguably, S550 is best overall <$100K family SUV when evaluating "risk-adjusted" perf/utility...but will likely have an image issue in most US suburban areas (let alone NC) for a younger guy to use a new S550 as a family hauler/beater car...SUV's and BMW's tend to be more socially acceptable....