Maybe the wrong topic, but, I had a 991.2 GTS cab as a loaner this week and although I was really thrilled regarding the insane performance of the car / engine in terms of speed and responsiveness, I did not feel connected at all - NO noise from the engine in whatever mode SPE on / Sport / - plus  etc...steering nice but...yawn...suspension, ok, but ...Now, I understand why "hardcore" 911 people here turn to the GT(2,3) cars... my "little sports car" put a smile on my face (again) when I fired her up to the new 718, I guess, these discussions are hopeless... I started my Porsche life with a 944S2 and at this time there already were the "hardcore 911 fellows" and the "others", well, I seem to belong to the "others" and as long as all of us can enjoy there toys in good health, I don't care in which group I am currently in...(sometimes, however, I seem to regret to have sold my 997.1...) :-)