The Groom said:
It is the duty of the state to plan ahead in case there is no solution. Consider it as an insurance policy. Did you insure your house against fire and tornadoes? If so, you should welcome a raise in energy taxes and increased spending into mass transit and alternative sources of energy. It's a small price to pay when Civilization is at stake.

Here is where we differ the most. I tend to view the state as a 10cent on the $ outfit. Asking them to solve this problem (and most) will delay a real solution and drive up the cost (in dollars and freedoms). Nothing solves problems as well as PROFIT and PRIVATE enterprise. The politicans would love for us to run to them to solve any problem we can dream up. It serves to increase their powers over us and waste resources on politics. Period. Start thinking about how these problems can be solved without the State. Ask yourself how many years of medcial research we have lost due to state involvement?

Just my thoughts.
To Recap -
Profit is not a dirty word and the State is a 10cent on the $ outfit.

Oh, and I do live on Earth _ as I recall - 10 years ago the same scientists were predicting the next Ice Age. I prefer the warmth myself

Perhaps Porsche will sell the 'Fast' models in the US and have to sell detuned models with small motors in the EU. That would be a switch.