Ok guys, I need your help. I'm selling my 18 mo. old 987S to fund a new business venture, and one option I'm looking at for a replacement vehicle is an older 911. Now I know 993's are considered The Choice, but they're a little out of my budget for now. Looking to stay under $20k. I LOVE the look of the 964 and it appears to be in my budget, although I've never driven one.

If I can get a car that's not going to depreciate much (or at all), all the better. Would this be the case for a 964?

Any advice about any of this? Best year? Year to avoid? Spec? C2 or C4? etc. Any other models I should be considering? (Don't want 986 before anyone suggests it!)

Oh, and I definitely want a coupe and it should preferably be black.

I saw this one on ebay. Any comments?

Thanks everyone!