Thanks for the mildy sarcastic bit of wisdom frotz------ if you had read my originl memo in the thread, you would have noted that I also drive a 1996 NSX. which has a very similar centre of mass, and centre of area [when the gas tank of the 911 is filled and the NSX is near empty, the mass distribution is almost identical]. The NSX is almost impervious to cross winds ------ sarcasm misplaced.

The memo from my referenced collague above, about front alignmnet, and responsive 911 steering, is a much more helful comment.

And, one suspects, the C2 and C2S need a front spoiler, giving some significant downforces, and a bit more wing! For those of us who can safely drive at 120 plus on chosen roads, extra stability would be nice------as our colleague from Tokyo found out. I have also zoomed over a few over- passes, and had to back off for safety.

Cheers KiwiCanuck