Hello MMD,

I am buying the car and plan to keep it 4 plus years. Not worrying about depreciation at all, just wanting to wait if there are going to be changes soon (I know, not all of us agrees that rear change is necessarily a plus.). Judging from your sheer number of posts , I figure you must have some idea re. whether this body change will happen this summer. If it is THIS (2007) summer, I'll wait. If it happens the following (2008) summer, I will not; 1 1/2 year is too much waiting.
MMD said:
cannga said:

BTW and off-topic: What's your opinion re. the much rumoured body change? Will it happen for the turbo this summer? I can't decide whether to order now or wait until July 2007 for 2008 car.

I just thought of this this AM. If you plan to keep the car for three years it doesn't matter if the facelift comes out in one year or in two years, the depreciation will still hit you and you'll love your car anyway. Just order the car and don't bother to wait because waiting is more painful than the facelift depreciation if you plan to keep the car.