Nickoz said:
Agree with your comment intouch! Just flicked back and took a look at the shots of your totally terracotta interior which looks great. Your shade of terracotta looks a lot more subtle, less orange. Perhaps the Cayman photos don't do it justice. Are you totally happy with the terracotta now you have lived with it for a while?

Hope you got your tip issues sorted out OK!

hey nickoz,

the full terracotta interior is just awesome. it feels special and exquisite. everybody who saw the car in person complemented me on how fine and exclusive the interior is.
that was also the reaction from friends that own other 997's or F430's.

Just make sure you get a many exclusive leather parts as your budget will allow...pcm, handbrake leather, aluminium, door sills, front and rear center console, steering wheel box cover, tachometer cover etc....

As to the transmission, i did not and do not havea problem with it. i just wanted to know how torque-braking may harm the tranny if done too often.

good luck with your decision...